If we share, this nightmare, then we can dream - Spiritus mundi. If you act, as you think - the missing link, Synchronicity. We know you, they know me, extrasensory. A star fall, a phone call, it joins all - Synchronicity The Police. First Principals linked to the invisible. Carefully we gemini - pop songs, movies, albatross sketches and the printed word (AI tiktoking, burning book length as we go. Here’s well over a 100 minutes then). A generalized carefulness, stopped all conversation, cut all common sense. Gemini now breaks in and breaks chains. Samson samoan’ing, good old jolly rogering - all those, who continually refuse to play ball. Leeway - let podcasting peaco*cks please de proletariat. You -stop gobsh*ting around or you'll get yours jimmy. Spectrum stuff this be, only fruits read free, buzzed on sugar, bouncing round bunnies, no cross pollination anywhere funny. Forget 2040, by the end of the afternoon, all remaining of this could be a few casualties in AI mental breakdowns (nothing more). The powers that yee be, could put a whole new blog up, sarcastically having I, clipping boyzone, between bouts of max headroom - streaming my consciousness word. On knees like heston in a monkey movie shouting - You maniacs! You blew it all up! Bemused, clever and stupid, sad and surreal. A baby reindeer, a baptismal fonting. Note to fruityi, music provider of the first song principal:Ranted out the above, your video of 13 years ago, magically appeared. What can I say, only "hows it goin' fella, did ya make it through the plandemic. Where are ya in the world right now. Would ya be up for a stream meandering consciousness read, ta bounce off your fractal ditty. What flavour is it? Albatross. Fractally it reads like the video, just a little longer than the usual 3 minute songlines. The new world and interconnection of it. A work out routine for the mind. No pain no gain, as we crawl through this river of sh*t, dalits all, to come out clean d’other side/sidhe. I bait through 81 pieces like a mahar down sewer. I mean fruityyi man, who else is gonna read it. Orca, orca, he be a killer whale. We do what we can, play how we must. Cheers for putting this up. Great explaination of synchroncity below the video on your channel.

The Police - Synchronicity 1 + Lyrics by fruityi

Writing between monk and missionary. Hard to live, daily to converse, bottle to cop-on, word to page. World into existence we manifest. I’m aright Jack, how are you doing. Fountains, fountains, where’s the fountain. Most of us have retreated to monk, few go anywhere near missionary. Brave to blog, more so to video. Can we spot the prattling peaco*cks from carabi, those we like from loved, the honest souls from those who buy, buy, buy/sell, sell, sell. The more in each group everywhere, the better. True democracy is in the many, not the few. World, governmental, societal policies have to be in the hands of the independents, not career politicians and civil servants. And we’re off says you. Taking flight one last time, this still being commentary. Doesn’t correlate with what I am turning to right now in mind. So finalizing the blog one last time in commentary here, blasting through over a 100 minutes bubstacking barbiturately to finish all commentating from all commentators, for good. Ya can’t buy it, can’t sell it. Just live, learn and pass it on. If it happens to resonate, if not, sure at least I tried.

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Carnage (Official Lyric Video)
Hold me! Before I go under. Hear me! Before I drown. Sharpen! Your sense of wonder. Listen! To what I've found. Here we are again. A devil standing on my shoes. Somehow, I know how to defeat him. Since I tumbled into you. You taught me love and pain. And the unsung King or Ireland. Says the same thing. Wherever you find it (the whole world wide over). The same thing from the same old cause. The same thing - I cannot define it. It is the same thing and it always was. It struck me sad and strange. All that ever stays the same is change......and I dreamed I wandered. Wayward as a restless wave. Spanning from here to yonder. Most spectacularly saved. Dream and life entwined. The old day cracks and crumbles. And it's fine! To be in your company. Funny to be in your day. A miracle! Just to be with you. Glad! To be going your way.

(Life of Sunday - The Waterboys - norrim200)
The second half of this year is "go for it". I retreat to private correspondence. Gemini seasons it be, everyone has an opinion, I after this whopper, decide to shut up. Figures. No - not afraid of backlash, just believe (quizically/comically), that the majority need to work things out as individuals, political peaco*cking country roads, oh take me home. Ironies, dichotomies, opinion voting maypolls. Everyone a goes. Few will find the way to here, fewer still the nerve lonely looking skies. I wave goodbye to a national mindset telling me - why not go further politically. In a time of need to say everything to self. No. Said my pieces (Albatross Bloody 81 Times Piecing, finally peacing I hope). My message was always - if I can do it, and you can read it, then the real essense is - what one questions is what one must answer to themselves. I'm not over nationalisitic, I beat to a different drum. These lands I walk upon important, but only a part. Everything comes through if we listen beyond programmed culture. I also wave goodbye to a number of expats reminding me - I be nomad or is it “no mad”. Why not talk of pure freedom, travel, displacement more. Whatever is mentioned is a calling to the self. The pen, ponitification and whiling away the night, awaits us all. Writers say - I should concentrate on prose, business people - make it monetary. Crazy wisdom - a living? Can't really see it. Happy with the supplement now, pennies from heaven, private blog it now be. I found myself mostly jumping up and down in a hole shouting "I'm alive, I'm alive" in a land of the dead, these past 4 years. Across the world, more and more of us now, have started doing this. We are spotted, our actions don't go unnoticed. I write the immediate, live the same. Not looking for a group that will agree or tribe with every word, every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you. Let ‘em watch, do we really care. Does not compute atall atall ta me, meself and I. Prefer to connect with those who search me out - it is what it is. The true connection online has helped disenfranchise, the buy and sell model. The union of the snake is on the rise, I feel private correspondence - to be the way forward. To go inward, to go with those who are truely connected/invested/empowered/spirited/not agreed. But isn’t that a tribe too. No, there’s a monetary exchange and I write what I feel and I don’t have to sell vaps and abb crunchers (how much for the guant? Its free, what’s wrong with it then). Oh creators, what ta do Kathmandu. It will trickle at first and then powerfully enfold. Anyone who is interested in going further to a third blog, will get some strange requests beforehand. Email me, I’ll put you ta list (phoeagdor1 at proton dot me). I can’t remember that now, sure ya’ll put it at the end. No I won’t. Those staying within the strict tribes a forming, sing on now like a water boy - world cry leader songs.

Be My Enemy - The Waterboys

This last meander, joins all the rest - in slightly bonkers, so far so good and forty coats mad. Nasrudin Ramblings - ta go with the times. I dont want to over tidy up (none of us do, subconsciously it seems. Across, up and down the board, what a mess one sees as one awakens around. Just look at all the gobsh*tes in office and Maypolls replacing ‘em). That’s it, dat a boy, march with us, you can quote Zhivago all you want, sing shaman with Donavan and David Lynch. Can we bowl and pick strawberries, do the tug of war, hop inta a country haunt for a quart. Can I wear a tutu like Billy Eliots friend - where is the line? (It’s individual, isn’t it). We all have to go our own way, to comprehend the world right now. I leave this as collage before I go. No one reads this type of stuff off the bat anyway. It’s the usual suspects who become world weary, worried, angered, despaired, overwhelmed, with all sh*te thoughts, that treacle in ta mind - how long will I luv you, will I get triggered, will there be albatrosses, time a go a toilet, can I re-use any a this in my own writing, can one spew it down the local, if reguritated with spirit correctly. f*cked if I know Terry ta any a that. I’m commanded ta write all this by a Púca, in me dreams like, every night. Sure I don’t know what’s going on, atall atall. Some of us puss* foot around, some twinkle tap, others bang through, dock martin mad. All as willin’ fools. Songs, Podcasts all layered, all important, attached for your pleasure here tonight. Can I press pause, go through it, in me own good time. Hey man, if ya can stop time like Conductor 71 in A Matter of Life and Death (1946), Harvey in well, Harvey (1950), then share the ring Sméagol boay, for we all need to press pause to get our barring. Old England, Ireland, Europe, the States are dying. Throw in a Wonkavator too for the travel. Getting to Spain in the Owl and the puss*cat Ferry, gonna be a nightmare, just watched Nowhere (2023 film), the container crossing, horrendous mon.

Old England is Dying - The Waterboys
One thing I wanna mention about the quadrant of Peterson, Bloom, Meade and McGilchrist, who I wrote about in the previous post......they are just an example. Across the board spectrum of thinking. Why them, why not women and swedes seperate. Like I wrote Uberboyo, it could be David Whyte, Thomas Moore, Theodore Dalrymple, Theodore Zeldin. For all the women in the house - could be Marianne Williamson, Patti Smith, Pam Gregory, Una McGuirk. Could be a mixture of age from Jason Jorjani, Thomas Sheridan, David Icke, Charles Handy. Eclectic with Alexander Bard, Kingsley Dennis, James True, Daniel Schmachtenberger. And the Swede issue, seperate from Welsh. Oh yes, we’ll seperate those boyos aright, we’ll ask Steph ta categorize by forehead. Could easily have McGuirk with Uberboyo, Sheridan and Aidan Killian (comedian), keeping it, an Irish stew. Meade, Moore, Zeldin, Handy - an octogenarian ogham. Higher up into the naughty nineties, we could have the likes of Noam Chomsky, David Attenborough. Benny Hill could chair that group astrally, forever young. There are incredible minds out there, beyond the current thinktanks, that lie (in truths clothes), behind closed doors. If we all subsidize governements with a living, then why not subsidize the authentic voices amongst us. Not goodwill hunting ambassadors but policy makers. How the hell did it get to where it is now. Leadership is in true question. Forget representation, we must crowdfund our best - artists, sports people, comedians to acadmeics, social thinkers to spiritualists. People with the money gotta stop buying yachts and invest in their fellow souls instead. We gotta patron out beyond mafia. There are so many great minds out there, in a world where money is still god. If we get past it ourselves and break free, even with a little autonomy, then maybe we can do things for service and not Caesar. The majority are so uneducated about politics, we play in a world of the lowest common denominator. There is no exact figues for the most important trends to gauge society in an age of supposedly instanteous AI. The controllers are either too embarrassed or deliberately concealing the true facts. In what? In everything? About what? Ya know. Example - the number of people that do not vote in some western countries could be as high as 60%, sure we’re all f*ckin’ wandering stars.

Lee Marvin Wandering Star 1969
Status Quo has played out since the 1950s. Gripped tighter and tighter, naturally leads to the hand letting go. (entertain this: instantaneously you’re thinking “what’s he on about now, ahu sure knock yourself out kid, I wouldn’t have it any other way”- as I write the previous line, my mind instantaneously goes to the Razors Edge with Tyrone Power, explaining to his friend that its not his fault, holding it tighter and tighter. To Good Will Hunting - where Robin Williams tells Damon the same, not his fault. We all live at this speed, let it technicolorly in. We speak and think foregin tongue to one another, yet they want us remedially speaking abc, counting123. Don’t let them label, confine you to a box. We are univerese. Jump around. Can’t explain it more than that). Those left in mainstream are a shadow of their former formidables. The assault of these mind mine times, have the current electrically currently maxxed out. We need new and cross pollination. Doors are being shut everywhere for life to breathe, even with the new popular alternatives. They've made their own tribes. These hierarchies, old and new, speak like alien toys - The claw chooses who will go and who will stay. Prattling peaco*cks bulleseyed years ago, now fear the cash cow leaving station. Are we talking ‘bout the old powers going out or the new bucko’s coming in. I’m not telling. They crawl with fingernails, six inches infront of your face - kitchen table, seasame street neighborhoods, city hall ways all. Madder and madder, the concentric circles go.

Distant Sun -Crowded House
I wrote in a previous blog ........ the idea for 12 month holiday villages, a better idea to fill countryside than immigration. Anyone could run with anything, even singing Terry Hall's Ghost Town, oh what a political campaign that would be. From a Mark Attwoood (British Podcaster living in Ireland), birthing Boyle beyond hyperbaric, Sheridan doing Sligo mystery tours as forty coats, Waters mentoring over turf fires (what’s needed to be brought to future culture past). Go beyond Ireland to your own lands, invite your own muse. No one changes horses in mid stream, we all pay the piper, we most remain in status quo (for the love a god now), even the rebels must pay overheads. Oh new money, oh alt-coiners, rubber barons - like danny la rue and benny hill before you - I say, where are you now. Medici minded mentors in patronage, be inspired. Basic needs met, commence and kickstart. Money produced births forth a hoarding herd. I honestly never saw a grassroots enterprise begin without money, or technical know-how coming anywhere but from on high. I speak too gobbly gook in current cymatics. Probably connect better with a one way over yonder, half way up a mountain, breathing different air, somewhere over there. I call to investment in land, in people through culture, not immigration (a lot of the Irish read my Brigadoon idea, way back when. No one picked up on it.......even the writers and podcasters. Blog writing, audio/video podcasting, is like the new coffee shops that sprung up all over Europe in the 17th century. Course peaco*ck prattling infiltrates. Like all well meaning enterpirses, there is competition. It really is up to all of us individually to say "go wan ya bollocks" when reason demands. Don't accept the tosspots, anymore. And don’t be a tosspot, either. You be a "tosspot", a dudu tutu tosspot. One mans meat or so they tell me. I’m just giving my singer some, gowane away and sing for your own singer. Mentor on and Polinate out.

Teenage Summer - Crowded House
Its an incredible collage all the same - the human race, from hand printing, animal painting, to heiroglyhics. All speak a thousand words to the initiated. In writing, teachings, art, all content, conversing, mixing, exchanging the entire human race, up, down scales, through centuries. What we've all reguritated, asimilated, learned, rote/wrote, read/speeled/spelled into existence. Yet like our brains, we use our senses, yet so restricted, hiding in grey overcoat, inducing sleep as cop out, not cop on, not even conversation. How we touch another, ignite, action a help, birth an existence. No more a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 and murder by numbers. I write it, you currently read it - all and everything the kitchen sink and the dogs bollocks. Its tiring to stay here, to sit with this read. I know. What's he saying now, where is he going. Will his road lead to fame, madness, ostracization or will he settle back into normalcy, like the rest of us. Cause those who make it - have their editors, musicians their producers, actors their voice coaches and plastic surgeons. Everything professional to be monitized, peaco*cks baptized, worm medicine/good old boys advertise. Special forces Electric Muscle Toners abide. I joked in one post to all the lovely angry snooker lovers (never knew I, had such an audience cry there but for the grace go I) - musing Jimmy White (chess playing snooker checker player for the American wifi code, though he really played chess like an orca, killer whale). I wrote he was going to make a comeback on sherbet, only shoot 147s, then his head explodes live on TV. The rights bought up by Apple Vision Pro. Made as virtual, becomes bigger than Grand Theft Auto. If we’re all so incredible at manifesting anger and hatred towards another, then why are there not more people manifesting a million love songs later. We are the claw in our own lives. We choose what emotions will go and what will stay (tell ‘em Inside Out 2 shouts me kid). The world makes us puss* foot around one another, in PG ratings. Everyone can learn anything at anytime in any format, anywhere in the world (including the kids. Only the kids, parents flummoxed, most of the time). To talk openly with all, everything will go to open ended curriclum, way past the famous five daily breaded conversations. We go as fast as we want and need. Its somewhere usually between these two. You dont have to remain angry with this type of writing, neither with the Sunday Times (come on now morris, don't be christianing John Constantly-Constantining from the holy Waters, this be the sea. We all piss up/down the cliffs of moher, some times in fantastical flow. Morris, Sheridan and Waters (Irish Podcasters), through all their followers - could have a connector in each town throughout the Irish country. A true reporting could come back - of what’s really going on out there. Not local radio news, but what the individual sees. Could blow all three of your minds, people will report back a truth beyond a lie of newspeak radio and tv. Anywhere in the world really. The seperation and distance now between teen and adult, is visble 100 meters outside the family home. Crime, drugs (legal and illegal), road rage and those driving altered, involving all substances excluding sherbet (which actually might help those falling asleep at the wheel). All countrywide stories could come back as truth, no more the lie in truths clothes. The demon drink, immigration assimulation, social discourse, sport, religion, the average daily dynamics in the Irish home - the list is endless for real reporting. If what we all read into things, be intuition, then Carly was right, it’s coming around again - destiny is a verb.

