Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (2024)

Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (1)

Can a DNA Paternity Test Be Done Without the Father?

Paternity testing helps identify the true biological father of a child and provides clear evidence for legal issues or for people just seeking peace of mind. This article answers several questions you might have about DNA paternity testing without the father.

Call us for a FREE confidential consultation at 800.929.0847. We’re here to help.

With DNA Diagnostic Center’s (DDC) proprietary process, it is possible to have a DNA paternity test without the father’s direct involvement. One way is to test one or both of the possible father’s parents or other first-degree relatives such as a brother, sister, or other known child. Non-standard samples from the possible father, such as a blood card if he is deceased, can also be used for testing. DDC specializes in using the most advanced methods to determine paternity for any scenario. To learn more about your options, contact DDC paternity specialists to discuss your situation and possible solutions for determining paternity without the father’s involvement: 1-800-929-0847.

Paternity Testing Using a Grandparent or Other Relative

If a possible father isn’t available for testing, the best choice is to test one or both of his parents. Another option is to test the child’s DNA against the DNA of a sibling using our Siblingship Test or Half-Siblingship Test. We can also determine paternity using another close relative of the potential father, such as a brother or sister. For all these tests, including the mother’s DNA greatly optimizes conclusiveness. To order a paternity test using the potential father’s relatives, contact our DNA relationship specialists to determine the right test for you.

Paternity Testing for Court or Other Legal Purposes

If you require paternity testing for legal purposes, a legally-binding chain-of-custody paternity test is the best choice. A chain-of-custody form that authorizes the test must be signed and processed for the court to recognize the validity of the results. In a chain-of-custody paternity test with court-admissible results, cheek swabs and necessary paperwork are sent directly to one of approximately 5,000 nationwide DNA collection facilities testing facilities authorized to provide services for DDC. We make the appointments for all participants. At that appointment, the identities of all individuals tested are confirmed, and samples are carefully handled to prevent tampering. Within 24 to 48 hours after samples have arrived at the lab, you receive online results that can be used as evidence for legal matters.

Call us for a FREE confidential consultation at 800.929.0847. We’re here to help.

Paternity Testing Using Hair or Other Non-Standard Samples

Non-standard samples such as hair or a toothbrush from a potential father can be used for testing, although other items such as discarded ear swabs or used tissue are better. When using non-standard samples is the only option, we work with individuals to determine the best sample possible for each situation. Once we receive your sample at our laboratory outside Cincinnati, Ohio, we determine a profile from the possible father’s DNA. If the sample is sufficient, we compare this DNA profile to the DNA collected from the child’s cheek swabs to determine a probability of paternity. Results from this process are typically available within 5 to 10 business days, but may take more or less time depending on the quality of the sample.

How Accurate is a DNA Paternity Test?

DNA tests are powerful tools when determining paternity in divorce, custody, or child-support cases. They help women identify biological fathers and possible fathers prove they are not biological fathers, and the science has been rigorously tested and described in scientific journals. Results from our legally-binding chain-of-custody paternity tests are recognized in courts worldwide as proof of paternity.

How Many DNA Tests Are Done Each Year?

In 2006, the National Institutes of Health conducted a study that showed 300,000 paternity tests are performed each year in the United States. Since then, that number has grown steadily, climbing to 400,000, according to the New York Times. The latter article also notes that men who question whether they are the biological father of the child they’re raising are in fact not the biological father about 30% of the time, which is a high percentage.

The AABB , an independent accreditation body for DNA testing, claims the number has surged to 500,000. Most of these tests are requested by child support agencies.

The Bottom Line

Paternity tests are a useful tool for proving paternity in divorces and other legal cases and there are options for getting proof of paternity if the possible father isn’t available or willing to test. If you are trying to determine paternity for legal matters, make sure you order a legal chain-of-custody test.

