1210. Registration Requirements | FINRA.org (2024)

Each person engaged in the investment banking or securities business of a member shall be registered with FINRA as a representative or principal in each category of registration appropriate to his or her functions and responsibilities as specified in Rule 1220, unless exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 1230. Such person shall not be qualified to function in any registered capacity other than that for which the person is registered, unless otherwise stated in the rules.

• • • Supplementary Material: --------------

.01 Minimum Number of Registered Principals. Each member, except a member with only one associated person, shall have at least two officers or partners who are registered as General Securities Principals pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(2), provided that a member that is limited in the scope of its activities may instead have two officers or partners who are registered in a principal category under Rule 1220(a) that corresponds to the scope of the member's activities. The requirement that a member have a minimum of two principals shall apply to persons seeking admission as members and existing members.

Pursuant to the Rule 9600 Series, FINRA may waive the requirement that a member have a minimum of two principals in situations that indicate conclusively that only one person associated with an applicant for membership or existing member should be required to register as a principal.

In addition to the requirement that a member have a minimum of two principals, an applicant for membership or existing member shall have at least one person: (1) registered as a Financial and Operations Principal or an Introducing Broker-Dealer Financial and Operations Principal, as applicable, pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(4)(A); (2) designated as a Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(4)(B); and (3) designated as a Principal Operations Officer pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(4)(B). An applicant for membership or existing member, if the nature of its business so requires, shall also have at least one person registered as: (1) an Investment Banking Principal pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(5); (2) a Research Principal pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(6); (3) a Securities Trader Principal pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(7); and (4) a Registered Options Principal pursuant to Rule 1220(a)(8).

.02 Permissive Registrations. A member may make application for or maintain the registration as a representative or principal, pursuant to Rule 1220, of any associated person of the member and any individual engaged in the investment banking or securities business of a foreign securities affiliate or subsidiary of the member. Individuals maintaining such permissive registrations shall be considered registered persons and subject to all FINRA rules, to the extent relevant to their activities.

Consistent with the requirements of Rule 3110, members shall have adequate supervisory systems and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that individuals with permissive registrations do not act outside the scope of their assigned functions. With respect to an individual who solely maintains a permissive registration(s), the individual's direct supervisor shall not be required to be a registered person. However, for purposes of compliance with Rule 3110(a)(5), a member shall assign a registered supervisor who shall be responsible for periodically contacting such individual's direct supervisor to verify that the individual is not acting outside the scope of his or her assigned functions. If such individual is permissively registered as a representative, the registered supervisor shall be registered as a representative or principal. If the individual is permissively registered as a principal, the registered supervisor shall be registered as a principal. Moreover, the registered supervisor of an individual who solely maintains a permissive registration(s) shall not be required to be registered in the same representative or principal registration category as the permissively-registered individual.

.03 Qualification Examinations and Waivers of Examinations. Before the registration of a person as a representative can become effective under Rule 1210, such person shall pass the Securities Industry Essentials ("SIE") and an appropriate representative qualification examination as specified in Rule 1220(b). Before the registration of a person as a principal can become effective under Rule 1210, such person shall pass an appropriate principal qualification examination as specified in Rule 1220(a).

If the job functions of a registered representative, other than an individual registered as an Order Processing Assistant Representative or a Foreign Associate, change so as to require the person to register in another representative category, the person shall not be required to pass the SIE. Rather, the registered person would need to pass only an appropriate representative qualification examination as specified in Rule 1220(b). All associated persons shall be eligible to take the SIE. In addition, individuals who are not associated persons shall be eligible to take the SIE. However, passing the SIE alone shall not qualify an individual for registration with FINRA. To be eligible for registration with FINRA, an individual shall pass an applicable representative or principal qualification examination as specified in Rule 1220 and satisfy all other applicable prerequisite registration requirements.