Destiny is a Verb - Archaix
The above podcaster directed first, towards self, then his homeland, then the world. Concentrically he’ll be in Pluto soon, what a mind, he has. Must have been told go way ya traitor ya, too many times, yet broke on through to the other side. So many people I’ve mentioned, so many musicians/movies/series all cling to tribe, too far out there to remain as self. Both creator and audience. Need goes both ways. Cults form closer to center. Too, to periphery. The center, neo’s out electionally these days. The periphery concentrically tries to pull majority to tribe out there. Both kick and scream or run away like being pulled to cold sea in anger, though most cannot bring capture to word. Over compromise, over tribe, over pissing in the winds, up the cliffs or down the alley. Lets keep it real. We accent accident access life, the land where we reside, always part of the output. I speak the above relative to everyone in every place for everytime. I speak of real thought as it comes across in ranting, overthinking, and theorical. We can't put fingers/labels/signs on the ephemeral. Thats our lives. We live with amazing knowledge all around. Pendulums are swinging back towards the artistic (bathtakers shout us down - autistic). For we make those calcified, very uncertain on this merry go round, we merry. The Monopoly board is going bye bye and there's a lot of sorry players invested.

The Executive of the People of the Secret Kingsley L, Dennis
Can you return this writing to a more normal setting, I'm having a bagel, me a scone and the kettle's on. Nespresso I’m having, down my hundred acre wood. Mentorship a path to ponder - Ireland could go totally independent, politically - sure it’s a start. We need to look closely to these independants. Who are they linked to. Is it also a closed knit group. A slight change like the French heart of darkness Revolution, just someone else moving into the mansions. Better than what we have, says you. Maybe.

"A Chinese Farmer Story" ~ Alan Watts
America could break up into its original state - states. Bolivia too, camba's unison together. Can't all go sleeping with the fishes. No matter how many of the rich have swimming pools, a land locked country - simply does not have enough water for a good drowning. Bolivians are a very strong rousing people, if wronged. Mentorship is the way through in all lands, bringing on new minds, birthing ideas to the same level the overlords are bringing in immigrants to the west without proper integration. Will those rising as populists dwarf LOTR dwarf greed. It's the new fame and money treasure. You don't go into office alone, no one ever did. The true Initiated like the bolder boys, must create a whole group of a younger generation. Not go into office themselves. Even Marianne Williamson couldn't get this as concept in The States. John Waters will grasp it after the years elections, what Godfrey Bloom knew from his time in the EU (Alone is like pissin' in the wind up the cliffs). The limelight is addictive. A cause - bigger than a person. The old won't let go. Its time to mentor in the change we all need, not hog the karaoke mike that we all seem to want. OMG, he puts people on pedestal and then pulls them down. No loyalty, no backbone Cyril, I'm really glad he's finishing up his writing…….wanker. Pass the madeira cake, please luv? Is there anymore tea in the pot? Loyalty can make one do very strange things. We gotta stick together on this one issue, the big bull poli says to the small bull poli, which leads to another compromise and another. Then its scratching my back, yours, a further comp. She'll be knocking ya down with the combine in no time, all the way to the Epstein Isles, the rich and famous or the netflix series, compromising reindeers in headlights. We start at the basics and slowly go out, bit by bit to help the concentric totality. A hurler on the ditch are mostly we, in these larger circles. But audience and home advantage make a difference. The observer influences the experiment, attention and the more important one - intention.

Die before you Die - Michael Meade
We don't want to consider……. I dont want to say all these things either. Cyril, come on back in, I think he's going to say something again. Ok! baptize or not to baptize, not be the question. Wha! Ah for f*ck sake, forget it Cyril, he’s on about that Rasputin fella, you’re grand luv gowane out and cut the hedge. And hurry up will ya, Janice and Seamus will be back from mass at quarter ta. (Oh deary me says Phil the American - Irish Therapy is a long road). Wasn't that depiction of Bodkin just terrible, honey as they start their own sitcom. Yes Phil, did you book the weekend at the nun retreat for us? I sure did hon, gonna have a rootin'and tootin' old good time, can't wait for the tea and bourbon. Why does Russell Brand need to advertise the most ridiculous products live on his channel. Is he really that hard up. Doesn't he feel a twat doing it. If Joe Rogan got 200 million to switch to spotify, then why in gods name is he advertising Electric Muscle Toners. No one will say these things higher up in podcastland. Because there’s a known heirarchy, don't bite the hand that feeds (a great viewing shows how it all works across the board, like william potter, you just got to not mind that you shot your foot off). Oh to be in the wrong hands, compromised, needy or wanting (jurys out on us all in both our social and work lives, before rockets take off concentrically to the stratosphere). Yes, there's been talk Sean, but my mouth, ya see, it’s dry. It makes everyone and everything a joke now. Samson hair cutting in public, had John Cena marching new mooning oscar, breaking down emotional barriers, paying back the devil, feminizing fame. The dots click everywhere Richard Gadd. Showing a different form of cruxification to the public, curbing their hero's, that wanna break rank. There's truth there between the lines from Brand and Rogan and we wonder. (Cyril, who ae ya fond kissin' and talkin' ta, out the back? Mentorship age and wanting to let go of the limelight. You're missin' it again. You're an awful plonker Cyril, he's spewin' some really good stuff out here, I ran outta tea and you're out the back talkin' and making slurpin’ noises. They’ll be no bone for you tonight, the way its all playing out. There's a place down west cork with nuns and they give ya this special tea, I mean who else is gonna go there like). The merry go round is for the young lost in Moore's opus Jerusalem. It read meanders like this, in accumulative life, deep in the 100 acre woods near golf courses haunting us all, as seamus mcduffing. Yes power intoxicates, we must stop drinking, adulation keeps too many curtain calling. Let's all stop doing stage and soap box opera now....I concentrically go smaller to email, eventually to family and friends, then silence, guiding the other through nod and recognition, the true pillars of sound and stone. The rest in scottish handshake. Ah Cyril, sometimes I think we’re a different species, us two, you’re not paying attention atall, ta any a dis and any a me. Different wavelengths. Some of us will go the other way outward and then come back in again. Benjamin Buttons all, we'll meet each other along the boreen, passing as ships in opposite nights. Or out at sea, shoutin' from dinghy "where's that f*ckin’ nuns island with all the tea and mushroom". The Owl and the puss* Cat dancing by the light of the moon.

Bodkin - Netflix
The many will change things, like you said J, not the few. Mentor be the way, not going into office alone. The health sector, immigration, housing, cost of living, loss/creation of jobs and the myriad number of country, continental control coalings, that they shovel us with, all great to sink our teeth into over coffee and bagel. But the direction must always go to and come from - self. If just to protect our sanity. The way I write, readers might think I'm plugged in 24/7 to news or alternative crazy gobbly-goo. Yet I don't watch TV, online news or debate it down the pub, the butchers or candlestick makers. Frightening to even think this. I also don’t bring any of this writing into my personal world. Its a telling of - we all live in a soupy yellow submarine. We have everything inside, ready to osmotically release. Going from concentric circles out and in, respiting in self actualiziation, partaking in the communion. Incredibly hard, we try and bring name to things through love, culture and homeland. We must believe its a secret journey. Most afraid to play, as if the town/country/world cryer is summoning something this way comes, but once a lifetime in a ferryboat has been reached, few will want to acknowledge plight. Surity in self, confidence a direction. Accepting position, ways, faults, and strengths. Constantly correcting conscious awareness. Correcting you say? Recalibrating, syncing, rebalancing. Lets not go a woking, shall we. We test ourselves by getting into the ring as many times as we can. As many varied rings as possible. In conversation, action/learning/manifesting/sport/art. Anything that takes us beyond the comfort zone, between respite.

Fiddler on the Roof - If I was a Rich Man
I see the young everywhere lost, unmotivated, looking for role models in a wall-e wheelchaired world. The young need to fight, to test themselves and we put in safety and security all round, like a padded cell. I'm fed up listening to the bathtakers and the compo-casers (those doing the suing only for more and more rules and regulations to build up the zoo wall. Too stupid to know, that the power elite salivate at the mouth in crony capitalism, bandaiding what the compo-casers initiated). Ohhh Rab and Alf are coming out ta play. Cyril, get outta the bath tub and come down here. Benny Hill, Dick Emery, Del Boy, Who's on first, Rab and Alf are coming out ta play. All a lovely jubbly. This mans sick, gotta get him to a hosptial. What is it doctor? Its a big building with patients in it, but thats not not important right now. Stop that. Oh, how we all play. When do you? A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind man. Only when I drink, or mushroom nut in May says you. Only with a select few, to mirror, that’s our fate. What exactly is your fate/faith? Mirror mirror on the wall. Can we teach the young, better than us all. Do what needs to be done in the moment, play grown up when called to. To watch out for tigers all around. Yet not taking it all too seriously. A room to roam, a little nonsense now and then. In current climes its getting harder and harder to produce this. Hats off to anyone trying it these days, as things are becoming so serious, woke, offensive and depressing - nihilistic even. To the point where no one feels like laughing. Its been banned, like being child like in these lands, where all the toys are for grown ups. If not vibrating outside the body, they’re vibrating in/gin/jinn.

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World
It’s not so much the curriculum anymore, everything now is out there in plain sight. It’s one simply needs to go discover. Its Carabi, it's druidic bard. Its leaning over with candle to kindle another. A herculean samsonian homeric effort in a world revolved ‘round me, myself and I. All mentors want to remain center stage on the playing fields. Oh you peaco*cks you, retreat to the bars and hold court where barmaids wear glasses. I don't have anything to pass on to the next generation. Need to worry for self. I'm affected by a bald spot. Concentric circles, me arse. Well isn't that what the elite are doing and saying. He's having a go at the birds now. Leave them alone, they're very nice poli’s (Poly got a cracker is dead, mate - Monty Python). Money be gone. Eh no. Money be god in these forsaken lands. We won't rebel, unless without mula. You can guarantee like death and taxes, we'll always have the minimum given us, in order not to rebel.

Stay in bed longer, or go to bed earlier, we're being DREAM-CATCHED. It’s all gone to a conversational six, hear me now, the yawn has entered dialogue.

Disney's The BFG - “I Catch Dreams” Film Clip

That lesson was learned long ago. The most talented remain over scheduled, unable to get off the hynotic, all inclusive treadmill merrygo round ride sally ride. Ah he's talking about us there Joe. You're right there Russell. No I'm not, yee two are on the naughty list. I want both a yee ta take the summer off and have a good ol' talk with the misseses, the better halves. Is that fool with the three bird names again, one’s even mythical. He's wreak me head, luv. But aren’t you the claw, Rus. Ah Russell luv, you’re disheveled, lets charter a boat, invite the Rogans and sail the Aegean Isles this Summer. "Am I selling out" the world cries to self, this second half of the year of our lord dragon lines, passaging paraging through our times.

Ralph McTell Streets of London - Wildfiremedia
A blog a coming will keep it to self. But now, this be commentary. Are ya aright, is it porving too much for ya. Can I interest ya in a mint, waffer thin. If you never had a mentor, then that be the start - to be your own. Once you come to self, believe you are enough or at least realize the verb “be” a living constant, then this will arise in you - this mentorship, this love for the land, scarlet. To kindle on, at whatever level in whatever particular field. The young are requiring it from the old right now, they show it constructively and destructively. Don’t give yourself a hard time, the world is full of this right now, so much lacking true confidence, too many peaco*ck strutting round, just asking to be rubber hammered by orange face suiters in rainbow brigades. Only when you die will you see what a hokey pokey, hynotic, rigged snakes and ladders, it all was. We do what we can in the here and now/hear me now, kitchen table on, concentrically it goes, wonkavator transporting.

The Committments -Mustang Sally Remastered
The most incredible thing is watching all the different factions out there now. Before, there was more to agree on. Now, its as if we speak foreign tongue babel. From the moment we early morning coco pop to dosing nightly melatonin, knocking/rocking off our heads ta nod. Those invested, status quo’ing consciously or un, are a lost cause. To move on, we have to view so many in our lives as such. A huge sadness of goodbye entered, enters, will. Say hello and wave goodbye. We'd be better off talking to the dog in so many things, than engage. Most of us already do. The one dimensional cannot conceive and the materialistic are caught up with the jones, babbiting along, the same world they could have lived 100 years ago. We pass them speeding along in the super highways of life, we shout at window "ya still walking that dead march". Needle crafting not a topic just John Cena naked. Weird people in weird contraptions mouting weird words, silly person. Jeffries, bring round the horse. The sensuous with all the new fangled pill popping manacles, losing themselves in mind, body, headsets and implants. Which young are ya on about saving man and which type of parent spawned. I hear one type produces a completely different other. In certain lands you have the catholic traditionalists, who's family’s have wealth and privalege, protestants the same. Masons pulling from both those hallowed halls. All three, instill mismo value, vocation and victory. Then there’s the ones who dont know what group they're in and those who dont want to be part of any group. Leonard Cohen astrally hired in the corner sings on gravely - there is a war. The comedians argue where to draw the line, the pychopaths try hard to agree on collateral damage. And the aliens of course think we're all remedial, dumb as f*ck apes, better off eating bananas, climbing trees. Who was the bright spark to put these bozos to plantation. The percentage that awaken within them is ridiculous. They play so much in repetition, cyclically - that they never turn enligthenedaled. Hey Enki, you're an awful bollocks man, you got this brigade completely wrong. A bunch a wankers, they all be. For a certain percentage who awaken, you got another group that awaken for the sole purpose of taking the awakened group out of play. For every Neo, you get a langer load of agent smiths, every Ali gets a Frazier and another batch untop a him. Every Maradona for every game (got a whole 11 stepping out like natural born kickers, ta kick the lovely legs off the Argentine). This second less talented group take world reign. They suck off the talented, vampire on, survivial of the fittest when its really survival of the bulliest. Bringing in money, safety, property, commodity, debt to control those who couldn’t give a sh*te 'bout any of it, too busy living until they finally find themselves in chains, that is. George C Scott had no other point than to kill or completely dominate Eddy Felson. A talent there, an interdependent relationship, one could psychopathically argue perhaps. The other two movie examples of last post are more disturbing, going way closer to the concept of David Dunne and Mr Glass. Its for all of us to work out in our own minds as its coming to visit in the personal life, if it hasn't already. We're either deaf/dumb and blind, afraid to make connections or cannot come to terms with the mythic plays, played within the glass bead game. Those who start to read this new audiobook of life that speaks to them, stop and go no further with the magic halting words "go way ya eejit ya, what are ya doing, will ya have a good look at yourself, stop f*ckin' around". (Cyril, whats he talking about. Jaysus luv we gotta get that mushroom tea, I don’t understand him, half the time). All controllers in all the personal lives convince the innocents with the perennial magic words - that they're reading it completely wrong, a couple a blue ones, an extra marital here, a debt over there, a compromise somewhere in the middle and they'll all be as right as reign, rein, rain. Overburdened sleep walking once again, down the decades of their lives, awaiting for a gurdjieff, who'll start the whole show off again comically, the same way, with the same magic words but reversely "go way ya eejit ya, what have ya been doing, will ya have a good look at yourself, stop f*ckin' around". Whenever we start to come undone or come aware, we must awaken to sense - self, purpose and story. One can't remain one dimensional, as one can't remain in over thinking stimuli also, its octavely phenomenoned. Great if help can be found, mentors abound. If you find one - learn. It would be easier a boreen. If not, intuit. All the info is out there, all the luck, roads, boons, bullsh*ts and sh*ters. Just pay attention. All passages were made before, in flux, to the level you are making them presently. To the level, those yet to come, are willing to be born.