About DNA Diagnostics Center

DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) processes more paternity and relationship tests than any other service worldwide, and we specialize in determining relationships in complex situations, including when the father is not available for testing. Each year, over one million samples arrive at our state-of-the-art laboratory outside Cincinnati, OH, from individuals and government agencies around the world. We are the most trusted name in paternity and relationship testing, and we pride ourselves in providing fast, accurate results for each customer.

Call us at 800-929-0847: We’re here to help.

Do you have questions or comments about this topic? Share in the comments and we’ll answer.
  1. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (2)

    Haleyon August 14, 2017 at 12:50 am

    I had sex march 31 than on April 7 th with 2 diff guys I found out I was pregnant at around 5 weeks…my due date is Dec 31st and I’ve been thinking for 20 weeks that it’s the second guys and now he told me he doesn’t know if she is his and I want to get DNA done but he hasn’t been apart of anything else so I really don’t want him to be apart of this. I need help bad.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (3)

      DDCon August 16, 2017 at 8:35 am

      Hi, Haley. Please call us directly at 800-681-7162 to speak with one of our testing experts. They’ll be able to assess your situation and help you make the best decisions for testing.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (4)

        Kathrynon February 25, 2021 at 9:44 pm

        Can i do a dna test between my child and her possible fathers nephew? So a cousins test. His sister has a son and we were womderimg if we could just do a test between them.


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (5)

          DDCon February 26, 2021 at 9:06 am

          Hi, Kathryn. Cousins share too distant a biological relationship for testing. If the possible father is not available for testing, a more promising option would be to test your child, his aunt, and you. You can learn more about this test here:


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (6)

          Michelleon February 28, 2021 at 8:23 pm

          I live in upstate New York and my brother passed away and he sign the birth certificate of his so call son who is 24 and we as my brothers family know that this 24 year old is not his child we were wondering about doing a DNA testing to prove he’s not his child to inherit my brothers estate. There was no will


          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (7)

            DDCon March 1, 2021 at 9:45 am

            Hi, Michelle. Keep in mind that, per the NYSDOH, all relationship testing in New York State must have court-admissible results and requires authorization from a doctor, attorney, or agent of the court. If the alleged son is not willing to do a DNA test, you may have to go through the courts to compel him to do so. I suggest you contact a family-law attorney to determine your first steps.

    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (8)

      Tabithaon June 19, 2020 at 9:10 am

      Hello. My brother passed away 10/01/2001 and I would like to see if I can get a DNA done to see if ” my niece” his his child or not. Her mother claims for 18 years to her and to us that she is his child. “My niece would like to know as well she is 18 in july. How can I go by doing a DNA done with her and I?


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (9)

        DDCon June 19, 2020 at 9:14 am

        Hi, Tabitha. If the mother doesn’t consent, then you need to wait till your niece is 18 and can consent herself for testing. You can learn more about our avuncular (aunt/uncle) test here:


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (10)

          Sahraon November 16, 2020 at 3:45 pm

          I’m interested in doing a legal paternity test with my half sister. We don’t have our father’s cooperation, but both mothers would be willing to test. She lives in Estonia, and I live in the US. How would we go about this?


          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (11)

            DDCon November 17, 2020 at 9:36 am

            Hi, Sahra. If you contact us directly to set up the test, we make all arrangements for testing and to have DNA-collection materials sent to the test participant in Estonia. Please call us at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (12)

            Ariannaon September 1, 2021 at 4:15 pm

            Hello, how accurate is the sibling test to see if they have the same father. The father doesn’t want anything to do with my children. As a young adult I came to close with breaking up and seeing someone else so my oldest child I am not sure about.

          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (13)

            DDCon September 2, 2021 at 8:40 am

            Hi, Arianna. If you submit your own DNA along with your children’s, then you optimize your chances of obtaining a conclusive result. Here is how conclusiveness is measured for a sibling test:

            90% or higher: the relationship is supported by DNA testing
            9% – 89%: inconclusive result, and additional parties need to be tested
            Below 9%: the relationship is not supported by DNA testing

        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (14)

          Okungbowaon February 12, 2021 at 8:04 am

          I m in Nigeria, I need a Dna paternity test. The father of my child is deceased. The eldest son wants my child swab sample. I m sending a cheek swab from Nigeria to the US for testing


          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (15)

            DDCon February 12, 2021 at 9:38 am

            Please contact us directly at [emailprotected] and we’ll be able to assist you. Thanks!

