Brian's Xbox IP Resolver Documentation (2024)


Brian's Xbox IP Resolver (Gamertag2IP) is a script created in Python that will come with a preexisting database so you won't need to create one and add information to it. The main database will receive updates every so often. Since the main database already has information in it you can begin searching right away. You can search for a Xbox users IP Address, XUID, and Machine ID (MID) with just their gamertag from the main database if available. The script also allows users to create their own databases too! You can contribute to the main overall database by submitting your database to the developer to be merged together or they can share their database online for others online to use.

The main database is created on the developers side which works by using the IP log (iplog.txt) file generated by ApparitionNET when logging IPs, other ways to import from a ip log file are planned. Once the file is created it is dropped into the scripts root and the script uses that to create or add that information to a new/existing database. Data can also be entered manually as well if needed.


Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is hosted and open sourced on GitHub along with his website and other projects so they can be viewed easier. To download Brian's Xbox IP Resolver click on "Download Script" button, then click the "Code" dropdown, and select "Download ZIP". Learn about installing the needed requirements here.

Download Script


Installing Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is very easy to do. Once you have downloaded the script make sure you have the latest version of Python installed before continuing. Open CMD/Terminal and go to the scripts root folder and run the following command to install all the needed requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

It's recommended you create a virtual environment before installing a requirements.txt file. Anyways after you installed the needed requirements all you need to do now is run the script and your good to go. To run the script run this command:


How Tos

Below will be a list of tutorials that should help you learn how to use Brian's Xbox IP Resolver. Tutorials ranging from searching a database to creating and submitting one to the developer.

Searching A Database

Searching any database made for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is very easy. Just download the database file that ends in .db and drop that into the scripts root folder and the script should recognize it and allow you to select it in the database list. You can also create a database using the "Create Database" option and insert some records and then search that database.

Searching a database is easy just start the script up and choose the first option which should be "1" after selecting this you will be asked to select the database you want use. After selecting the database you can freely search that database for a Xbox users IP, XUID, and Machine ID with their gamertag.

Using The Script | Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 1>>>>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): backup>>> Searching Database: backup.db>>>>>> Gamertag (case sensitive): TestUser123>>>>>> ID: 2>>> Gamertag: TestUser123>>> IP Address:>>> XUID: 000601FE39FAC3C3>>> Machine ID: FA0000000404BE9E>>>>>> Gamertag (case sensitive):

Creating A Database

Creating a database for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is very easy. Creating a database will allow you send that database to the scripts developer to be merged to the main database or you can share the database online for others to use or contribute too.

Creating a database is easy just start the script up and choose the second option which should be "2" after selecting this you will be asked to enter a name for your database. After entering a name the script will go ahead and create the database for you. The database can be found in the scripts folder and will be empty until you insert information into that database.

Using The Script | Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 2>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): testdb>>>>>> Successfully created the database.

Inserting Into Database

Inserting information into a database for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is very easy. Creating a database will allow you send that database to the scripts developer to be merged to the main database or you can share the database online for others to use or contribute too.

Inserting information into a database is easy just start the script up and choose the second option which should be "3" then the script will ask if you want to insert information manually or by using a iplog.txt file. The iplog.txt file is generated by ApparitionNET Studio. I have plans of adding support for others ways for information to be inserted into the database. If you are inserting information manually you will be asked to enter the following information:

  • Gamertag*
  • IP Address*
  • XUID
  • Machine ID

Note: The XUID and machine ID (MID) inputs can be left blank if unknown.

When inserting into a database using a iplog.txt file the script will open the iplog.txt file to read and create a new formatted file with the contents of that file. This new file will be named something like "new_iplog.txt" unless changed in By creating this new formatted file it allows the script to be able to use and read the data in the file to be used later when adding it to a database. When adding the file contents to a database the script will add the file contents to a list then insert that list into the selected database automatically for you. Be sure the iplog.txt is inside the scripts folder or it will throw a error.