Blade Runner tears in rain Vangelis
Its your race, your speed, your decision/direction/diversion, people you choose to boreen with. Your love, your hate, your sinking, your choice to swim, your amount of thinking (those who consider the noggins main function - be headbutting (an Irish/English/Pikey custom and pastime, lowest common demoninator flipancy - spiking during nocturnal rituals, funerals and full mooners). Oh yes, some of us need a holiday from our lives, others from their minds, others still - the best service for all humanity might be - free entry to the world noggin scottish handshaking championships, all injuries covered. Room to roam, from toffs down to headbangers. From middle class abajo, across worlds we bash each others confidence in rule as Ian Brown sang “Can’t follow theirs”. In a time that we need to come together now, get sober, awake, off the football/beverage rivalary and say once and for all, these foo foo fighting unidentifed flying aliens represent - none of us. We know their minions, we were willing to play the game, once they left us alone. But like steel belted radios, they're not going to leave us alone. Leaders mocked the lower classes as inbred. Now the world over, leadership shows the most nepostic/autistic/specially challenged people that ever came ta office. Front and center, I hear banjo music like Deliverance, a 1972 film (July will see its tzolk'in/haab calendar round. Another thing this way comes, showing the true veil behind society). Some sort of collective candid camera for a certain age group (reference be dated now for the younger folk). Like seeing everyone stoned as the final escalation. They're talking about bringing all psychedelics in through therapy. Whats next, recreationally with cornflakes. Not sure how that would work out. I do say - lets do a trial run. Let all the politicians take shamanic medicine before heading into office to lead 7 generations into the future. Like they didnt take the jab, they wont be doing any a that foo foo fighting either. But giving it to all the schizoids in experimental trials for the next 20 years, oh yeah baby. Do as we say, not as we do, and bale.

Sting - Shape of My Heart (Leon)
I wanna know all the happy monopoly players. Really now. I read Richard Branson, Tony Robbins. I'm not convinced, I see fake, is there true happiness. Is there fear lurking in the back of each day, of losing it all. Am I too cynical. Maybe. Am I a bum comparing myself to these two giants. All seems vocational and awakening, aren't both of these just doing another version of working their butts off. I travelled, I taught, I competed, I roared out a life and aint finished yet, financially at the bottom once again, I work like the majority at food and roof level. Is making it, just getting to a different type of 80 hours a week. Some are telling me ”come down here”. I’m skepitical on so many down here places. I know there is a new rich in digital money, I don’t see them doing anything besides the 80 hours. I mentored a little in the paltry part I know, don't see too much mentoring in any fields, surroundings, concentrically up, down and around the circles. I see all in competition. I accept being a fish out of water. Though homelanded, I currently find myself installed in a different thinking herd, quite aware what I'm going through. Those that are different reading this, associating through their own interpretations, who have always felt alien, if just in thought, if just it being a friday night, say about 10 past 10, don’t sweat it, just be jonathan. Don't matter the reason - could be most afraid of thinking deeper, fearing conversations, do not want to bring newness into the life or uncertainty godforbid, with all new thoughts and forms. Mentor and seagull of mine/mine/mine goes nicely with sell/sell/sell, buy/buy/buy. Stranger/danger or one mans meat/another’s poison, and of course never the twain shall meet. Oh yes, never the twain. Oh the dichotomies, the melting pot souping over, instantaneously changing vibration. Observer looking or not, jumping in and out of all circles to the utter incomprehensibility of tweedle dum and tweedle dee. f*ck, what the bleep do any of us know. Can we botherly bothly mind that, as everything can be taken in opposites finally as duality is dying out. Mind entertaining it at zenith. Warring it at worst, minding anger.

Spiritual Intelligence Sandie Sedgbeer with Jonathan Ellerby
I come and go with explaining and reference, bat crazy sufi surfing, letting all fruits hang on low lying branches. I'm a real fruit in an orchard where there's more than enough trees planted, to fill the bellies of the world. Contexting forever the above, parable awaying the play of life. John Waters is an ex Irish Journalist, his own words (did you say ex leper), some say an Irish intellectual, beats to his own drum, drumming being a collective enterprise. Some of the establishment are very annoyed with him here. To the point where he does interviews that get cancelled. Don't grasp that fully. Why would any authority cancel a talk for an audience of 50 people, when the presenter can put it up online to 50 million. I would like to ask him whats he really thinking running as one person for the European Parliment. Didn’t Godfrey Bloom already do this. Very far from Irish our boy Godfrey be. Though must have felt a little Irish in Brussels, cause it was very like pissing up the cliffs of Moher with no one watching. Maybe there's a geneva conventions for everything and we're simply not privy to the parts that affect us. What really happened in the French Revolution and the Russian overthrow. Surely they should be treated as the most profound events that ever happenned any society since the end of Egypt (His-story in the movie 10,000 BC 2008. Bigger than the roman implosion, the fat man and waffer in The Meaning of Life (Monty Python). I did suggest to John to interview Christopher Clark who came out with an incredible book last year "Revolutionary Spring". Took me the whole year to get through it (as audiobook). How much more would Clark say if interviewed on cyclic spring behaviours, or the french or russian revolutions. Aint a court of law mate, conjectures, opinions, suppositions, hate speech laws, tenure. History can be his-story, her’s and all the other label’s (if trans took over the world, and heston was down on his knees, would he be in a dress damning a trans Statue of Liberty). Course its a joke, they simply don’t have the numbers. That too be a joke. We gotta laugh, for whoever gets into power, it becomes their way or the highway. I can say 100% that no one reading this, is religious. But one denominational group think their Christ and interpretation is better than another. We haven’t moved on from 10,000 BC much. Ah f*ck says I, sh*te says John, bollocks says Napoleon on forgettin' ta tell his followers ta ask such his-story questions. Leaving no one any the better or worse, whether they read the geneva conventions or not. And might this apply to everything or just war. Cause man, what David Graeber spelled out in Debt:the first 5000 Years, showed how it ran through society like wetiko (completely unknown to the populous, subconsciously directing the life). This is the perfect opportunity for RTE (Irish Televison Station) to get Waters on and ask this stuff. “What stuff” (those two words in italics, would be the entire conversation with RTE before I hang up the phone and scottish handshale the wall - Reason 1:Sanity Reason 2:Cyril and Jackie went out for a walk, took advantage, hopped the wall, robbed mushroom tea). I don’t be writing this as you read it, it takes a couple a days of scottish handshaking says you. Cliffs a moher stuff needs a lot of pissin’ in the wind. If Waters believes he's doing something good over there in them brussel spout lands, then fine. I’ll simply say - they have an Eramas fund which they dish out, downwards, to Leargas over here, who dish it down further, til nothin' is left but the dishes. The incredible invented NGO positions, government officialtweedledums, leaves the amount of money that gets through, the same way a bandaid helps in Gaza right now. Who holds the purse strings is important in Europe, in Ireland, wherever you happen to be reading this and involved with. John, I’ll get the other John ta write a song about it, I mean who else is gonna do it. We all gotta ask ourselves and you now more than most Mr. Waters, where am I going with this - Am I up for it. Can I shout down an empty parliament like Godfrey Bloom who got nothing done, just a secure pension for old age. And so how could you interview Clark, be shooting yourself in foot. Is it a powerless position like a lord mayor or Irish president cuttin’ ribbons. Another question. Geoffrey Bloom is getting more done now podcasting than he did in office. John is going the other way. Which way are you going? Do all cool hands eventually live by 1s and 0s too, we all go out with a whimper. Mentor is the call, money be the nerd, office be the admin world dishonesty.

Why no one wants to live in Europe's richest country.
Messenger/message, gemini energy/everyones coming to my house. It’s balancing out - the “tell me what to say, tell me what to do” brigade, bollocked, the dags. Sure it's the year of the dragon lines, like. We gotta write a song about, who else is gonna do it John. Translating the language of the birds here. And they're very nice, they're just all talking at the same time, could be getting a few things wrong in translation, but nothin’ ta worry ‘bout. Nothin' a nice scone, bagel, cup a joe, cuppa tea couldn't fix. f*ck 'em if they cant take a joke says the other fella in his car. Both of you don't take a joke too well, at times though, a bit zealotry ; cause lads, there's many roads up the mountain. Look at the role reversal of the chosen ones - Colonel Blimp times to the current chaos. We do, say, joke, jam, meme, walk, waltz with what we can. Can't do no more. We come to pub, so many virtually now, say our bit in speakers corner, leave the confessional, fully satisfied, we hope. That there, can be a small victory of cross pollination. My stuff believe it or not, is walking on air, never thought I could feel so free. Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. My writing got to some top names even on bustack which I ……. well ya know, won’t drop. And I know the Irish royal brigade read my work also. It magically happens by everyone getting involved. You comment on a post or mention someone in yours, it leads, leaks and does a few laps. There's sometimes an army, even a tribe behind the one, at times way more vigilant than the protagonist, militant dare I say. You're asked to join groups as if its some Tony Robbins round up, where one virtually high fives the air shouting USA, USA (of course you are asked to put in your own suitible appreviation. IRA was getting me all too worked up, so reiterated that on a number of occasions. Humor does not play well in the love and war, podcasting and blogging brigades. When you decline to hook up more, smell mine and I smell yours, join, subscribe etc, there’s an outrage from this middle group, talentless, outside recruiting and championing their current hero (with the joke that they’ve followed a few, hot on their heels). How dare you decline. But man I’m busy, giving me singer some. If everyone joined everything, then we’d all be hypothetically Jimmy Whitening, exploding. John would have ta write an orca song about it (they’d be pieces of me all over him and I sayin' "I wanna go home! I wanna go home, Johnny! I wanna drive my Chevy!" Johnny say "With what? I can't find your f*ckin' brains, you’re a vegtable. Killer whale. We’re all individuals, we must struggle together (haven’t seen The Life Of Bryan or Rambo in years, seems ta me, they’re playing out collectively, these days).

Albatross! (Monty Python, Live at the Hollywood Bowl)

I was at a p*rno shoot once in LA and lightly made fun of the serious f*ck faces. You know the one they put on across the board.Like if the movie stayed in caricature pantomime face "this very important, focusing a sherlock, laser looking at body parts, einstein zeal". The legalized weed smokers in the states go ahhhh E=MC2, I get it, the claw must decides. Well my comments on those facial gestures were not taken too constructively, lets say I wouldn't be gettin' a screen writing job there, ever again. Not that I did, mind ya, I simply convinced a few that I should. The industry needed a new telling, is all that I could see, a new calvin klein face, not the neanderthal f*ckadoddle do one. Subjective, we know nothing about neanderthal nocturnal activities but I know a Steph who does. Look enough a this bollocks, leave all those you mentioned above, alone, OK, ni capan knee cappin’. Especially the Irish, don’t be clipping Bodkin, we’ll be down tourists, you’re writing mostly ta all the yanks. Don’t care about these p*rn stars, ya hear me now. Are ya tapped or what? Doen't matter you be one of us, we don't understand ya fella. You've been gone way too long and you're definately gone like. Some would say you were never here atall atall. Stick with the p*rn stuff above and tales like that, keep the politics and the nuns out of it. Most of the majority want ta be fooled by the f*ck face, most really want the madness and a rainy night in Soho.

Bruce Springsteen - A rainy Night in Soho Cork
Karaoke to some, anthem soundtrack to other. All permitted, all said, living side by sidhe in a free world. So far so good, slightly bonkers and forty coating in an alternative reality. For the Bruce Brigade lost in translation - I went out for a ride and I never went back. Recapping the old tales now, are nearly complete. We make everything new again, we blow minds, break chains, glide, but only if we believe. Know the magic lantern goes to movie, catterpillar to butterfly - all change. Probably the next world, says the sensualists/materialists/athiests. Gonna get my kicks before the whole sh*t house goes up in flames in civil world war. We continue to evolve, involve, disolve, glide and bump. I bait along like most, not knowing which way is up. I call to anyone, sit down with pen and paper, audio and video record. Self reflect, interview, sense make of the senseless. Its harder than making art. A tipping point is needed, where the tapped have to turn round everyso often to shout "jump in, the waters fine". Boring, shebanging, losing the train of thought/thothing too many times for too many listeners, only to say sorry, been astral, jump in, the water’s fine. Most now go to a place where they just don't care - whether they meet nobody or meet everybody. We glide/waltz/wander, wondering, weaving our ways westerly wayward. Hope you gathered 'nough nuts in May. Gemini calls all opinions to table now, my little ditty paged here is just a little snippet. An advice for the young at heart - let it all go - let everyone have their speakers corner, most were shut up and shut down for four years. I'm gettin' outta the way. For who? For everyone. Like a John the Baptist, everyones coming to my house, whether this second half of 2024 or 2042, its all blade running to me, just keeping head above water. Raggle taggling these past four years, rippling out in time to prove a presence. No one is forgotten, no one lost, no one to not matter, in the end. Jigsaw fit big and small, all count, all costs. My goodness do we love those who walk with flare - the Ali's, the Freddie Mercs, The Jim Morrisons, all the invisible Zorbas, Cool Hands, McMurphys, Papillions, Cassadys that breezed through our lives. Yes we lesson/lessen our valleys and peaks as we travel on - I think they call it maturity until the graph eventually produces no more highs/no more lows, til the heart stops, all a sudden. What ta take from that. Crab finding shell safe living, patenting, parenting, protecting, the mad vs nomad looking for rockin' chair (some in Brussels, ehh!). If they make it that far of course to tell the tales, ta the young. Who will let the prattling go first. We recognize one another as if for the first time, getting the current bastardis out of ufficios. No more commentary, conversation, cop on for now. A ranting electioning elmer gantrying we go. A section of us will still go a self empowering, actualizing. Do words have a future. Maybe says the proverb. Maybe not. For it too, will leap from Seanchaí to simple presence - telepathy. Certain carabi will transform to mountain, river, living elementals. Samuel L's pagentry of last post will resound forth through the elements as earthquake, volcano, tsunami, and other movements - a stor mo chroi benbulben.

Blue Jasmine - Tip big, boys!
Stop the airying, fairying. The struggling masses are in motivation. We go to a place where everyone is talking now, no one listening. Mad election times, protest pontification. The return of conservative thought, fundamentalism, nationalism. Go beyond emotion, the ancestors shout from shoulder. The f*ckers at the top love the chaos, energy created, the true sustenence. Not money or even power. Not the immigrant but those who make the law, not people carrying out directives but those mandating them. All across, all lands. Not the stupid, those fools who were given high position because they don't question, willing to vote and admin the willed way. Playing ball oblivious to the sport they play. Either hynoptised by its perks or completely one dimensional, stupid is as stupid does. I sense the anger here in this island of Ireland, none of us can block it out, we live in soup. The current call is to vote the two main parties out of office. This could be implemented throughout the world. Independents can be bought, everyone has a price when at market. Yet there is a noding chance this way, especially if new political parties come along with set rules of conduct and practice, accountable to ethos. Some go down these roads, some keep the living alive, sculpting living myth. Both can bounce off one another for sustenance. We need the philosopher, the sports star, the artist, the square pegs madly doing their bit unbeknonwst to the many. All pieces come in at valubale times, plucked from obscurity, when flame a needed. Only a person versed in politics all their lives, would have a fair idea how to attack a current regime. Knowing only too well, they'd need a white wizard on hand ta wipe out the black magic damage, power millenia procured. Spells/speels are real and reeled. Shur up now, ya here, or ya'll be gettin' a knock on the door. Theatre pieces run through my mind, with a guy at the sidhe side of stage, laughing "when yee weren't lookin' I was jumping in and out of the circle. We all know more than we want to think, let me tell you about heartache and the loss of god. Too many remain children. Mother cuddled by society when demons run amok all around. Oh tell me what to do, tell me what to say. Fighting drones and professionals with Magnums, just cause of watching Dirty Harry. The laugh and madness of course asks us to rise up, go to poll, join and seperate, if that doesnt confuse, I don't know what will. Go to self, stay immediate. Body, mind, soul, family, food, nature, nurture, poetry, play, pink lemonade. The more stories we hold, the more we grasp, the more we live free, no matter how much the world at the time of our existence was fluxxing, we flux beyond the better. We are a power, a force of nature encapsulated in skin. Everything is becoming more visible, remain blind or eyes wide open, it is a choice. We go to garden where the unbelievably small and vast, eventually meet.