      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (16)

        Lilithaon March 8, 2021 at 8:37 am

        Hi I’m in South Africa would like to know how accurate can a DNA be if I test against my father’s sister who’s married and have a child since my father passed away?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (17)

          DDCon March 8, 2021 at 10:05 am

          Hi, Lilitha. For questions about testing in South Africa, please contact our corporate partner there:


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (18)

        Claraon May 10, 2021 at 12:37 am

        Can I have a DNA test run against me and my brother’s daughter which would be my niece. To find out if her dad was really my brother.


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (19)

          DDCon May 11, 2021 at 9:04 am

          Hi, Clara. Yes, you can. Contact us for a free confidential consultation at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern) to speak with one of our experts.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (20)

      Abulaon September 16, 2020 at 4:40 pm

      Im 7 weeks pregnant and unsure of the father, is it possible to do a test on my unborn child and my other child to see if they share the same father?


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (21)

        DDCon September 18, 2020 at 9:04 am

        Hi, Abula. No, that’s not possible. One or all of the possible fathers would need to be tested.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (22)

        Latriceon November 28, 2021 at 7:57 pm

        Hello , my name is Latrice and my son passed away September 2021 ; He has mentioned to his son’s mother that he needed a DNA test to make sure he is his biological son. The mothers of the child is not being cooperating. How and what can I do in this matter?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (23)

          DDCon November 29, 2021 at 8:42 am

          My sincere condolences on the loss of your son. If the mother of the child is not cooperating, you should contact a family-law attorney where you live to see if she can be compelled by a court to do a test.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (24)

        Arianaon November 30, 2021 at 8:21 am

        I was told I was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I’m unsure of the father. Would I be able to bring in a sample of DNA from the person I suspect (something w his saliva on it?) and be able to get results?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (25)

          DDCon November 30, 2021 at 8:24 am

          Hello, Ariana. You must be at least 7 weeks pregnant in order to do our non-invasive prenatal paternity test. For options about eligible samples for the alleged father, please contact our experts directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (26)

      Melindaon October 27, 2020 at 2:07 pm

      If your DNA is in the system, can they use it without your consent?


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (27)

        DDCon October 28, 2020 at 8:45 am

        Hi, Melinda. Please clarify what “system” you are referring to? Thanks.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (28)

      Annmarieon December 30, 2020 at 1:51 am

      My dad passed away many years ago I think I was 11yrs old. I’m now 44 and I have no father on my birth certificate. I do know who my dad was but because he was an alcoholic he refused to live with my mom and me. He died very young serous of the liver. I did at one time as a child was apart of my dads family but we lost touch. I’m very much in need to change my name into my fathers but I need DNA. My dad brother in newjersey I haven’t seen nor spoken in yrs. Help me please


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (29)

        DDCon December 30, 2020 at 8:27 am

        Hi, Annmarie. You’ll need to do your own legwork as far as locating close relatives of your birth father (his siblings or other known children) who are willing to test. Your dad’s brother would be an excellent choice if he is willing. Once you can line that up, we’ll be happy to arrange a test for you. All the best and good luck!


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (30)

      CORTILLIANon January 13, 2021 at 8:46 pm



      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (31)

        DDCon January 14, 2021 at 9:01 am

        Hi, Cortillian. You’re welcome to contact us directly for a free confidential consultation at 800-929-0847. We’re available M-F from 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern.


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (32)

          Kimberlyon March 16, 2021 at 12:17 am

          Hello. My son is incarcerated and got twins. Now all of a sudden questions are being raised amongst the families if they are his. Is it possible to get a test without his DNA to find out if he is really the father using my DNA and his father’s?