Pursuant to the Rule 9600 Series, FINRA may, in exceptional cases and where good cause is shown, waive the applicable qualification examination(s) and accept other standards as evidence of an applicant's qualifications for registration. Age or disability will not individually of themselves constitute sufficient grounds to waive a qualification examination. Experience in fields ancillary to the investment banking or securities business may constitute sufficient grounds to waive a qualification examination. FINRA shall only consider waiver requests submitted by a member for individuals associated with the member who are seeking registration in a representative or principal registration category. Moreover, FINRA shall consider waivers of the SIE alone or the SIE and the applicable representative and principal examination(s) for such individuals. FINRA shall not consider a waiver of the SIE for individuals who are not associated persons or for associated persons who are not registering as representatives or principals.

.04 Requirements for Registered Persons Functioning as Principals for a Limited Period. Subject to the requirements of Rule 1220.03, a member may designate any person currently registered, or who becomes registered, with the member as a representative to function as a principal for a period of 120 calendar days prior to passing an appropriate principal qualification examination as specified under Rule 1220(a), provided that such person has at least 18 months of experience functioning as a registered representative within the five-year period immediately preceding the designation and has fulfilled all applicable prerequisite registration, fee and examination requirements prior to designation as a principal. However, in no event may such person function as a principal beyond the initial 120 calendar day period without having successfully passed an appropriate principal qualification examination as specified under Rule 1220(a). The requirements above apply to designations to any principal category, including those categories that are not subject to a prerequisite representative registration requirement. Further, a person registered as an Order Processing Assistant Representative or a Foreign Associate shall not be eligible to be designated as a principal under Supplementary Material .04 of this Rule.

Subject to the requirements of Rule 1220.03, a member may designate any person currently registered, or who becomes registered, with the member as a principal to function in another principal category for a period of 120 calendar days prior to passing an appropriate qualification examination as specified under Rule 1220. However, in no event may such person function in such other principal category beyond the initial 120 calendar day period without having successfully passed an appropriate qualification examination as specified under Rule 1220.

.05 Rules of Conduct for Taking Examinations and Confidentiality of Examinations. Associated persons taking the SIE shall be subject to the SIE Rules of Conduct. Associated persons taking any representative or principal examination shall be subject to the Rules of Conduct for representative and principal examinations. A violation of the SIE Rules of Conduct or the Rules of Conduct for representative and principal examinations by an associated person shall be deemed to be a violation of Rule 2010. If FINRA determines that an associated person has violated the SIE Rules of Conduct or the Rules of Conduct for representative and principal examinations, the associated person may forfeit the results of the examination and may be subject to disciplinary action by FINRA.

Individuals taking the SIE who are not associated persons shall agree to be subject to the SIE Rules of Conduct. If FINRA determines that such individuals cheated on the SIE or that they misrepresented their qualifications to the public subsequent to passing the SIE, they may forfeit the results of the examination and may be prohibited from retaking the SIE.

FINRA considers all of its qualification examinations content to be highly confidential. The removal of examination content from an examination center, reproduction, disclosure, receipt from or passing to any person, or use for study purposes of any portion of such qualification examination or any other use that would compromise the effectiveness of the examinations and the use in any manner and at any time of the questions or answers to the examinations shall be prohibited and shall be deemed to be a violation of Rule 2010. An applicant cannot receive assistance while taking the examination and shall certify that no assistance was given to or received by him or her during the examination.

.06 Waiting Periods for Retaking a Failed Examination. Any person who fails to pass a qualification examination prescribed by FINRA shall be permitted to take that examination again after a period of 30 calendar days has elapsed from the date of such person's last attempt to pass that examination, except that any person who fails to pass an examination three or more times in succession within a two-year period shall be prohibited from again taking that examination until a period of 180 calendar days has elapsed from the date of such person's last attempt to pass that examination.

The waiting periods for retaking a failed examination shall apply to the SIE and the representative and principal examinations specified under Rule 1220. Individuals taking the SIE who are not associated persons shall agree to be subject to the same waiting periods for retaking the SIE.