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Hand Of God (Official Lyric Video)
Incomprehensible news regarding Housing in Ireland
Are you sending us again - to garden, to golf course? Who pesticied all the mushrooms. We get high but we die, man/mna what type of deal is that (Mná is the Irish word for woman. The debate roars on in the Teach Beags regarding trasinscneach this June). Is the mushroom culture dead, was there only one Shiva and one Seamus per community? Did the majority of "stand behind the line sirs" genocide all the Seamus’s. The wise will go inward while the populous will go to poll. There's a game of show and tell going on. The States pulling in a president to form a cabinet down, the Irish going from local position up - the unbelievably small and vast eventually meet and greet. The two main parties that exchanged governance since Ireland became soveign state are bricking it right now. Decisions depend on woke and awake. The power of the devil you know and the devil you don't. Will it reverberate across the world to oust the two party system that has captured most nations - liberal and conservative, republican/democrate. It was proved in Ireland recently - both political parties together, could not run a nation. Fresh, proven, independent unpolitical swayed minds introduced. We can always hope. Most just wanna live, but 2020 either injected in (excuse the pun) or triggered a previous trauma that people need to heal from. In Ireland and a number of other countries, it was the church who received the backlash, previous scapgoating that is. This time round the world, it’s become the political system. This writing doesnt deserve to be put towards self empowerment. Its commentary still. Thats why one more blog to the breach dear friend, one more look out to the world saying wow, what a cocophany calibrating, maybe freedive be the call. Be interesting in how Ireland votes up, America swaying top down. Do we really care? We all try and practice empathy, but the whole brain scenario of the world wide web have us concentrically all over the place, unable to prioritze, functioning along, being desensitized. I write like we all think and grasp information. Forget 80, 90 years, just lets get through the 24 hours, we scream inside. Not so much the stress of things, could be in motivation, a complete opposite to tension. Whatever the personal nemesis, that's what will be produced for individual to battle. Bastardis eh! (for all the Italian Canadians in the house). If honest, most of us rarely thought of the 80/90 years anyway. Life mostly unfolded throughout the decades, some of us did follow a regiment, a dicipline. Moved up the monoploy board to a level, whether right or wrong in thinking, befuddled divinely in comedy -midstreamed, questioning whether our ladder was against the right wall or not. Living the present aswell as planning a life, both important, both exhausting and both mostly, only came to radar for majority these last 50 years. Before then, it was found in biography, a section of society regarding generational wealth, the holding of power. All of a sudden it went to picking zits off our consumering faces. Maybe in the guilds, the high chaparral of professions. Overall people whiled away the nights, the decades, lived simply. Then the earth energies called, the world wide web sherbeted in - stimulation. We live with these minds now. It is what it is. You block it out, you gotta take the pills to numb some more. This blog, these podcasts we all consume like sherbet, the new media, would not have an audience 20 years ago. Maybe if directed more along - On The Road Style, the writing of mad action, the characters as truly madly deeply, might have taken hold. But sense making, where we find ourselves now - is a new phenonomen. Service to Self (STS) is really Service to Other (STO). It naturally vibrates out to create a landscape for others. Never think it's selfish turing away from puck fair. It's a necessity at times of majority madness. So many from my previous incarnated life, are facinated that living here on this small Island (the Island of my birth) produced this sort of writing when I returned two years back. I too. I thought memoir would simply arise in me, pure nostalgia, legacy for my son - a personal passage through. Not as carbon copy, but there's always a teaching, an enjoyment, it being a real flesh and blood write/rite.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God (Official Audio)

This type of bloging/sensemaking/satirical/comedic/madness/nonsense/wacked out commentary is bottom of the portocabin. Most won’t be able to travel here. Do not go in there after him, say all who leave lavatory. Stinks of high heaven. Going into anyone's head these past 4 years, we all fear, not coming out alive. Maybe its a goldielocks story, all having had very mad porridge. Some ranted and raved, others woked in non communicative ghosting, gaslighting and cancelling. 2024 is goldilocksing in something inbetween, as just right/write/rite. You're right there, Ted. Graham man, f*ck sake fella, forget cancel, forget gender, get back in the ring and write the therapy of the nation, mon. This townnnnn is coming like a ghost town. Its not about immigration, health, housing, cost of living, war. Not like newspeak, in forms us, speaking our truth. The work is self. To be teached from early age to passing on. Who's qualified to do these new type of teachings, the psychologists/psychiatrics/therapists? Will that type really solve the problems? Like teachers to indocrinate, politicians to convince, doctors to sell margarine, pills and vaps, podcasters to mislead, rebels (without a cause) to be cool. Schools tied up in admin/health and safety. And parents, too tired to guide. Shouting down all the kitchen sink theatre playing, both actors/audience alike with nobody knowing whats real "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore". Unless on perky pills, the early shakes, military/nationalistic/monopoly boardgaming or breaking the spell and smell of teen spirit, the majority of us subconsciously despise...........leads to questioning, raging inside. An actor portrays this tension in sidhe, my wife thinks he’s the closest human form to spontaneous combustion - David Wilmot Bodkin’ing fife. You're grand Dave, I told her it's just good acting. Adults amazing hiding the trauma, kids are not and show it. Look around society these days, its there....the scream for role model, activity to test exuberance, the need to buck heads in correct format, not scot-handshaking. Addressing all the above in adult pill popping, kids play their own pill, out physical in society, peer pressuring, vandelism, secondary bullying, internet secreting. All needs to be produced catharically through art, sport. I bang it out here, it moves further in wind. Sadly mental health will have to be taught in schools. I screamed confidently that bottles of cop on were all that was needed. But society let bath takers take over the last number of decaded roads. Like getting the weakling to take ya home through the cemetary. We laugh, we cry, we anger, we pain.........we talk. Then those in power go, we’ll thinktank and policy, ah f*ck off. The more you travel around this old world, the more you see the plonkers on show, trying to copy the true gods of sound and stone. The real characters, the true trailblazers are easily spotted and heard now. Trauma awakens. dickhe*ds are dickhe*ds. The hidden ones in plain sight magically have passed through our lives, sometimes we don't realize until last breath, saying there you were Peter, all along. We go "tweedledum tweedledee, I never saw it, jaysus, joseph, mother tonite". Yep, in the spirit world its all bunoscionn. Apologoes for the language this post, bodkin has alot to answer for, along with Inisherin. Cutting off fingers, selling eels, nuns and shrooms. We dont curse like f*ckin' that, all the focal time, jaysus, that’s terrible focal language sure. Too much. Alan Watts would say “Maybe”. Only Samuel L does it as poetry, the rest of us - speak in anger.

I Investigated the Country Where Every Drug is Legal... Tyler Oliveira
They cut the hair off the samsons deliberately. So hear me now Samsons, sometimes the powers that be, put manacles on certain ones who might do something different. Known before it comes it’s time, in a reality far different from this one. Some people lambasted the film Origin about the book Caste. Others said give it its time to see what the director/writer was trying to say. Both film and book were an attempt to connect everything to everything and both had so many obstacles to abort world entry. Alot of us are trying real hard to bring something forth. I know I bismally fail, but at least I try to move the water fountain, god damn it (thats swearing now, not cursing......its fine in Ireland these days, we're all Atheist now). Oh samson haircutting. The author of the book Caste, might never have decided to push pillars, and remained tired, confused and lacklustered, leaving the creation direction behind. Both director and author stood on the words of B. R. Ambedkar which must have breached a call of once more. Ambedkar stood on the shoulders of John Dewey, the list shoulders back, on and on. Samsons are as important as wildfires, the public need to realize this, both must exist in the environments in which we serve. Maybe ousting the two main political parites of each nation, catalyses like a samson pushing pillar, something this way comes, something this way smashing down - multinationals, war, pharmaceutical machines and generational power. The majority realize they want to live, not lead. Those clever enough to find themselves curently capable to do so, quickly must lead and then get out, having put in a system that can self regulate like the planet itself. Power currupts mate and absolute power, apec preditors that we are, absolutely. The tipping point comes, we all know now - THE GAME IS UP.

Carole King - Tapestry (Official Lyric Video)
Political commentator has no other choice than turn activist for their own sanity. So too I, from blog to fiction. My writing constantly wants to pull from macro to micro. Fascinated I went through conversation, bottle of Cop On'ing, now to self actualization - joke looming back to self : like wonka, ordering it reversed, as if looking through mirror. Story, script, skit, song - be a better meal. This writing, a doorway in. Journaling with the toilet door open, in fact no door, no walls, no filter, this has become. A showing - we can all do this when our time comes. We say goodbye to materialism, maybe even to word, there is a knowing deep inside developing, a true poetry to film to real life. You mean psychedelics in the cornflakes, singing us to soma. Do we question a capture. A new mind births beyond the hippocampus, reptilian brain, the double hemispheres. We just can't bring word to it. Who knows the art it will produce beyond mcdonaldisation. Once not book burned, that there's room to roam, all will be fine. I hear murmors up and down the ranks, gemini be ready. Everyone with opinion, but better than quiet lives of desperation unvolcanoing in sedated lands. Si Senor, so you'll eventually put this to a 3 minute song, is that what you’re saying. I will. I will. Let me know then and we'll Synchronicity, share this nightmare, dream spiritus mundi.

Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr. Tara Swart on Abraham Heisler

We overthink to underthink to flow. Blindsided, we recognize blinds as we go. Enjoying the pantomine, we awaken rapidly, times shut down, halting ourselves. Bringing pain, passing back flow, bane, shame, how it all goes. Rapid follows mississippi (through the body, down through the back). We all hear, see, read, watch generally/specifically consciously and sub - We digest and bring it to source, to soul, to self, to cell. We invite Monty Python along the boreen, Kravitz to karokae the 60 yr grannies, Pitts dags because they can, poetry through David Whyte, myth with Meade, prose in John O Donoghue, wisdom Zeldin. Nothing is right or wrong or set in stone, thinking makes it so. We pass on muse, itch to search, not specifics. Which lead to middle eastern lands where we all fight the game - there can be only one. Finally we come to peace, to self. I believe these mad crazy wisdom pieces, my version of showing a portrait of an artist passaging through. Will becon a way, one time or another. Alone eventually shows no one really goes alone.

David Byrne - Everybodys Coming to my House

Can any of us stay in these lands. Where we write, converse, consume content, inner, outer, mind and no mind. How many would go insane without the everyday. So lost without, so appreciative in capture, we accept more than sculpt. How many sovereign really make the world. How many broken are just making up the numbers, reguritating protocol. I see so many times the Jackal Samuel L’s sent in, giving the kahuna burger speech to those not selling marsellus product. So many going around their neighborhood as extras, unawares Pulp fiction plays out all around. Coronel Kurtz went mad instead of leading. It seems very few can lead. It must be considered by society, should it really be a golden bough metaphor. Sacrifice was in full view way back when, now its a sign on the botton line, we got lumps of it down the back. Truly madly deeply, when do the populous go back to seer to see. The curriculum was never about 80 years but eternity....shiver me timbers. The famous five keep us prattling, there’s safety in herd talk. Pill, zoning, quite thought lives of desperation, activated in the daily life, for activity suggests a life. If we waltz our tune through intention/attention artistically - conversation could change the world. Any creative asked, what’s their most important work. The answer always comes back the same - the one they're currently working on. I think this is brilliant, you’re thinking “shame the bloody writings digital, they didn’t invent the device yet ta wipe and stipe behinds yet”. Its the present that drives a life. This writing, probably more so within this final piece, comes like a madness. Yes I am fully engaged as I write this. But then, it is done. A road of some sort, passed through, for another passing by. Some see a coffee table, others a pile of rocks, sensing a help/hindrance or hurricane. They'll be all sorts of scultpings in the ethereal, left these past 4 years. Stuff like this is firewood for song, for text, for movie. Ya, mad crazy bat movies. Hey, theres all varieties of popcorn out there. Lots of singers soming. We all drive a life, like Nicholson played the metaphor out in Cuckoos - watching the World Series with the TV off. Freedom, we constantly shout, most of us subconsciously, watching the World Series next to the so called mad ones. But whos really mad, for the so called mad are actually watching, the others are just getting off on the maddies viewing it. Does the world revolve around a few hundred of us manifesting life. Who's doing the buzzing in your world, your country, in your neighborhood. Do androids dream of electric sheep. Can you collectivize a dream. When a central dreamer dies, does it show to you. Do you see a chapter completed. Am I pissing you off to think for yourself, instead of spelling it out in cake and tea for you and Cyril. Are you trying to finish this read in one go, trilling in minilling, to stay the fifteen rounds. Do we both call it quits for tonight before someone gets hurt. Oh where to store the mammoth.

For what it's worth, it's never too late to be whoever you want to be - The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Before bowing out from all to see, I stir the pot one last time before we’re all hit with gemini joy. It will show that everything is interconnected. What I write here would be considered madness before. Now.....not so much. A stream of conciousness, a rant a flow - is jazz. Its important in an age of tiktok. We need to develop this flow before we calcify as content ourselves, for that’s their plan. We pass 1, 2, 3, a, b, c. We jump all over now. We will understand one another, babel works itself out. It will take us everywhere in an instant. Langauge will not hold, we go beyond. Its not too much coffee, or drugs, or alcohol, or full moon. We really are changing, if you let it in. Course, you do need to be around those watching the World Series everyso often. With the TV turned off, even without TV. Those who don't even know what a World Series is, those willing go along with you, just for the ride, any ride Moriarty ¿No ve? Or as Monty Python explained it "I know where to get it, if you want it". We must all now challenge ourselves mentally, the way some of us do physically or in diet or stress success in work, duty to loved ones. Can you comprehend Pynchon, Gibson, Vonnegut, McGilchrist, Ken Wilber for christs sake. Name your own. Reintroduce poetry, humor. Muse can come to anyone in any activity, thought or time. Push a play into the world, create life, no matter if people are watching you watching the world series. If it be your buzz, your will, commentate it loud, sing a world into existence if only to self. It will ripple out a creative life, not a co-opted one.