          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (33)

            DDCon March 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

            Hi, Kimberly. Yes, absolutely. It’s called a grandparentage test and it’s an excellent alternative when the possible father isn’t available to test. It’s best if the mother of the twins test too, and she must give her permission for testing. For a free consultation, contact our experts at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (34)

          Laramieon March 16, 2021 at 1:37 pm

          Found out though 23 and me that my father wasn’t my father. My mother won’t tell me who he is. But on my heritage there is a woman that has 1, 909 cm in dna that matches mine. She says she isn’t my grand mother. She refuses to get a dna test or tell her son, as does her daughter. Her daughter matches me in 989 cm in dna. I don’t know what to do to go about getting them to take a patenterinty test with me. I just want to know.


          • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (35)

            DDCon March 17, 2021 at 9:27 am

            Hi, Laramie. Frustrating as it must be for you, you cannot compel someone to take a DNA test they don’t want to take.

    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (36)

      lindaon January 25, 2021 at 7:38 pm

      I am 71 years of age from the UK my beloved father died 7 years ago aged 91 ,My mother who treated me dreadfully in a nasty rage told me

      I just told her < To me mum it does not matter he is my father and the finest man to set foot on this earth .and I will love my dad all my life .
      I have hair from my dad from cutting his hair when I was caring for him but now know it is of no use to do a DNA test

      My father has two brothers born Twins from the same mother but different fathers .
      My fathers, father was an actor come dancer and travelled around village to village . this being in 1922 This actor got three young girls pregnant around the same time one being my grandmother who came from a very fine family .
      Once he knew he left on a boat for America . No member of my family knew his name at all .

      My grandparents are dead but would one of my fathers brothers <My Uncles even though they have different fathers would they be ok to use as a DNA test

      My mother I am ashamed to say was with men all the time and I am one of seven children and we all of us wonder if our father was really our Dad .

      My father was a unique man and myself and my siblings all say that his memory will always be cherished . and if it was that he was not mine or my siblings father it would not upset us for our sakes at all .

      I really need to know I am in the middle being the 4th child born so Three Older three younger .

      My mother is also dead aged 87, she died 14 years ago so no DNA from her either .

      Can you please help me and advise me if my Uncles , <My fathers half brothers would be a suitable candidates for a DNA test .

      I just have to know Thanking you so very much in anticipation


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (37)

        DDCon January 26, 2021 at 9:35 am

        Hello, Linda. Please call the experts at our UK office and they will be happy to go over options for testing with you. That number is 0800 009 2969


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (38)

      Katinaon November 8, 2021 at 4:26 pm

      My son is in prison I had a lil boy tested to see if it was his. It came back a very lil percentage but it didn’t say he could be excluded should I test the kid again and this time use my sons brother dna they have the same mom not daddy


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (40)

      Samuelon November 11, 2021 at 12:05 am

      Good morning sir/madan
      My name is Samuel. Please can my siblings do DNA in my absence because my ex girlfriend her daughter is my child.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (41)

        DDCon November 11, 2021 at 8:14 am

        Hello, Samuel. Yes, we can do aunt/uncle testing when a possible father is absent. Please email [emailprotected] to start a conversation with one of our DNA specialists.


  2. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (42)

    Lyndseyon September 1, 2017 at 3:10 pm

    I have received my non invasive prenatal paternity test and was curious to see if we could also know ethnicity of unborn child from the samples? And is it also possible to test another man with the same sample of maternal blood drawn for the initial test? Ty!


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (43)

      DDCon September 5, 2017 at 8:56 am

      Hi, Lyndsey. Paternity-testing does not determine ethnicity. I cannot speak for other labs, but we require that a new maternal blood sample be drawn for every test. Hope this helps!