.07 All Registered Persons Must Satisfy the Regulatory Element of Continuing Education. All registered persons, including those individuals who solely maintain permissive registrations pursuant to Rule 1210.02, shall satisfy the Regulatory Element of continuing education as specified in Rule 1240(a).

If a person registered with a member has a continuing education deficiency with respect to that registration as provided under Rule 1240(a), such person shall not be permitted to be registered in another registration category under Rule 1220 with that member or to be registered in any registration category under Rule 1220 with another member, until the person has satisfied the deficiency.

.08 Lapse of Registration and Expiration of SIE. Any person who was last registered as a representative two or more years immediately preceding the date of receipt by FINRA of a new application for registration as a representative shall be required to pass a representative qualification examination appropriate to his or her category of registration as specified in Rule 1220(b), unless the person has maintained his or her qualification status for that registration category in accordance with Rule 1240(c) or as otherwise permitted by FINRA. Any person who last passed the SIE or who was last registered as a representative, whichever occurred last, four or more years immediately preceding the date of receipt by FINRA of a new application for registration as a representative shall be required to pass the SIE in addition to a representative qualification examination appropriate to his or her category of registration as specified in Rule 1220(b).

Any person who was last registered as a principal two or more years immediately preceding the date of receipt by FINRA of a new application for registration as a principal shall be required to pass a principal qualification examination appropriate to his or her category of registration as specified in Rule 1220(a), unless the person has maintained his or her qualification status for that registration category in accordance with Rule 1240(c) or as otherwise permitted by FINRA.

Any person whose registration has been revoked pursuant to Rule 8310 shall be required to pass a principal or representative qualification examination appropriate to his or her category of registration as specified in Rule 1220(a) or Rule 1220(b), respectively, to be eligible for registration with FINRA.

For purposes of Supplementary Material .08 of this Rule, an application shall not be considered to have been received by FINRA if that application does not result in a registration.

.09 Waiver of Examinations for Individuals Working for a Financial Services Industry Affiliate of a Member. Upon request by a member, FINRA shall waive the applicable qualification examination(s) for an individual designated with FINRA as working for a financial services industry affiliate of a member if the following conditions are met:

(a) Prior to the individual's initial designation, the individual was registered as a representative or principal with FINRA for a total of five years within the most recent 10- year period, including for the most recent year with the member that initially designated the individual;

(b) The waiver request is made within seven years of the individual's initial designation;

(c) The initial designation and any subsequent designation(s) were made concurrently with the filing of the individual's related Form U5;

(d) The individual continuously worked for the financial services industry affiliate(s) of a member since the individual's last Form U5 filing;

(e) The individual has complied with the Regulatory Element of continuing education as specified in Rule 1240(a); and

(f) The individual does not have any pending or adverse regulatory matters, or terminations, that are reportable on the Form U4, and has not otherwise been subject to a statutory disqualification as defined in Section 3(a)(39) of the Exchange Act while the individual was designated as eligible for a waiver.

As used in Supplementary Material .09 of this Rule, a "financial services industry affiliate of a member" is a legal entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a member and is regulated by the SEC, CFTC, state securities authorities, federal or state banking authorities, state insurance authorities, or substantially equivalent foreign regulatory authorities.

Effective March 15, 2022, FINRA will not accept any new initial designations for individuals under the waiver program set forth in Supplementary Material .09 of this Rule.

.10 Status of Persons Serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. The following provisions address the status of current and former registered persons serving in active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States:

(a) Inactive Status of Currently Registered Persons

A registered person of a member who volunteers for or is called into active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States shall be placed, after proper notification to FINRA, on inactive status and need not be re-registered by such member upon his or her return to active employment with the member. Such person shall remain eligible to receive transaction-related compensation, including continuing commissions. The employing member also may allow such person to enter into an arrangement with another registered person of the member to take over and service the person's accounts and to share transaction-related compensation based upon the business generated by such accounts. However, because such persons are inactive, they may not perform any of the functions and responsibilities performed by a registered person.