Using The Script | Inserting Manually

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 3>>>>>> Insert data manually or with the iplog.txt file (manually/iplog): manually>>>>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>>>>> Gamertag: TestGamertag123>>> IP Address:>>> XUID: 000901F0138D1241>>> Machine ID: FA00F49BFED244BB>>>>>> Successfully added information to example.db.

Using The Script | Inserting From IP Log File Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 3>>>>>> Insert data manually or with the iplog.txt file (manually/iplog): iplog>>>>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>>>>> Which program is the ip log file from?>>> - ApparitionNET Studios>>> Program: ApparitionNET>>>>>> Opening iplog.txt to read and create the new formatted file.>>> Creating the new formatted file named new_iplog.txt.>>> Successfully created the new formatted file.>>> Adding the items from new_iplog.txt to a list.>>> Inserting the information from that list to test.db.>>> Successfully inserted information into database.

Editing A Database

Edit a database that was made for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is a very easy thing to do. Edit a database will edit records in that database this includes a gamertags, xuids, and machine IDs. You will need to know the ID of the entry in order to edit it. The editing database part of the script isn't finsished so take caution when editing anything.

Editing information that is stored in the database is easy just start the script up and choose the fourth option which should be "4" then the script will ask you to select the database you want to edit then the script will ask if you want to edit multiple columns at the same time or edit one column at a time. If you choose multiple columns you will be asked enter the new gamertag, ip address, xuid, and machine id. These can not be left blank.

Note: as of right now the script only supports editing of multiple columns not one at a time.

Using The Script | Editing Multiple Columns Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 4>>>>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>> Would you like to update multiple columns at the same time? (y/n): y>>> Please enter the ID of the row you would like to update: 1>>>>>> New Gamertag: TestGamertag123>>> New IP Address:>>> New XUID: 000901F0138D1241>>> New Machine ID: FA00F49BFED244BB>>>>>> Successfully edited the database record.

Viewing A Database

Viewing a database that was made for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is a very easy thing to do. Viewing a database will show you all the results that are in that database this includes a ID, gamertags, xuids, and machine IDs. Viewing a database may be useful to see everything inside but you can also make note of a ID for a entry and use that ID to then edit that entry if you wanted to by using the edit database option.

Viewing information that is stored in the database is easy just start the script up and choose the fifth option which should be "5" then the script will ask you to select the database you want to view then after picking a database the script will show all entrys that are in the database this inculdes:

  • IDs
  • Gamertags
  • IP Addresses
  • XUIDs
  • Machine IDs

Using The Script | Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 5>>>>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>>>>> ID: 1>>> Gamertag: TestGamertag123>>> IP Address:>>> XUID: 000901F0138D1241>>> Machine ID: FA00F49BFED244BB>>>>>> ID: 2>>> Gamertag: TestUser>>> IP Address:>>> XUID: 000608F03B1D1236>>> Machine ID: FA0000000404FD3W>>>>>> ID: 3>>> Gamertag: AnotherGamertag>>> IP Address:>>> XUID: 000201F0278S6221>>> Machine ID: FA0000000404BE7E

Merge Two Database

Do you have two multiple database and would like to merge them together? Well now you can! Merging two database that was made for Brian's Xbox IP Resolver is a very easy thing to do. You can only merge two databases together at one time but you can keep reparting the process as needed.

Merging two database together is easy just start the script up and choose the sixth option which should be "6" then the script will ask you to select the database you want to merge into then you will be asked to select the database you want to merge into the selected database.

Using The Script | Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 6>>>>>> Please pick a database you would like to merage to from the list below.>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>> Which database would you like to merge into example.db (without .db): old>>> Successfully merged old.db into example.db.

Delete A Database

No longer need a database? You can always delete it manually yourself but I have went ahead and included a option in the script to do it for you. You have to be 100% sure you want to delete the database because once its gone, its gone. Take caution when using this action because it can not be undone.

Deleting a database is easy just start the script up and choose the seventh option which should be "7" then the script will ask you to select the database you want to delete and then will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the database and if you answer "yes" or "y" the script will go ahead and delete the database.