(amazing) Scene (Something wicked this way Comes)
I saw Brigadoon, you the moon. The majority see flashes, will only see what the few see, come last breath. If told enough about it, the young will break through the four minute mile, way quicker than us older bozos. Taboos need readjusting, outside boxes, imagine articles like this in the Sunday Papers. Wha! Are you mad. Well if we were all going around talking, thinking, acting like this, then the monopoly bath taking caretakers would be all in the nut house with their 24/7/365 and cruxificitional serious ways of living. Its been so damn hard for me to remain here in Ireland. Great there's a political awakening. But the spells lie deeper than that. The way society formed is all wrong. Prattling, money, status, much is bunoscionn. The change starts with everyone. Old people dying, tell your truths, say if not happy, say regrets, tell what you think a life should be. Duty vs dream, there could be a re-balance at midlife’s stream. Just not in a 24/7/365 world. Not enough talk like this, not in the western world yet. Money and all the things that come from it and form it - position, authority, power, prestige, prattling, parley, duty, seriousness, education, conformity to fit in. Lost at sea would be outrageous to start with, frightening to blackout, follow swallow. Finally to go to death again unborn a second time continual, cursing like an Irish country person down west cork breeding eels, completely pissed off not taking the mushroom tea with all them nuns. Oh quiet life of desperation, I say goodbye to you this life. I'm not going to fully join the madmen, jumping instead again out beyond shire, inner and outer, saying hello and waving goodbye. Reading this fool here was Ok I suppose. He's as mad as hell, a course. And probably wouldn’t have written anything if he stayed over there in them madder lands. Guess he banged his drum too much like shark shocks to head, in lands that didn’t resonate. Wherever true fools go, I sense I'll never need as much as that Cassady soul. But to stay sane, I need to push it. I need more than what life is currently giving. I could go to holiday, go inward achemically, go to deprivation, to journal. To many, many things says the tv presenter in Wonka. I realize I bounce off others to get the umph, to do these things beyond the cups and saucers, that we all constantly make dirty. I need to know mad ones are out there, I'd like to know the neighbor thinks this way too, for this way comes. Not just about his f*ckin’ hedge says the ones who have to change church positioning accordingly. I want the political stuff to work itself out, I want all the normal f*cks, those without the madness, coursing/cursing through the veins, to wake up from the poison. They need to start to create like the rest of us, or they’ll vampire and mirror our lives. I see more now that I can fully express. I'm ok that I can't. Look at this fella here, with this mad blog, a nutter of the highest order, but kind enough to share the food he was fed these past 4 years. Bit like eagle though, don’t ya think. He’s vomiting it into our mouths. Well close your mouth then. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t like a chinese farmer. You might spew it out like Regan (hey man, I ain’t channelling). Funny that the name Reagan came up again a decade later, leading the country. Thank god Nancy changed it, she was well into her astrology and I really liked him in the Frankie Goes to Hollywood Video. Oh yes, them there, last few sentences, be the mind bends that one needs to hold. Right or wrong, fictitious/ridiculous. In crazy 2024 any of those four options, be possible. We're all gonna be ok, those who stay true to self, will shine. Sometimes we're on a coalition course, individually or collectively, by accident or design, there's not a thing we can do about. Except look both ways crossing the road. Yes you say, and stay conscious before we drown.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button car accident scene
My kintsugi writing in/of/by time will see its time - these be thoughts that lie under overcoat. I will walk again without coat when samson hair returns. We rarely are invited to inner sanctums, most do not go there as self. We frostily meet one another, ten faced and forty coated. I suggest slightly bonkers and so far so good, wanderly wagoning in a caravan of love. A silliness at times might simply suffice. Music, art, walking, talking tribes. Hugging groups, if thats your doorway. sh*t, I mean sit facing another and stare. The quaalude tribing, the pretence surfers, the golf foraging contingent winning every time - all a rigged game, parkland golfing at night, without club, without course even, says you. A flashlight, flask and trowel, we all plan escape. You stink, none of those things suit. We must go alone, is what I really want to say. Doesn’t matter the way, that’s why there’s no use in hating a group, even an other. It simply means we're not getting our own emotional groceries met. A blow mind I'll share with you this - if you get lucky and stumble into or deliberatley plan to fruition, when fully empty and out of sight of known shores, lost in fact (though that just turns most people off) you will find that you can come to self through anything - for example writing, conversing, thinking. A time will come where you know everything. Not universally, just from your own soul looking out. We are all seers, shamans, initiated but prison label ourselves in word, number and social restriction. Insights we are given, yet forgotten. We don't believe we play burn the biscuit, every minute of every day. We look around, at times childlike, thinking everyone might like to play, second guess, like to stay. Overcoating to act like adults again - the little prince. To be childmen.

The Beach Boys -- I Just Wasn't Made For These Times -- Music Video -- [ remastered, 4K ]
We can give one another amazing insights. If we are relaxed or can create that environment, then seer conversation can arise. Cyril, he's on about the nun tea again, get in here. f*ck sake Jean, can't he do it as an audio cast, I have ta bury this bone out the back (I never told yee, Cyril is Jean's dog, a co*cker. Corkers are very bright, you know). We're just mostly on the wrong channel or attuned to the wrong frequency. They've cernly altered the schumann reference. You mean resonance. That to. Hence the enlightenment chasing cave dwellers. It is possible to attune there. Shark scottish handshaking says you, that beat through daily existence. Its so mad in western lands. Tibetan bowls just don't work. The marriage of figaro, of heaven or hell, divine comedy, or condor and eagle. A phoenix rising in Western lands, a cry. Yet we don’t create the envirnoment for it. So many crash and burn, like wave to shore. Endless. We are told, just enjoy the ride. Many have done time outside the universal mind, in brave new worlds revisited. Come back and question, what are they doing in this f*ckin’ zoo man, this soup. The chain and cave, the plato plays, the zombies that bang along like bumper cars in a merry go round. The amount that people actually think is amazingly low. Daniel Schmachtenberger gives a great talk in one of the links attached. His words hold heavy in ripple, so he's careful, contemplative, reflective, introspective. People worry sometimes after listening to him, profound yes, but sense has he taught out game theory/first principles in full, has resigned himself to the fact that there is no way out. The bully businessman will remain in control, unless the others are willing to schizoid kill, bomb, or monetize the planet their way. Can't beat a pychopath in a 3D world. Maybe its true razors edge living, the play must be by each word and thought. The zombie bumper cars, the business man oblivious in boat, unaware of the depths below. Commentators and comedians call the pernenial madness, art porduces it fighting franchise. I joke - let me go back to westworld, promising to come again in 2040, ta dig this writing up, buried below sycamore.

Mike + The Mechanics - The Living Years (Official Video)
Luck, destiny, synchronicity play out. Like looks, gifts, priveleges - they are not distributated evenly. Bloody favoritism then, seabird, bloody albatross, bloody flavor. I start writing in a time where AI is deciding narrative. An enterprise that does not pay the bills like working down the collective coalmine, going down, down, down. Its not even a question of you're the fastest runner and not allowed to win. Its more complicated than that. It’s like the Lie robed the clothes of the Truth, the majority are like Schmachtenberger said above, along with money talks, doesn’t bloody sing, dance or walk. This is why anger has escalated for the privileged class. They have everything they need, yet they want more. They are not happy and not capable of filtering down a proper system, but constantly fighting like hyena for share. Happiness, art, gratitude, blessings, patronage. Do any of them come with waffers. Would I be received at a populist Irish rally reading out this blogs grievences/insights, or be banged with a few scottish handshakes. Would I be accepted at a muslim gathering to a new country assimilation class or would it be war. A presbyterian congregation, a hippy commune. So what you're saying is, the world is tribing up once again for survival. You produce a tribal coat of arms or mason letter of introduction round the world and you're in mate. But you prefer pissin' in the wind up the cliffs a moher. Time to leave tribes and piss more privately openly in the winds that have horses ears. I think all groups would stone ya except the muslims. They'd get the gun like Indiana and be happy ta waste the bullet. So scary to go it alone. Kurtz had to take everyone with him to his heart of darkness. The more we hold on shoulder, in mind, in action, in independence - then true interdependence arises. Will there be a tipping point of Jonathans to Seagulls, individual over herd or will we all remain as hero worshipers, see it only on celuloid or read it in a book, audiobook that is (implants provided for all the content consumers post 2040). How many passed mommy and daddy or is this just an Irish thing. That some countries are caught, unable to pass parental at national level. How many get to Childhoods End.

Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Official Video)
Go slowly reading this, chunk it like a yorkie chocolate bar. Too heavy all at once. A reader reads past/present/future. The writer is in the complete now. Reading tires in a tiktok world. I speak conversation, common sense - senseless sometimes it comes. Short on eye contact, hand gesture, tonation and tea, everything influences the cymatics. Maybe they'll invent an app now and I'll just include those things future/past. Comes to mind the movie Joe Black. So many people afraid to show their world or go to d’other side. A blockage stagnates the earth. We see it through immigration/war. Both sides a mirror thats our fate, both sides fear looking at other - afraid of finding similarities. Death and taxes either side of coin. We all take the same things with us there, if we’re lucky.

Game Theory, Life Advice - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Before Skool
Poddiecaster'ers Stevie Bartlet (suppodedly 6m subs this side of the pond) Andre Duqum (suposedly 370k subs d'other side a da pond). Yet both beg for new subscribers like a politician going from door to door. Mmmmmm. Retired Irish goalkeeper years ago was in the crowd watching a bunch of firefighters saving people, outing a raging fire, were these heros. A firefighter finds a baby on the third floor. Ladder doesnt reach, shouts for support down below "who will catch this baby". Patsie the ex goalie shouts I can save him. The baby was thrown, patsie went up, grabbed the baba with both hands, taking him down safely. The crowd roared, Patsie waved, bounced the baby twice and kicked it down the field. It was a ‎Stanley Milgram experiement, Nathan Fielder bought the writes. He's currently copywriting my brain as we speak, but sure we've all been through worse, these past 4 years says you. What are we talking about again? Rogan and Brand could go rogue, mad as hell, possibly compromised, for both could be considered loose canons still (there’s a part of them still Cassady, you couldn’t inject it into Bartlet/Duqum), grinding horse wormer and DMTing it, the other baptismal fonting it, freediving with Orlando Bloom and Jean-Marc Barr, singing spirits in the sky with born again christian dolphins. The alien script writers are all going get fired for doing too much drugs. I don't know, so I play, the more we warp things, the more the overall doesn't seem that bad. Well ......thats what I'm told anyway, when people come off reading my stuff. When they get back to me, of course. Usually takes the six months, the committment like, the shock therapy and the pills a course. Gettin’ off them be terrible these days, netflix are even spillin’ the beans in series ‘bout it, these days. Some call it Reverse Positivity in a world of Machiavellian Personality, surrounded by the Sinisterly Successful. I find it hard to believe that these young turks mentioned at the start of the paragraph have the numbered hits that they claim. As they're being asked to push/grovel more, given guests, and presented as popular. The same as packaged artists, packaged food. How many now are buying the fridges with bigger freezers than the actual fridge. Have ta mate, f*ckin’ microwave all me dindins. Kitchens with more appliances than cupboards for fruit and veg. Death and taxes, manipulation. Is there a method to this madness? Yes, be madder. Laugh at it. Its a show, if we take it too seriously, we drown. I'm really going for a blow out here, with this whopper. Why did you wreak it, man. Cause it was wreakable. Let gemini take centre stage, the rest of the year, congregational election fever, western world sitcoms. We, smaller in number…… go within. If out, only to concentrate on the immediate, that bloody freezer intake in microwave. Fine. The diet, the fitness, sleep, water quality, suger intake, pill popping. Yeah, just slow it down man. I’m tired today. On and on it goes, inward past meditation. Do we need to team up, bounce off another, go it alone. Journal, how far does humor travel, what triggers us, what concentric circles do we play. Or.....how much time do we really have for these questions. Can Podcasts like the names dropped here or elsewhere suffice, blogs like this, Moore's Jerusulum or can we gleam it in his Comic Books. Are we fine as is. I'm getting through, I see enough, I cross pollinate, I see a change. I'm alright Jack, hit the road. I direct you away from the first two mentioned podders to another two underneath radarers, deliberately hidden it seems by the algorithm assholes. Kingsley L. Dennis (this side of the pond) James True (d'other side). Both do the harder ask - they go it alone, to self. Both have written their own books, own thoughts. If Daniel Schmachtenberger has a private thinkthank, then minds like these could be asked ta tea - topics to include - the owl and the puss*cat. Oh money people, sometimes you just have to waste it on tea. Cyril, the nuns are coming back into it again. Woff, woff.

The Real Timeline With Maryam Henein - Robert Phoenix
The new creators beyond corporate. Dax, Tom McDonald, Romeo Tha Great White (singer songwriters) - all are trying to self create. Can they make enough in podcasting, touring, merchandising. I wish it for them. For Robert Phoenix, Archaix (though he’s quite popular), Jeff Harman, Geopolitics & Empire, Howl in the Wilderness, John Lash Lamb, Mirjam Jance, David Sloan Wilson’s ProSocial, Sandie Sedgbeer, Before Skool, Parallax Academy, to name a small few online content creators that spring to mind, the message, not messenger. People should truly help one another, not compete or group up by algorithm. Murder by number, I, 2, 3, it's as easy to learn as your ABC's. An incredible channel is Soft White Underbelly. Getting now hugely successful. Have only listened to a dozen or so interviews, can be overwhelming short interviews. The channel should in some way hook up with Howl in the Wilderness and ProSocial. How? Damn man, give the singer some. Organically - the owl and the puss*cat, maybe. Just call their people and they yours, and yee do naked lunch in Jackrabbit Slim's.

Analysis of Terrance Howard on Joe Rogan - Archaix
We hold everything to account. Too distant an archduke, too incredible a president, all must stand behind the line, bale cotton or you'll get yours jimmy. Someone told me recently, how they learned so many of those projected to the public, all forms/categories/sides/sidhes and persuasions, are carfully chosen and groomed. Bred even. Like good Chapati bread. Na mate, mouldy. We're all surveilled, even I - this small blogger in complete randomness, ridiculoulsy wong, rambling woblivious, recognized routinely. Woe wis we. Whey welease woger, winstead who we wobber, a wapist. What wabout Wassange. The dyslexic AI shouts no prob, I can handle this wozo, wavistock wubstack wekenzie. Abreasted popularity, the fools rarely become dangerous. Cuckoo nesters, no more. Good player on the oppsoing team, the tactic becomes - lets go for the legs, now lads. And that be the U12 Girls League section. Hows-it, what be when its the politics of job/local level/national crisis.

Red Army blues :: Waterboys
When I left my home and my family my mother said to me "Son, it's not how many you kill that counts, it's how many people you set free". So I packed my bag brushed my cap. Walked out into the world. Seventeen years old. Never kissed a girl.
So begins one of the greatest story songs of all time (linked in my 13th Post). A life in 8 minutes. A life in one hour and fifty minues through the film My Dinner with Andre, another musing calls, showing the two opposite characters in life. Could be you and the neighbor, the hedge being the dinner table (take this space between us, fill it up some way, fat man in his garden, thin man at his gate, my God you must be sleeping, wake up, it's much too late - Gordon Matthew Thomas). And higher and higher it goes. Oh how things come to mind, to time. We bring Gemini the twins to play now into this mix, as if the soup wasn't mad enough (I'm not an expert or anything, but like marcellus said, we’re all pretty f*ckin' far from okay, this is not soup, it’s more like Poitín, and the majority are all focal out of it). Bring in the gimp. We smile and motor on, wryly mouthing strangest life I've ever known. Calcified adults - the non dancing ones in Saturday Night Fever, as they try and change our ways. Immune to conceltations, quite aware what we're going through. Creator to audience, audience to creator, both initiate and speak to the shaman in the other. Take the space between us. Fill it up some way. Fat man in his garden. Thin man at his gate. My God you must be sleeping. Wake up, it's much too late. Oh My God screams on The Police. This is Gemini I scream back (thank crunchy this muse be good tuning at least). This is distraction, but it’s not a killer, its not the gaza strip and there but for the grace of god. Passing clouds, the sky it be. The view is muddled, can't shape cumulus, might aswell fly. Strange times. Down here, the Bruce, Gordon, Mike and Neil, all play the river lethe. They bid us, take life easy. As the leaves grow on the tree. Dog out the car window breeze. Forgive as twin, self and other, both live inside our noggin, play mid field fodder, Fanatically some will vote through the karaoke ballet, both ways ask to pass the famous five with mallet. Fly before its too late. I say to you, you to me, Sting to us, Yeats to he. Mike to Neil. Bruce to helmet. Devil you know, and the devil you hell met. Its time for me to throw away this paper knife. I'm not alone in reaching for a perfect life. Something out there waits for me, at times anticipating me - Andy Summer.