A registered person who is placed on inactive status pursuant to this paragraph (a) shall not be included within the definition of “Personnel” for purposes of the dues or assessments as provided in Article VI of the FINRA By-Laws. In addition, a registered person who is placed on inactive status pursuant to this paragraph (a) shall not be required to complete either the Regulatory Element or Firm Element set forth in Rule 1240 during the pendency of such inactive status.

The relief provided in this paragraph (a) shall be available to a registered person who is placed on inactive status pursuant to this paragraph (a) during the period that such person remains registered with the member with which he or she was registered at the beginning of active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, regardless of whether the person returns to active employment with another member upon completion of his or her active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States.

The relief described in this paragraph (a) shall be provided only to a person registered with a member and only while the person remains on active military duty. Further, the member with which such person is registered shall promptly notify FINRA in such manner as FINRA may specify of such person's return to active employment with the member.

(b) Inactive Status of Sole Proprietorships

A member that is a sole proprietor who temporarily closes his or her business by reason of volunteering for or being called into active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, shall be placed, after proper notification to FINRA, on inactive status while the member remains on active military duty.

A sole proprietor member placed on inactive status as set forth in this paragraph (b) shall not be required to pay dues or assessments during the pendency of such inactive status and shall not be required to pay an admission fee upon return to active participation in the investment banking or securities business.

The relief described in this paragraph (b) shall be provided only to a sole proprietor member and only while the person remains on active military duty. Further, the sole proprietor shall promptly notify FINRA in such manner as FINRA may specify of his or her return to active participation in the investment banking or securities business.

(c) Status of Formerly Registered Persons

If a person who was formerly registered with a member volunteers for or is called into active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States at any time within two years after the date the person ceased to be registered with a member, FINRA shall defer the lapse of registration requirements set forth in Rule 1210.08 (i.e., toll the two-year expiration period for representative and principal qualification examinations) and the lapse of the SIE (i.e., toll the four-year expiration period for the SIE). FINRA shall defer the lapse of registration requirements and the SIE commencing on the date the person begins actively serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, provided that FINRA is properly notified of the person's period of active military service within 90 days following his or her completion of active service or upon his or her re-registration with a member, whichever occurs first. The deferral will terminate 90 days following the person's completion of active service in the Armed Forces of the United States. Accordingly, if such person does not re-register with a member within 90 days following his or her completion of active service in the Armed Forces of the United States, the amount of time in which the person must become re-registered with a member without being subject to a representative or principal qualification examination or the SIE shall consist of the standard two-year period for representative and principal qualification examinations or the standard four-year period for the SIE, whichever is applicable, as provided in Rule 1210.08 reduced by the period of time between the person's termination of registration and beginning of active service in the Armed Forces of the United States.

If a person placed on inactive status while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States ceases to be registered with a member, FINRA shall defer the lapse of registration requirements set forth in Rule 1210.08 (i.e., toll the two-year expiration period for representative and principal qualification examinations) and the lapse of the SIE (i.e., toll the four-year expiration period for the SIE) during the pendency of his or her active service in the Armed Forces of the United States. FINRA shall defer the lapse of registration requirements based on existing information in the CRD system, provided that FINRA is properly notified of the person's period of active military service within two years following his or her completion of active service or upon his or her re-registration with a member, whichever occurs first. The deferral shall terminate 90 days following the person's completion of active service in the Armed Forces of the United States. Accordingly, if such person does not re-register with a member within 90 days following his or her completion of active service in the Armed Forces of the United States, the amount of time in which the person must become re-registered with a member without being subject to a representative or principal qualification examination or the SIE shall consist of the standard two-year period for representative and principal qualification examinations or the standard four-year period for the SIE, whichever is applicable, as provided in Rule 1210.08.

.11 Impermissible Registrations. Members shall not register or maintain the registration of any person unless consistent with the requirements of Rule 1210.

Amended by SR-FINRA-2021-015 eff. March 15, 2022.
Adopted by SR-FINRA-2017-007 eff. Oct. 1, 2018.

Selected Notice: 17-30, 21-41.

1210. Registration Requirements | FINRA.org (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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