  3. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (44)

    BETSYon September 15, 2017 at 10:30 am

    I have a couple questions.. first off though I dont want to be on the show.. I do However Love n Watch the show…ok Questions now… My “Dad” even though my mother never had him put on my Birth Certificate, and also lied to me that sumone else was my fater before coming out and telling me that “He” was My Real Dad… I met him when I was 15..We talked about a DNA test before but nothing ever came of it.. I did look alot like him and alot of traits.. My Father Passed.. I have his ashes ans sum hair I saved after his Death.. Do you send DNA tests to peoples homes to take without bein on the show??? and does this cost anything??? I would Love to kno the Truth and Acquire His last name as My Maiden Name and sumhow have him put on my Birth Certificate as the Father if thats possible…after all these years.. I am 48… I would have to be informed on how to do that though.. Thank You…. Sincerely Betsy


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (45)

      DDCon September 15, 2017 at 10:38 am

      Hi, Betsy. I’m sorry about the loss of your father. Unfortunately, the chances of being able to gather enough DNA from ashes and/or hair are very, very small. Your best bet would be to test with other relatives of his. Does he have a brother or sister living? How about a known biological child of his? Like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, with enough pieces, we can help form a clear picture of whether or not he was your biological father. I suggest you call us directly at 800-681-7162 to speak with one of our experts and help determine what your options may be.
      Although we do the testing for many TV shows, we also have at-home DNA paternity-testing kits available on drugstore/supercenter stores. However, these kits are only for testing possible fathers and children who are still living, so they wouldn’t be an option for you.
      Thanks for reaching out, and take care!


  4. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (46)

    Billon November 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    The man that I think is my father is unavailable to be tested, but his cousin is. Would the test show that I am related to him?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (47)

      DDCon November 13, 2017 at 9:01 am

      Hi, Bill. You don’t share enough DNA in common with a cousin to achieve a conclusive result. You may be able to, however, if other relatives are available to participate. I suggest you contact the experts at Identigene’s parent company, DDC, to see what options may be available to you: 800-681-7162.


  5. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (48)

    Kaitlynon January 26, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    My father is recently deceased and my mother has been deceased for years and I need to obtain anything to say he is my father for social security benefits. There is no record he is my father but I have plenty of half siblings. Could something be done?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (49)

      DDCon February 1, 2018 at 11:33 am

      Hi, Kaitlyn. Your chances of getting conclusive results are much more likely if you have a half-sibling whose mother would also be willing to test. No matter which DNA test you ultimately choose to do, in order to be eligible for social security benefits, the test must be a legal and witnessed test (not an at-home test). Please call us directly and one of our experts will be happy to discuss your options with you and set up the testing too, should you decide you want to test. That number is 800-681-7162.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (50)

        Kgothatsoon January 8, 2021 at 2:18 pm

        I’m 49 years old and I have never seen or heard anything about my father, I tried talking to my mom but she couldn’t give me answers. Is it possible for me to know who is my father especially at this age and the fact that I don’t have any clue about him.


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (51)

          DDCon January 11, 2021 at 9:27 am

          Hi, Kgothatso. You could try doing an ancestry-type test where participants are willing to share their DNA data and thereby find possible biological connections. If a close relative of your biological father has done one too, you may find some clues that way.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (52)

        Little loston November 8, 2021 at 1:22 pm

        I am 51 and a few years ago I found out who my real dad is and he wouldn’t get tested but his brother did with me and my mother and it was at home cheeks swab came back 99.6 . I need for legal reasons for benefits a legal way to have him added to birth certificate and help getting benefits that I’m in dire need of, I’m disabled, how can I make my dad do the DNA test?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (53)

          DDCon November 9, 2021 at 8:13 am

          Hi! That is a question best answered by a family-law attorney near you.


  6. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (54)

    Maaaon February 3, 2018 at 9:48 am

    How can I tell my two kids share same biological father without fathers dna ?i did a swab DNA with mine and only two kids …how can it possible


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (55)

      DDCon February 5, 2018 at 9:37 am

      Hi, Maaa. It is possible to do a sibling test. If you include the mother’s DNA, there’s a good chance of getting conclusive results as to whether or not they share the same father.