Omega Man - The Police - Big Chuck Lyric Video
If you can make people see, then thats an incredible piece of writing, a hero's journey - Origin (2023) film by Ava DuVernay. Based on the book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent (2020) by Isabel Wilkersen. Imagine telling the average punter, its required reading - Caste and The Warmth of Other Suns, to understand the new integrations a coming. No prob, leave it there on the coffee table with Moore's Jerusulum, McGichrist’s The Matter with Things, Wilbers Collective works, Clarks Revolutionary Road and when the neighbors comes round and say thats a nice coffee table, I'll Eddy Murphy them outta me house. A penny will drop, without tomes/with tunes, by juggling as best we can. There's simply no more time to talk the conversational five. There's too many names dropped here in 81 pieces of writing, too much to say in a wild and spirited raw and free conversation, with anyone who decides/falls/appears to cross your lovely path. Passing 10 minutes in eye contact, crying your lungs out to a new best friend. Self autonomy helps a financial freedom. Waiting for a Visa says B.R. Ambedkar. No peon, no water. But still, we must go on. This truth to self, spreads like wildfire. Scares the bejesus, walking down road, full command a that, to be, to shine.
I'm calling to say goodbye. I believe you can hear me. You mean so much to me. I remember everything you ever said to me. From the time that we were kids, until the last time I heard your voice. I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you. You will walk with me. You will live in me. For as long as I'm here. Watch over me. Cover me, Ok? I won't see you, but you'll see me. There's more to life than what you can see. You're going to experience it all. I love you, I love you, I love you - Origin (2023).

The Little Prince - what is essential, is invisible to the eye.
Is there a way out? Tribe it. Pendulum back. All groups try to take over self actualization. Retreat to self. Whats essential is invisible to the eye. Its the vibration, the feeling behind, not the words or any prattling from I or anyone else, hear me now. Isn't life all about handling strength, stress, strife and sh*te. The balance be the key. Those on one end labeled/medicated/up for correction. The opposition submissive, herding, abusing, sweet dreamings made of these. Prismly we hold up a mirror to our fate, relative to each beholder - in awareness, ability, and coping. Lifeaholics, we all a be. To see a coping alcoholic, drug addicted soul at pinnacle cope - an amazing roar at nature and nurture, highest halls of power to kitchen street coronationals. Bored and enticed going through life, we jump into its plays, sports, situations to test steel. Becoming addicitve, this razors edge cuts. Entering games of the lowest common denominator. We question self at least once in a while, then a blue moon, wearing mask, finally overcoat all too soon. Forgetting technicolor, face, moon and even the questions. Attack in both directions anything - Caste, LGBTIQA+, Political, Economical, hurt, hurt, hurt cause..........we're hurt. Conscious in creation. Jester, madmen, things hidden in plain sight. Change vibration. Can't have a job, responsibilities, duty, secrets and addiction. So many now add their piece, more bait Gemini. Life speaks, animal speak andrews, art speaks. We all need help in our blinds. Though we do need to step up, once self testing has past. A deeper call comes beyond job, finance, location, ant antenna'ing, deep within the self to resonate out the true church bell of vibrational landscape. It helps others passing by the window, through the open doors. Mentorship beyond peaco*ck prattling, a world, a calls.

Origin (2023) Film Trailer
Any chance a puttin' all this writing inta a 3 minute song, again. Bit caught with time ya see, only did two blogs this year, so far. First pricipaling this to three minutes, jaysus, who else is gonna do it - I’ll do it, here’s a little ditty short and stout instead:

"The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice.” The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed. But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.

The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back. But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt.

Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy...because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth.

Painting: Truth Coming Out Of The Well. Painting & Words Jean-Léon Gérome, 1896

Before Skool - Free Will with Sarah Elkhaldy
I do consume content. Yes this western world is complicated, wanna know as much as I can, now with family, sleeeves still pulled, but conscious not to go a cervantes windmilling, just a little swim through currents. Doubling speeds, faster flowing pod conversations. Movie/music/poetry pondered at normal speed. World ways reach into the personal. If the World doesn’t take you in, then a dance must begin with the creator. Archaixs, the Robert Phoenix Podcast do bring the question why things come in certain forms, and can we read between their lines. Very long podcasts, most simply, do not have the time. George Floyd a recurring parlor trick, a golden bough, what’s going on really. Terrence Howard did his first flower of life speech in Oxford in 2016, why roganed/reganed out now, again. Not lostboys cynical, we just know it’s all narrative, that’s all. Schmachtenberger might be harder to bring down concentrically, like ProSocial he needs to get from theory to practicality (yeah and then venture/vulture capitalists buy him up ta shut him up, bankrupt or embarrass, stock market him to boom and crash). It can come to kitchen table like Origin brought Caste to include wilkerson’s life. Everything must and can. It just takes time to say so much when the majority have stayed within the conversational five. Sting boay, mentor out a 3 minute song, way quicker. I feel writing like this, is like vomiting, but an important heimlich maneuver. Posterity mate, posterity Reg. Wanna go to script, memoir even more than actualization/vibration/mentorship. The thought of the young, concentrics. Anyone made it through, passed a grade, wanna shout “Wow! What a waltz”. What dreams may come. Shout out. We all leave markers. These writings be strange ones. All and everything the kitchen sink and Cyril’s bollocks. We converse and bottle a cop on - upward, onward and through. No more saying I'll see you when you get there. We're here. Like Truman, like EdTV, we all go to garden, all universes now.

Room to Roam - The Waterboys.

I go inward to work self for self. Like Orlando Bloom, Chris Hemsworth did it inward as outward, in their documentaries of pushing their limits, so millions can view and thousands can follow suit. Some are starting to do this now as self. Some are hearing hurry, fly you fools before its too late (grannys on the shoulders). Concentrically when I look up from the Scott Carey garden below, I see that I do this in response to something bigger. Housing, Immigration, the aquducts. Go way ya......... Thats Granny again, we’ll have ta start doing it with dots. From Silent Spring to A Language Older Than Words. If kids can't play in rivers because of pollution, if western people can't travel outside brideshead, I mean brand new world revisited, because of the western body's biodome, oh a million love songs later, keep trying to tell us, that we care. I did not address any envirnomental issues in my writing, my direction was to pull everything to the kitchen taable. But its real when its local, swimming in nearby lakes, littlerly having no stomach for travel. The clever business multinational man....and woman making western living possible across every mcdonaldized time zone. I see a show of hands down there, down the back, all genders, hand movements and symbols, wall shadows even (thank’s prince for your symbol, and yes, we are very close to purple rain if only by counting the magenta rinses that have took over the lands). I take it that we’d all agree, that if business boyos label us 15 minute cities, we all paint ourselves blue or magenta (for we’d be all in it together), we’d go out a scottish handshaking all the lovely poli’s and civil cyrils. There is truth but sadly we need to fight our own fight. It enters through body, we must adddress the first immediate concentric circle, whatever that may be in our own lives. Or find ourselves going round recycling our own water like Frank in Blue Velvet thinking he’s on Arrakis (Hopper was a hemorrhagicist), sucking the face off, with an oxygen bottle of cop-on in reverse.

Orlando Bloom: To the Edge Documentary Series Trailer
Every time is the right time, my 1000+hours of reading/writing will count as millisecond with last breath, til higher levels of cognition, enlightenment take over. Juggle, we all juggle on, until we cant see the chainsaws. They were saws……..man! why didn't ya tell me. Demons all round, close at finish, do androids dream sleeping with the fishes. AI gives up to mind, stays behind in 1s and 0s. As we…..walk on down the hall.

Parallax - Intellectual Deep Web Roundtable #5 - Grey Robes vs Dark Renaissance

Everyone wants diversification, open source, localization, non authoritarian, yet everyone competes for the almightly dollar, meaning we’ll talk about it but from my kitchen table, my tribe, my idea of what’s right. Groups like ProSocial, Dark Renaissance, Parallax are all on the same page but need people to view things and buy things from their platforms. If money was somehow obsolete, how many would still be living their current lives. We all want to live, some more complicated than others, some more intellectual, others sporty. Some with two friends, others wanting the whole world, the majority somewhere inbetween like goldilocks trying the cool the porridge. Peers are important, your betters, those who you pass fruit to. One of the saddest things in this world is the alternative dude and dudette do not make the big bucks, they scrap and save and barely make it through, the mercy of the souls code. Not just the artist, its spiritualists, nomads, opters out of society, sports people at times, new cross pollinating buzzing pollinators of online consumption. And like shown in the series Baby Reindeer, because it can involve mixing more out there on the fringe, compromises/money/trauma/morals, all play out. Just like the politician, who simply does it with way better pay. Naivety, arrogance, just a different tribe or football team, the game plays on and on and on. The alternative deserves room at the table, leaders are inbred, groomed way more than the alternatives. They are way too one dimensional but is the alternative way too broken. Some of them hold the elephant balls and say “Hey, look man, come down here, feel that there, ja-see, just don’t rub it”. Buy my book, do my course, join my tribe. But then the customer is locked in again. Giving something for free vs charging - a huge topic. Any art form can be viewed online for free or close to. People don’t even want to give their time away anymore, yet consume drivel content like fast food, through vast spaces of time, without even knowing/without even conscious to the fact. Occultic forces deliberately block things like they would, for a more noble politician. The Parallax channel above might not even know, that if you youtube search their name alone, their channel will not come up (on my search, anyway). Alot of content creators that I linked in this blog and throughout my writing (though I mostly clip song) are deliberately kept away by the powers that be, from catching fire. Some bigger names I’ve mentioned are also kept from getting closer to mainstream or tipping point. It comes down to who champions the warriors these days. The audience decides yet are barely cognitive. If everyone is competing with this idea of join my tribe, buy my book, my prattling is better than his, ah come on dad, why ya always going to his football game and not my ballet recital, ya bloody coalminer ya. You don’t love me enough. If Russell Brand needs to sell everything under the sun, Rogan abb crunchers and they be top of the heap, then hey man! they’re something fishy in Denmark. We’ll label these alties like poli’s. But message, meme not messenger. The carrier was never important, just the pollination. We need to think like that. Dancing, sport, carpentry, the truth needs to grab the lie, give it a good sorting, put back on it’s clothes and get on with it, in every area of life. And we all need to champion it, not play set chess moves that benefits the self, ‘member, there is no more chessboard.

Billy Elliot (2000) - Give the Boy a Chance! Scene | Movieclips

In relational to all those who shut up, who remain in the conversational famous five.....the other must live truly madly deeply, if only to balance resonance. Soap boxers soap, to the level the majority don't take baths. And the bath takers splash all round, carbon emitting the waters, rubber ducky slapping themselves over the head, like an orange hammer carrying madman, pervertly singing "a big brown shark comes". Yes, no one has a clue what everyone is talking about, that’s if we all start talking to one another again. It’s fine man/mna! We’re just all painting pictures. Confinement of words, we stopped juggling the overall years ago, retreated to the localized conversational five. Now we’re like Hal and David Bowman finishing up the ride (Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two). Lowest common demoninator, fastest runner not allowed to win. Go to the starving mental health group, who non-artistry our lives now, all through the power of marketing, their new/old/new/old/new occupation. Perennial the game plays. Too many have been captured by this carnival. Too many things wicked now, this way comes. The lie in truths clothing, a million love songs later. The more we look, entertain, absolve, the more we make our own rules child, break our own chains, to be …………jonathans.

Blade Runner Love Theme Vangelis
Whatever you can make out of/take out of/break out of this crazy wisdom/tapped tonteros, do so. Digest this funny/unfunny meal, assimilate it to other. The more you add something good to this way comes, the more the current collective comes undone. Wha? You’re talking balony. Na mate, its Gemini season, balony just be part of the menu, this be mad buffetted speakers corner, we enter. More than what we think, a hell of a lot more than that, a heaven a lot more, too. If we think it, juggle it and be conscious, much more than marketers, then we can laugh too. The propaganda between and during podcasts have to be laughed at, for ridiculous they be. Practice a good old Irish tradition and “mock”, break the spells.

Tom Waits - Shiver Me Timbers
Delusional. Yes, this writing be, to the 80/20 majority. Its mostly outside any famous five debacle. Sting synchronciting at the start of this post is not glory day holing or glory hole daying (wouldn’t be up on any a da malarkey, tall atall. Barkin’ up the wrong tree, on the wrong blog, you be. But anything ta report beyond Bodkin or Baby Reindeer, pop it in the comments), neither brucing, neither spillaning. There is an incredibe exchange that Milli Vanilli outraged bathtakers with, that got David Bowie deliberatly developing a lisp one night on Top of the Pops, spitting out of sync to the faces of the money/power boyos, changing and culling dynamic cynamics zooropa performance-artistic sealings. Wha? Double Wha? The gods are in all the house at all concert nights (or Jesus Christ was born in a stable), your choice, Monthly cycles or rage levels, the seas of change. While we all turn a blind eye to the f*ckwits who continue to run the show. Everything, everyone gatekept, allowed up the ladder only if ya read it off the dummy cards, the script, seal perform, protocol, known action at all time (ie please turn on your location/accept the tracking, we work by rote, only those who script follow, promote.). No freedom, spontaneity, naturalness. Haven’t done it for so long. Just turning off location on the phone, hopping in the car and not deciding where you’re going, skipping schedule. Freaks the system out, honestly, it ripples out a different vibration. Like “you’ve gone off script Truman” and the rest don’t know how to act ‘round you, they never had a rehearsal (what ya think Nathan Fielder, ya could do the opposite next season and call it - No Rehearsal). The world and our life is a verb man, an energy, a time/a no time. Sting/Audience/specific epoch and planet location helped produce that energy into the world, accessed now, anywhere, anytime. This land is my land, plays out in everything, as everything, all around us speaks. Do we wait and sing “if I was a rich man”, manifesting through marketing. At least stay within Ph limits. Saying hey mna, come down here "I'm not really good at visualisation, prefer to opt out, just keep pouring the glass half full or half empty and I'll keep drinking one bourbon, one scotch, one beer". Fine, stay within the ph level of the body then, don't sway the overall in alkali or acid, when each time comes a calling. You might be the very last straw piece, that changes schroeder's jigsaw to a materialistic world, where all the boys sing I'm a material girl (while all the girls are out on the pitch handing god, copying the other Mara). Don't zone fully out (they're legalizing everything everywhere. In their minds, it’s the only way to get rid of who they consider muppets). Don't remain in the famous five either. Make and break child. The dreams that possess you, can blossom and bless you or run you insane. A Razors Edge, we approach. Thats life, just take the ticket and ride sally riddddddddde.