Using The Script | Example

>>> python>>> 1. Search Database>>> 2. Create Database>>> 3. Insert Into Database>>> 4. Edit Database>>> 5. View Database>>> 6. Merge Two Databases>>> 7. Delete Database>>>>>> Please pick a option above by entering the number: 7>>>>>> Please pick a database you would like to merage to from the list below.>>> - backup.db>>> - database.db>>> - old.db>>> - example.db>>>>>> Database Name (without .db): example>>> Are you sure you want to delete test.db? This can not be undone! (y/n): y>>> Successfully deleted the database.
Brian's Xbox IP Resolver Documentation (2024)


How to find Xbox 1s IP address? ›

To find the IP address and MAC address for your console, follow these steps:
  1. Press the Xbox button  to open the guide.
  2. Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings.
  3. Select Advanced settings. The IP address and MAC address will be listed on the screen.
  4. Write down the IP address and MAC address.

How do I find my Xbox IP address without my TV? ›

Switch on your Xbox One console. On the Xbox controller, press the “Menu” button to open the console's menu interface. From the menu, select “Settings” > “Network” > “Network settings” > “Advanced settings.” Open “IP settings” to see your Xbox One's IP address.

What does an IP address of 0.0 0.0 mean? ›

In IPv4-based routing, 0.0. 0.0 serves as a default route. This means no particular address has been designated in the routing table as the next hop in the packet's path to its final destination. When the default route is used with a subnet mask of 0.0. 0.0, it matches any address.

Why does my Xbox say "Can't find IP address"? ›

Cannot Get an IP Address

As with the DHCP server error above, the Xbox One error screen recommends to power cycle the router to recover from this issue. Routers can fail to issue IP addresses for two main reasons: all available addresses are already in use by other devices, or the router malfunctioned.

Why does my Xbox say cannot connect with a static IP address? ›

Your Xbox console is set to use a static IP address, but it can't connect to your network because another device on the network is already using the same IP address. To keep using a static IP address on your console, you will first have to remove it from the device that is currently using it.

Why won't my Xbox connect to Wi-Fi but my phone will? ›

Try placing both the router and the Xbox One up as high as possible to reduce interference. Remove or unplug sources of interference like cordless phones, intercoms, and microwaves. Try switching your Wi-Fi network to a different channel. If you're using a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network, try switching to 2.4 GHz.

How do I locate IP? ›

First, click on your Start Menu and type cmd in the search box and press enter. A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter. There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all. Your IP address will be the IPv4 address.

What is the console command for IP? ›

In Command Prompt, type ipconfig and hit Enter. Scroll to IPv4 Address to see your local IP address.

How do I find the IP address of my system? ›

You can find your local IP address by clicking on the Start menu, typing cmd in the search box, and pressing enter to open the command prompt. Then, type ipconfig /all, and hit enter. Your local IP address will be the IPv4 address listed.

Why can't Xbox find IP address? ›

Cannot Get an IP Address

As with the DHCP server error above, the Xbox One error screen recommends to power cycle the router to recover from this issue. Routers can fail to issue IP addresses for two main reasons: all available addresses are already in use by other devices, or the router malfunctioned.

How do you pull an IP address from Xbox? ›

In the Command Prompt window, type the netstat -an command and hit Enter. Then you can find the IP address and go to a IP location finder to track it.

How to find Xbox MAC address during setup? ›

Getting Your Gaming Console Mac Address: Xbox Series X/S
  1. Find My Xbox in the Xbox Dashboard and select Settings.
  2. Under General, select Network Settings.
  3. Select Advanced Settings from the Network Settings tab.
  4. You will see the MAC addresses for Wired (Ethernet) and Wireless (Wi-Fi).
Feb 27, 2024

What is my gateway IP address? ›

Press the “Win + R” keys to open the Run dialog box. Type in “cmd” and click “o*k.” In the “Command Prompt” window, type in “ipconfig” and hit the “Enter” key. Your default gateway IP address will appear in the line labeled “Default gateway.”

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.