  7. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (56)

    Chrison February 8, 2018 at 12:56 pm

    I have a 5 year old and a newborn I know the father of the newborn but not certain of my 5 year old they could possibly have the same dad. How can I find out if they do neither the father or his family want to participate in a dna test.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (57)

      DDCon February 8, 2018 at 2:04 pm

      Hi, Chris. We can do a half-sibling vs. full-sibling DNA test, using DNA samples from both your children and you. It’s very important for you to also contribute your DNA since it greatly increases the chances of obtaining conclusive results. You can learn more about sibling tests at the following link, and you’re always welcome to call us at 800-681-7162 for a free consultation or to order the test:


  8. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (58)

    selinahon February 26, 2018 at 1:07 pm

    I am pregnant n need to to dna test without coming with the father.How am i going to do.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (59)

      DDCon March 5, 2018 at 11:52 am

      Hi, Selinah. In order to determine paternity, the lab must have a DNA sample from him. If you want to talk to someone personally about your situation, please contact us at 800-681-7162.


  9. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (60)

    Rachelon March 19, 2018 at 12:36 am

    My mother was raped and I was conceived through the rape. If I do this test will it give me any information on the the rapist was. I have no idea of ethnicity or anything at all.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (61)

      DDCon March 19, 2018 at 7:47 am

      Hi, Rachel. No, it would not. For a paternity test, DNA from the biological father’s close relatives would be required.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (62)

        Tweeton May 25, 2021 at 8:52 pm

        I just took a home pregnancy test and it’s positive. I am not sure if I’m pregnant by my son’s dad or my current boyfriend. Can I have my son tested instead of his Father to match DNA before birth so I know who Fathered this current pregnancy?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (63)

          DDCon May 26, 2021 at 9:35 am

          Hi, Tweet. Only DNA from the possible father can be submitted for a non-invasive prenatal paternity test, so submitting DNA for your son would not work.


  10. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (64)

    Delphineon March 19, 2018 at 1:58 am

    Hi ,
    I am from Africa I have my brother who was rejected by my father since I travel to the state but my brother is in Africa. Is there a way I can know if we both have the same father .


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (65)

      DDCon March 19, 2018 at 7:49 am

      Hi, Delphine. For a sibling test, we might be able to determine your brother’s and your relationship with just your DNA and his, but there is a much higher chance of getting conclusive results if your mother provides her DNA also. Whether or not conclusive results can be obtained depends on how much DNA in common you and your brother share. This is why the mother’s participation is so important.


  11. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (66)

    Angelicaon June 7, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    My name is Angelica. I’m 32 years old and I have no idea who my father is. I’ve never known. I’ve asked my mother and she just kinda avoids and deflects and wont give me an answer. Lacking this information has really affected and a lady said I should try other ways to find out on my own. I have no idea where to start or of its even possible. Is there a way to find out without a sample from the father? or his relatives…because I don’t know them


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (67)

      DDCon June 7, 2018 at 4:29 pm

      Hi, Angelica. You can test with an ancestry DNA-testing company and then make your data public. Those services can help you find people who may be your biological relatives if those people have also participated in testing. That might be your best bet. Good luck!


  12. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (68)

    Bintuon July 14, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    Hi am pregnant 5 months and I want to know the father of my child before birth but i don’t want any of my two boyfriends to know about the test
    How can I do this
    Can I used their hair


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (69)

      DDCon July 16, 2018 at 8:23 am

      Hi, Bintu. In order to get enough DNA for paternity-testing purposes, you’d need to also get the roots, and a significantly-sized sample. It’s probably a good idea to be upfront about it.


  13. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (70)

    Garyon July 24, 2018 at 3:08 pm

    I’m interested in knowing the mother of the baby can we just swab the woman and the baby to determine if the caregiver is indeed the mother…


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (71)

      DDCon July 24, 2018 at 3:39 pm

      Hi, Gary. You can learn about maternity testing here:


  14. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (72)

    Natalieon July 31, 2018 at 10:19 pm

    My bf is 48 years old and he has never learned who is biological father is. His mom said it was one man and we did a test and he was not … I would love to help him find the answer to this question for he has been holding grudges inside of him not knowing.. we have heard rumors of who it maybe but unable to do testing due to the fact that it is his mother’s sister husband.. please help us to get to the bottom of this pain he has.. thanks


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (73)

      DDCon August 1, 2018 at 9:21 am

      Hi, Natalie. Have you tried one of the ancestry-testing services that use publicly-accessible DNA databases to help people find relatives? This may be his best option since all parties are refusing testing.