Frank Sinatra - That’s Life
Ah thats a great idea, we dust them off and put on a concert. No man, mna you be them. Be the star if only at Kitchen table. Bring the dream, attempt the water fountain. Fail or succeed, you change the cymatics by the sheer attempt. Don't put yourself down. A spade needs to be spaded out, the majority do not give themselves confidence, incredibly the peaco*cks prattle all round. Never was there a time when the common man and woman thought, I could do better than what I'm seeing out there, in all the la la lands of rulership. Or even now could think, I'm living a Sting movie too, a Dalai Lama one, a Father Ted, Benjamin Button. Self teach from now on. Got Daddy/Mommy issues, foook, it’s fine, grab a ticket, just know there’s a big que at that line. Understand it like Joe Frazier - if ya didn’t, you’d be the odd one out. Lacking love, honesty, confidence - just realize it as issue and build from there. If you build it, they will come (What? The whales, the orcas. Whatever fella, whatever tickles the fancy, loosing me again in Frazier and whales. Like life man, wait it out alittle. Good things come to those who wait). The overall is not changing/crashing, because the majority are not. We need them for the tipping point, the morphing. We are our brothers keeper. What can I do. Assimilate as much as you can and then do everything. About what. About everything, that’s within your power. This is a wacked out idea of a blog, last of the summer wine. Why? Because its still commentary. I now go to self, that journey out there in there, beyond conversation and bottles of cop-on. As you've read all along this watch tower, you’re seeing I just wanna play, even write one, do skits, tell Tarantino ta move over in the bed, metaphorically now lads. I know it’s June but everyone to their own. I came back home two years ago, accepted a labour cap, maybe with thought ta write a memoir for the kid. Then f*ck a doodle do, banging keys, this manifested. What porridge are they serving up, over there - alot have asked me from foreign lands. Fairly frightened of what we all have become. So many waking up now going “wow” I’ve changed. Hey man, we're just all living a life, look at the Canada clip I attached, it be tough times baby all around. The States lead of course, said goodbye to Kansas long time ago. The content creators, if not already mcdonaldized say OK, we'll keep writing script about it, what else can we do, like. To the penny dropping realization, we change the world one person at a time. You breathe Sting into someone, only by seeing them as Sting. By Lenny. Lenny Bruce...well if ya like, but I was thinking Kravitz, the granny groupier. What about Biden, Sunak, a white Gazaelle (si senor but only if you were Marty trying to break free from the herd-mind). Why is it so important to jump in mind to Madagascar 2. Just to train the mind mate, thats all. Like the body, the emotions, the soul. Practice with the people you buck heads with. We gotta relearn everything anew, as its a new beginning. Intelligence has jumped. To the same level it has decreased? Oh yes, that’s a part of it too. We over concentrated on niche, specifics, to the detriment of staying holisitc. We live within very few food groups, conversations, holiday destinations and gene pools. Opinions? Very good Johnny Murphy, I see another imaginary gatekeeping diploma, to hang on the wall next to the confirmation/pledge and the honorary leaving cert. We are all like Tenna Marie singing "Once I was a white Gazelle. On horse back riding free. Searching in the darkness for a piece of me". Oh James Ambrose, what a weird and breath of fresh air you were, writing maybe sally riding, that ditty. Message over messenger, I include meself here in all superlatives and exchanges (some think high level/brow, some low), letting the woke awake fight, to shape the dreams, pretty childs, my sweets. We connect with everything, all we consume as content, in real and unreal worlds, thoughts, ideas, emotions, people and places. We are universes meeting universes. Our mind goes at incredible speeds, do not think that a person talking slower or even remaining within the famous five, are all one dimenional. Their clock simply stopped like Benjamin. Or they fear. In miliseconds, you could key them once again, to a past time, a song on radio, a turn, turn, turn. A madeleine cake could set a motion in motion. Some have hid under the bed watching netflix these past 4 years, while some finished the entire collection of Proust. Both these somes (their last name -"Some" like it hot - a surnaming) keyed themselves through the plandemic and out d’other side, the claw decides and they be claw. Surrounded, safety in and murder by number, remain the famous five and there's no investigation. The majority now have morphed to adult and we all know, perennially through tv, the true idiots of the world are the ones, that lost their child within. The revolution is - change the cymatics in the everyday, in the every speech. If the excuse is you really don't like the people you are with - then change them. Sure we've all said goodbye to so many these past number of years through death, why continue cruxifiction with people who keep you to overcoat. The lowest common denominator must realize the new depth, temperature and vibration...... no ve John, we could write a song about it, who else is gonna do it, like.

John Spillane 'Orca Killer Whale' - London Irish Centre

Two options 1. Block out life, childcatcher has sweets, the doctors pills or 2. Take the ride - adapting as you go, building mandalas and castles in the air. Thats how ya do it. Do what? Everything. Everything about what? 'Bout everything.

Chris Hemsworth on Intermittent fasting from Series - Limitless

Of course people are beyond the famous five in conversation. Its just they show less and less to others as the years go by. Incapsulated in character, they play the part others and self, subconsciously designated. We haven't learned off entire books to reguritate as life as shown in Fahrenheit 451 (1966). Instead we’ve sculpted it in sound and stone. We take it forward in soul. Something we so desperately need to pass on, to pass through. If not, all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Take That - A Million Love Songs (Hometown - Live In Manchester)

Note for the guarded: I'm hesitant sharing this, not for retribution, in this bat crazy world or beyond, neighbors fence or Musical Munich Reprisal Revival Groups - the Knights of Nee can go f'…’off if they come canvasing round my front or astral door. Not even the questioning of it, judgment or anger, that it might bring. By sharing this amount, by full montying the overcoat once again (what a flasher this boy be), indifferent to you thinking it amazing, embarrassing or stupid - na ta all, it’s the kick man, the ripple, the rip in the time continuum. It becomes like a Conor McLeod of the clan McLeod, a quickening.... A kind of magic, too much information running through my brain, will enter as services rendered, as lightening strikening. The muse a blessing and cursing to the true artist who pull and prod, expressing in action or producing as art.... Wave to shore, east to west, crash to burn, we go. Do you yourself, see any magic these days? Are you sure with the answer yes or no. Can you entertain and while away at fireside both.

Queen - It’s a Kind of Magic

Showing technicolor dream coats long ago in Ireland was fine, like Ali said about Frasier - if ya didn’t hit that man, he get annoyed. Irelands previous epoch, saw the odd man out as the sane one. Yes, yes, and women, children, sex, denomination, all a dat, and them swedes. Ya wanna jump - Woke, ya really wanna a jump. Then watch Baby Reindeer (New Series). Might have yee back under the bed in no time. Technicolor dreamcoats banned and the conversational famous five compulsory……..traumatized/cathartic, individually we decide. Scared the bejesus outta all the normies. Reminded me of the last time I visited the States, a blow mind and my mind is pretty blown. Found few people talking to each other, everyone going round with ear buds. The more eerie way of deliberately not looking at someone was playing out, rather than just gawking (I mean, if one needs a good gawking like, they should just gawk). It was sad to see America like this, felt like everyone was with a (2018)Ready Player One headset. All living surreally as characters within Free Guy (2021). ‘Member streaming a consciousness Video Game Posibility to a gamer friend over there - an underground station, full of people, just waiting for someone to say whats the time Mr Wolf, some shout dinner time - a zombie apocalypse goes off and the underground station bangs berzerk. I taught it was great. Yet again, I was hunted out of the building. As if I was trying to change the f*ck face in the p*rn industry or something (and no worries, I learned my lesson with that. Adding this, never going to suggest either, ever again, I can tell you). We do what we can says you or might you be trying to muster up a laugh, oh sometimes such silliness so un-appreciated. At times stand behind the line protocols, go bye bye, back ta kansas. Anyways, the point of all this paragraph is - this deadening has wetiko’d it’s way to Ireland. Oh Baby Reindeers, we must all be so careful, in what we wish.

Aram Khachaturian — "Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia" from the ballet Spartacus

Bowled over by Baby Reindeer, like a super food. One hates the taste but an essential ingredient all the same, to understand so many things hidden, plain to the ones that see. Stalker, weirdo, didnt really appeal, enough craziness in life. So stayed clear for a number of weeks. But like bodkin, showing the darker, repressedm generational, unrealized, trauma side/sidhe of Isle life, the man from Del Monte, finally, he say yes. The podcast that probably inspired Bodkin - Audible's Audio Podcast - West Cork, was also on my mind. The main protagonist Ian Bailey in that show, died this year, RIP. Oh how I was facinated at the time listening to it, walking Altiplano lonely looking skies. Did you say Skies? Oh yes, when you live at 4000 meters above sea level, sometimes you walk the skies. Bodkin bait it beyond one persons ordeal, the podcast West Cork did it through prism. This Baby Reindeer brought it - up, down, all scales and all around, Wonkavatoring. The future of comedy dies, woke murdered banter, comedians finally showed laughing through their tears. This Santa’s little helper named show, knocked me for six. Lets hope no one round the Christmas time turns it on for the kids, ta keep ‘em entertained for the afternoon, while the adults, busy themselves in the kitchen making cherry cake (one table spoon for the mix, two chugs for me, a nimble for the icing, a canter for Shane:Got on a lucky one, came in eighteen to one). The days of old says you, where ya had ta, for protection, protect the kids from the over tippling parents, aswell as check the kids christmas video tapes for pirate. That the snow white and the seven dwarfs one was not the over serious faced expressionals, if ya catch me drift there, now ladies and gentlemen (OMG we won’t go there, sure we’re all traumatized even thinking, a all that stuff now, sure isn’t it just all over programming, as if they’re trying to program that way. Mmmmmm). Wait a god damn minute now Paddy, what are ya saying. I’m saying yanky dooodle dandy, benny hill got a bad rap, there was a lot worse out there. How Baby Reindeer got that much info into each 27 minute episodes, was astounding. It's incredible writing/directing/acting. Made me think of The LeftOvers, which is an american version of cathartic release. These things show universes colliding with other universes. Unfathamoble at times, especially if you go beyond the heaviness of some life traumas and include generational tomes/tombs. We all play interactive now. The ending was a Bruce’s Helmet tommyknockering ¿No ve? Israel. If I was a rich man, ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum. The victim could become the bully and “wetiko lives” shouts Frankenstein, after lightening.How this Series deals with so much more than just stalking. The LeftOvers is what grabs a world audience. Things like Ricky Gervais's After Life might be too English and Irish to capture. Baby Reindeer the same. I hope not and both these series gets worldly watched. I wonder now is the Yank thinkingthrice, after watching Bodkin/After Life/Baby Reindeer. Might he be under the bed watching netflix. Get outta there, go buy a gun, you’re going into election season, god damn it. God damn it you man, wanna-da …..go fishing in your four seasons over there, try that porter, leave LeftOver living behind me for a bit. And Christ, you’re here scaring the bejesus outta me, with all the malarkey playing out on yeer mad Islands. Where the hell did Brigadoon and The Quiet Man go. What type a sh*thouse are we all living in, atall atall, where wetiko is rapin’ the mother lands. Easy now Yank, someone pour that fella a stiff 'un, there but for the grace of God, go we.

Does Martha represent the world in Baby Reindeer?
Same location people walk, talk, think, act out heaven, hell and purgatory.

Living Myth Podcast 385 - Your Inner Initiate

Oh thank christ, thats a sign there above in the last line. Quotin’ the title, he be. His legs must be going. But he’s writing, not boxing. Cyril did you bury that bone yet. How are all the policy makers not, the great names I mentioned throughout my writings. Is that a “strike that, reverse it” or are the legs buckling. Its a monster 15 round read and write like an Frazier/Ali ring of fire. It does show punch drunk when one starts trolling and heckling yourself though. Cyril get yourself in here now, its 10.30 and the Benny Hill Show is coming on. The great minds I mentioned throughout my posts should be consultants to governments. They have tech ones/spies ones and the list goes on and on. They probably have p*rn ones. Didn't most governments just about outsource every industry that was the commons. Si senor, except it seems social capital. I add David Sloan Wilson and Barbara Oakley below, just vital to hammer out the new commons needed to pass this incredible new age and new mindset, we’re all developing. Will Ireland be the first country to vote out those two supposedly opposing groups, that captured parliament in every country since the term was invented. Will America go beyond the two Dads Army options and go Independent, from the top down. As Gemini screams all about, I recoil from commmentary, no more hurlers/players in the ditch, on the stands I go, no more waltzing matildas. We all know now, our own lives are also a playing field, a very important one. The only one really that we can change and influence fully.


I don't think the right answer is finding a place up a mountain in a cave, neither believing it to be - an audience ticketing a listening. Or prattling pontificator delivering a commentary. Oblivoius to all around living as a winnie the poo or a rich man, ya ba dibba dum and privileged. The sad truth of Baby Reindeer is no one is coming to save you. We ourselves are the ones we have been waiting for......independently though interdependency. We must all become our own wounded healers, shamans to our lives. Forgiving self first, then other, then the concentric circles of the family/society shackles, unrealized/unrequited lives and loves, as the circle goes out. To infuse confidence. I demand more than the conversational five. If ever wondering, do I write because I am lacking in expression or opportunity. Eh no, I try to strap on the grey overcoat like a weight belt. That keeps bloody well falling off, like I’m in a Tommy Cooper skit or a coat wearing albatross, two sizes too big. Nowhere near cruxifictional level. Just like a good old atom, jumping in and out of circles when no one’s looking. More and more are afraid to play free, might attract a Martha into their lives, an extra reason to retreat (we’ll never view reindeers the same way again), get over familiar with the neighbor and fence (some hear Deliverance banjo music, some combine harvestor). World war three breaks out the back garden, about 10.30 on a thursday night, last day of june. Monty Pyton explains it better here. What do they explain? Mmmmm Gemini man, that’s all, it be the dragon line election year, no more. Palate painting play, the real reason the underneath clothes are rainbow colored. None a this is prophesy, just a very naughty boy naughting.

There shall, in that time, be rumors of things going astray, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia work base that has an attachment. At this time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o'clock (Monty Python Life of Brian).

How can you mesh, collage everything together and expect everyone to get it. But that’s what painting is man. An individual paints it. Everything on/to/through canvas/kansas, just from one pair of eyes. I’m just over here in the corner havin’ a paint. You’re just coming over to have a look at me paintin’ like. And that’s it. I make it and you interpret it. Piece of sh*t or a nice coffee table. Nothing more, nothing less. We sense make out into the world, leaving as much as we can for posterity. A lot can be picked up in the wind. We anger at times with other, for not being understood, for not understanding them, not getting enough time from d’other, nor life with new short sentences that have come along for so many. We are all together but all alone. We can’t be witness to everyone’s life. But we wish all the best to all. Just because we don’t contact one another throughout our days and years, doesn’t mean we don’t care. So many feel wronged by another, hurt, when we must realize others are just working through their story/songlines too. Tolence to another like “hey, that’s a nice coffee table”. So many of these posts just before waking, just before sleeping were amazing. I wish I could produce them for you. Make a million, I would. They weren’t about creating art, needing expression, mental health (although we’re all mad accordin’ to the 9 O Clock news, these days). But writings about a breakthrough of sorts in mind, body, spirit - Recalls - Not all, could see the ships in the harbor when the Spanish came (boom, the instantaneous just grabbed me there, now it passes to you - Guess we’ll both be watching What the Bleep Do You Know for the spanish ships-harbor-shamaning our minds). We’re at a junction. Some are painting political pictures, others sport. Some housing, we’re even questioning jackals, hey man - I Hear You Paint Houses. Some paint all the colors of the rainbow, some see and say a filthy coat/what big teeth you have grandma, when others see techincolour dreams. Our lives have been a tapestry. Of rich and royal hue. An everlasting vision. Of the ever-changing view. A wond'rous woven magic. In bits of blue and gold. A tapestry to feel and see. Impossible to hold. I say goodbye to bubstack writing, maybe look to web 3. It came across my radar two years back but never went further. I simply wanna write. Not geek out. I wrote in one of my Posts about the power of 8. That we all need to group, the computer guy needs the word guy who needs the action guy who needs the money guy who needs the free guy (the ready player one guy) and a circle it goes. Swedes need welsh, women trans and if we’re all feeling real loving, like thorogood says luvy dovey, maybe we could go as far to include the white hetrosexual man. Prosocial and Alexander Bard were both on about what’s beyond money. Can you barter, gift, payment in kind. Yes, but only if you have some sort of steady income coming in to pay the basics. Its the worlds problem, so many could be doing incredible things, but they have to put food on the table. Save yer money, move outside the west, live the cheaper economy. Can’t change my biome man and me microbiome couldn’t adapt either. And my connections, I have a life where I’m at, say most. If fully invested in a place, then the land is part of one. Hence the reactions to influx and the cymatic movements of people. Social Capital is important, another way beyond the gate-kept culture of work/profession/career. Every single person you meet could tell you the shackles of their work, if you’re open to see it. See what? All the hidden hollywood couch rules in all the officed Severances (Ben Stiller). Sexual is only one form of control, there are many, many, but my moyuth is dry, ja’see. Before I go goo goo or calcify commentary, I bow out. We got to face it, fact has become stranger than fiction. So I go to fiction, like one would, like. I wanna do the third actualized blog, gonna try and find the time. Maybe I pop to play, take to theatre, skan* a skit, script, even story songline a shanty. Again the gatekeepers need to allow. Gatekeepers are like Dennis Leary explaining moving the lawn therapy. Birthing anything new is incredibly hard. Like training a dog milgramly, one eventually learns exactly how to bale, wiping it off here boss. The other inmates tow the line thinking you just have some wires crossed, overall a good ol’ boy, but mad as the moon. Facinated are we by Richard Gadd’s portrayal and Benedict Cumberbatch in Eric (a coming paragraph). Richard not making it in comedy, bears the soul to voyeur delight. What’s next - live online - gasoline, dirty sheets and a cigar.

“Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far
You're gonna fly, you're never gonna die
You're gonna make it if you try, they're gonna love you
Well, I've always had a deep respect and I mean that most sincere
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think
Oh, by the way, which one's pink?

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it riding the gravy train

We're just knocked out, we heard about the sell-out
You gotta get an album out, you owe it to the people
We're so happy we can hardly count
Everybody else is just green, have you seen the chart?
It's a hell of a start, it could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team”. Have a Cigar Pink Floyd.

The world is changing. We are either part of the problem or part of the solution. By doing something or by doing nothing. I have mentioned a myriad ‘mount a topics, themes, tales and turnkeys. Tiring tirades. Tis thy time. Ta travail this tomfoolery tommyknockering. To crazy, to pass on, to out of context, to attach a part, to dangerous to claim. My writing is safe for posterity. I’ll leave you to wonder, what if a different prophet from the below clip got chosen or even the idea of who might be next. Pint a larger and a packet a peanuts, Lawrence. Cheers, Ciao, Change.

Life of Brian - prophets

To balance out Baby Reindeer, I have to mention the Series Eric with Benedict Cumberbatch. Both of these series promotional materials, do not make them appealing. Proof that AI should just stick to writing popcorn rather than nefariously, distracting the good stuff. Eric is an incredible journey, just like Reindeer. So vital to show a mirror, that's our fate. War babies, don't want to live in another world. Oh you silly sods. Too many of us traumatized as warring babies travelling time loops. the only world the majority know. Will not go out and search for new cheese. Dying in repetition, oh you silly sods we repeat and repeat and repeat. "We are lost, we are found, we are fearless and all around, we are scared of ourselves, with a mirror that's our fate. We are lost, we are lost, we are found" - Roderick by The Damned.

Suicide Squad Monty Python's Life of Brian - Odin's Channel
Perpetrator/Victim, Housing/Homelessness, Trump Eric/Gadd Cumberbatch, Mainstream/Ghosted. Vilified, inbetween, lost in limbo, happen to be out sick. Oh.... waiting for the Number 22 Bus, that should cover everybody. The dual top two positions, Gadd in Reindeer and Cumberbatch in Eric, play out all round us from Kitchen Table to World Citizen (tell me you spot it or is it just me, pissing up the cliffs again. Ja'hear 'bout da couple a cows that jumped off, had enough it seems, f*ckin' cows, get a hammering these days). The pain that plays out, that comes to visit a life, can be soul crushing. Art shows it magnified as we all play down the rungs of the hermetic ladder. Some war babies maybe higher rungs, yet the psychopaths lead in all concentrics. I don't call for rage. But forgive self, other, society and life. Volcanoes erupt naturally, we cannot stop a natural occurrence, even if we do cernly rein reign rain. Because my life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, I've seen an incredible range of souls. Society, sick as it seems, puts protocol in murder by number 123 but promotes psychopathy, if they be good at robbing peter to pay paul or runnin' off with truths clothes, focal hire them. We all go round hypnotized trying to recognize "what's technicolor coating again". Yes men, psychopaths, bathtakers and berserkers, cows chew cud waiting cull - the willing fools. Those developing higher states of awareness/consciousness, now by planetary alignments, question holding heavy quam. We juggle on, searching new road, there but for the grace........

War Baby Tom Robinson
My Western world frequency range change came online, through movie/series/podcast since 2020. Music and Book were already in knapsack. I jumped right into the soup hidden beach boyed good vibrations without thought. To the four seasons, all in one day lands over here. I changed, the landscape changed, we all changed, and Stallone ended rocky four on it. Wha? Older people and those too settled including a section of expatriates, will always find my writing mind bending, tiring and/or ridiculous. Those younger or living deeper eyed near periphery, will understand the juggling mind needed to live, to work, to be, as preparation for all that's coming. Reference will always remain in the personal. A private painter's palette.The speed, the survival, the rapid comprehension and learning, is calling us all to take this space between us, fill it up some way and to wake up, it's much too late. To the now more than obvious fact, that the world is darker crystaled, than we could ever know. We need to stop saying that's a nice coffee table, that was great entertainment, or even "are you not entertained". Truth is stranger than fiction. Cause truth, lost all its bloody clothes man, and the lie is running rampant in armani. Don't accept being called cynical, conspiratorial, fearmongerist. It is what it is, too much is simply blatant right now. We're no longer ruled by those who killed mammoths, but by the ones who poisoned them. Run away, oh human child to the waters and the wilds, for the world's more full of weeping than we can understand.

The Waterboys - The Stolen Child
We pass through art, as well as the world outside, drawing us on, ever to end. Why onion rap then? Why not forgive self, other, society and life. Put character you addressed to rest throughout the present sh*tshow that comes to end. Leave theatre, there's another play waiting, a world beyond. The more of us trying to see and birth this in, the more we'll shaman shout up the birth canal saying "there it is, I can see it, it's a ....it's a .... it's a surprise". I'm not talking 'bout dying. Michael Meade calls it dieing to the self. When time comes for that, fine. Everyone dies, but few truly live. "Bye-bye shadowlands. The term is over and all the holidays have begun. When it's dark and evening falls, she moves among men, she is in the shadows, the ocean and the sand, everywhere and no place. Her church not made with hands. Not contained by man. She is dancing high as clouds. Faster than the arrow, as straight as any crows that flies. Across great seas she travels, up through rising lands. She is everywhere and no place.Her church not made with hands.

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis perform "Hand of God" - Live at Hanging Rock | Art Works

Be good be kind be brave be different - Eric Mini Series (2024).

So many people living but plugged out from mainstream, a whole variety of reasons. Oblivious to national tv, newspaper, online promotion and marketing. A section of society that do not know of coming elections, taxes, sports and concerts, immigration or war (the mole people living down the New York Underground depicted in the Series Eric. Oh yes, we all love puppets say you, they get to say the things we can't, Phoeagdor). So I was right all along, you're a muppet then. If we don't juggle as much as the mind can handle, we'll separate like stars. We're already tribbing further and further apart, losing touch with lives we used to share cornflakes with. Podcasters now have supporters like football teams. Cross pollination allowed, but only if playing in the same division and sport, and financially beneficial. Oh yes, financially beneficial. Don't fear juggling the church not made with hands. We have already become our own wetiko. We stop now, deal and heal, to make it real. Come with me on a journey under the skin, to the pan within.

The Waterboys - The Pan Within with Lyrics
The attention now goes to the act - the juggling, the will, the search, the voice of discontent in a world of agreeable corruption. Everywhere in everytime and every life, we've entertained it, gave it a home, cuckoos in reverse (Kesey bunoscionn). So much, so quickly wetiko'd in, in no time, to real time, stealing time. Back to awake we go, we are not the Claw but our claw. In what? In everything. And that's where the power will reverse, where planet poleshifts correct. That be 5D. All are welcome, but we can only go there alone. Through our own lives as Sting, Lenny and all the boys. Whomever's energy that draws you, hand to glove, hand of god, wild god, everywhere and nowhere a church not made by hands. To continue in your own song, drumming/strumming. Or stumble bumming late in the15th, dancing madly like Billy Eliot or strutting like Travolta, downtowning Brooklyn. Nothing left to lose. I need a thicker skin. This pain keeps getting in. Tell me what to do. I've always listened to you - Everything but the Girl. We listen to nobody, no more. We intuit in, guides are all around, we must decide. It Starts In The Kitchens' Few, In The Private House And Moves Out Into The World Now! This wild hand of god. The world is speaking to us every single minute of every single day, look, listen, learn - open your eyes, my wish to us all, I, you, us and them. We rectify the statement now "Everyone thinks of changing the world. And no one thinks of changing themselves".

The Waterboys - Church Not Made With Hands
Are you alt or main, rep or con. You keep jumping. Don't we need to be jumpers? We need to hold two opposing views at all times, verb we play, not noun, both atom and wave. Sometimes we vibrate slowly and are near solid ground/rock or tree, sometimes we vibrate at high speeds and are closer to the transparent, a moving animal or amoeba. Wha! If you are in one location or group mindset where there are no visible immigration problems, that you're only fed 5 locations weekly on newspeak, then it's not fully your issue or important to you, is it. Staying within Irish issues. Others, just transfer the idea to your own locale. If one reads that nearly 70 percent of all Irish people are homeowners, then the housing issue will not be important to majority, only mortgage rates and the banks not to fail. Hence the vote for status quo, so many are invested in the status quo but like escapism in directed content, even football hooliganism has seen its day, new marching bands pied out. Everything is in the eye of the beholder and there are many higher rungs on the ladder where opinion constantly is in change and flux, third eye very rarely activates.

I'm Just a Kid (Official Lyric Video) - WIESINGER
A little ditty, suggested it, toyed with it. Only, maybe, I think. Not going to go back over posts, to check if I put these jokes in or not but by jesus they're needed. Baby bear comes rushing inta house. Daddy daddy, daddy, am I a polar bear. Yes son, you're a polar bear. Kid goes off out again to play in the snow. 15 minutes later back in, daddy, daddy, daddy am I a polar bear. Yes son, you're a polar bear. More reluctantly, off he goes a playing a second time. 10 minues pass, he's in again, Daddy, daddy, am I a polar bear. Yes son, why are you constantly asking. Cause I'm f*cking freezing out there. Its cold, hot emotionally, but a cold world in so many ways. We heat it up as best we can, with humor, with holding as much in mind, to show the sleepy, the frightened and those freezing. The other bold one, thats also relative for a further number to awaken goldilocks is this:A bear and a rabbit are taking a sh*t in the woods. The bear turns to the rabbit and asks, does sh*t stick to your fur. The rabbit says no. So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit. Boom, and another brigade awaken. Dalits no more.

Rodriguez - Crucify Your Mind (with lyrics)
Do not dismiss my roderick rhetoric humor, blogging, musing and silliness all too quickly. For we all travel the highways and byways of/with/through others, forwards, backwards and all around this life, waving at each other at central stations and funerals, like passing benjamin button characters in the night. Or Charlie and Martin Sheens in boat, shouting across to each other "I loved you in Wall Street" (Hot Shots! Part Deux). The more we pay attention to the better, the more we hold in mind. Not only helps the one, but the many. Why not explain all this in the private life, first principle understandings so we can understand, like. Cause thats my business, thats my life, give a man his privacy. We all gotta fix up our own lives. Thats why I blow it up here with this giant blog, Have my own immediates. Everything is said for conversation, everything is said developing the faculty of cop-on bottles to become conscious to, before we drown. I'm proud of calling out all this madness in such verse. Takes it's toll you know. There is a braveness and a loneliness of the long distance runner. Anyway, I'm delighted to reintroduce words like bollocks, eejit, langer to Samuel L Jackson, who can spread 'round the world in more tarantino tonteros, ta break the lovely wetiko. Speechless am I with all this says a section.........that's perfect says I. For that's the new direction most need to go. To be alone, to go to nature, to connect to self, whatever gets you there. And truly madly deeply now, like an artist. Be Jonathan on a lonely looking sky. Being alone is not the same as being lonely, everyone must pass through the Frank Sinatra Album "A Man Alone". If the ladys out there, want to call it people alone, fine. Carol King attached in this blog, could take one down similar roads. Most travel in herd their whole lives. Carol sang: I wept to see them suffer though I didn't know them well. Silence:can we find it, and can we go there. Once there, are we in distraction or in full immersion, do we know the difference. How the hell did it go from the very first blog post 2 years ago to this final atomic. All and everything, gurdjieff plays shoulder to so many, mad fella that he was. Bring this out as an ebook, an audiobook man. When withdrawling, I'll turn a page, well......I'll scroll, happliy think of turning a page and you. Where are ya now as the years go by, what vibration/universe/multiverse are ya frequencing, and what ya doing there. Besides tea and bloggin', what now has become hoppy, who ya hanging round with and are ya still dancing with the devil in the pale moon light. The following poem I got from an astrologer, would ya believe. Pam Gregory, an incredible bundle of energy that rips through time continuum, from a couch disguised as tea with the owl and the puss*cat, the individual soul and the Oversoul. Everything, everyone is so interconnected. Know, what you feel inside, you kind of resonate it out, so ........yes, what were you going to say. You were going to say something there. Ohhhh I feel like Bryan in The Life Of. Maybe I'll go no further and stop here. I could open a gaunt shop.

Quinteto Tati - Um Fado Qualquer
"We are born with (that is, we bring into this world/life) a pre-established fate." We play a play with words, a pun in fate, a fado. Busy, busy, hurry. Hurry yourself in the everday, get lost in safety, duty, dishes and dimwits, who constantly say that they can't go to the stoning, that he's not well again. It's not funny, your attitude, does not go unnoticed, you know. Hey man, whatta ya gonna do, ain't got a big house ta curtain off, ain't gotta house. A country I do, we do, I think, and off go the nationalists a marching, turning away from this post by the droves and now back again like a John Denver returning song. Nothing really matters, anyone can see, it's anyway the wind blows. Its gemini, reading this in 2040. Whenever you find yourself reading:it's gemini. You came to this read for a reason. Yes, you would have prefered it written as Title or subheading. But you wouldn't have earned this part "nothing really matters". Inward we go, don't sweat it. Not to my mind, thank god, hand a god, wild god. To your own, we all go to wrestle with the fado internal/eternal song.

Metallica & San Francisco Symphony: Nothing Else Matters (Live)
Those close to you are somehow feeling or mirroring such same feelings. Wow, good to know. If I ever find myself anywhere close to you then, I'll know the jig is up and my jimmy whitehead is gonna go'ppenheimer. We all fly at different frequencies,vibrations and heights. Elon Musk told me, he's bringing out the chitty chitty bang bangs next year. And cloning Robert Helpmann:Get your lollipops, lollipops, come along my little ones. They're all free today, cherry pie, cream puffs, ice cream, treacle tart. I don't trust a man who makes toys in a land where children are forbidden. Hal was switched off in 1969, yet we all carry him round in pocket form now, since 2001 would ya believe. The LOTR towering infernos, flabbergasting: sounds so much like a case of bad wind. We miss so much of the obvious to keep our reason (don't want our reasons opening up any further, could lead to - spontaneous combustions, head explosions, madness or depression). Good news is by getting this far in this read, you can't ever go back. Retreat to the conversational five, that breach has past. You can visit, but you'll have a second tier fireside turf chat, constantly going on in mind as you discourse the everyday around you. You travel on now into the garden Scott. So Carey on, carry on, as Freddie gifted nothing really matters, anyone can see, which really means - everything matters anyway the wind blows.

Cerrone - Supernature

“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”

― Guillaume Apollinaire

David Sloan Wilson ProSocial:The Empathy Commons with Barbara Oakley

How many out there hidden in plain sight. We’ve won.

Mademoiselle from Armentiéres. Inky Pinky Parlez Vous.

Neil Finn - Last Day of June

World to Mind to World Commentary. Portrait of an Artistic Soul

:transcending through the transformational metamorphosis - 2020 to 2024.

60 Posts through The Phoenix Eagle Condor Newsletter 21 Posts through World Citizen and a Bottle of Cop-On

There But For The Grace Of God, Go We. Go’Luck.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.