  15. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (74)

    Amandaon August 1, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    We are unsure who the father of my oldest daughter is and she has decided she wants to know however the man who has raised her is unwilling to do a dna test and the other man in question cannot be located. Is there still a way to determine if the man who raised her is her biological father? Can we do a sibling test with her sister as we are 100% sure he is her sisters dad.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (75)

      DDCon August 3, 2018 at 9:22 am

      Hi, Amanda. Yes, you definitely can. It’s best if you can also contribute your DNA, since that optimizes the chances of obtaining conclusive results. You’re welcome to give us a call to further discuss your options with one of our experts: 800-681-7162.


  16. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (76)

    Christanaon August 5, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    So my daughter father pass away in 2007 and she is now 16 years old. I want to get a DNA test to prove that he was her dad and have his name place on her birth certificate. He has one brother who is still alive and I was wondering if he could be tested for her.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (77)

      DDCon August 6, 2018 at 9:04 am

      Hi, Christana. Yes, you can do what’s called an avuncular (aunt/uncle) test. Since you need it for a legal reason, you would need to set it up as a legal, witnessed test. Home testing is not an option here. Give our experts a call at 800-681-7162.


  17. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (78)

    Wardon August 9, 2018 at 9:23 am

    I don’t think my brother and I had the same father. My brother is deceased can DNA of me and m6 niece determine if my brother and I had the same father


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (79)

      DDCon August 9, 2018 at 9:33 am

      Hi, Ward. It would be simpler if your brother had a son, since you and your brother have the same Y chromosome. If your niece is the only option, a DNA test may be able to establish that relationship, but there are no guarantees of getting a conclusive result, unfortunately. I suggest you contact us directly. One of our experts can talk things through with you about the possible participation of other family members who could help strengthen results: 800-681-7162.


  18. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (80)

    Sammyon August 17, 2018 at 2:28 am

    My husband refuses to do a DNA test with a child that may be his. Can his half brother do the dna to determine if my husband is the father or not. If a half sibling can’t do the test who can we get to do the paternity test


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (81)

      Sammyon August 17, 2018 at 3:31 am

      The child is a female


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (82)

      DDCon August 20, 2018 at 9:27 am

      Hi, Sammy. It’s best if one or both of your husband’s parents can test with the child and the child’s mother. It’s possible to do a test with a half-sibling, but there’s no guarantee of getting conclusive results.


  19. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (83)

    Femaleon August 28, 2018 at 10:20 pm

    I’m 29 years old. I’ve known since a young age that I was conceived during rape by an unknown man. When I was 25 I found out that the rape occured in a neighboring county during a fair. Well, curious me decided to Google the town name with “rape” and “1989” along with the month it could have happened in…
    I found out that a man was charged with the rape and murder of a young woman the same week the fair was going on and the same week my mother would have been at the fairgrounds!!! After reading the court records, it appears this man may have asaulted other women years leading up to this crime. I want to know if our dna is a match but he is currently on death row and I don’t really want to bring any emotional stress to my mother. How should I go about this?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (84)

      DDCon August 29, 2018 at 8:25 am

      Hi. That is definitely a question best answered by an attorney. Good luck to you!


  20. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (85)

    Deniseon September 20, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    My brother passed and was cremated and I just found out he possibly has a son whom will be 6 months old on sept 24th who is with a dss worker I wanted to help with the dna part but we share the same mother but different fathers. Will my sample with the babies be enough to determine if baby is my brothers?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (86)

      DDCon September 21, 2018 at 6:10 am

      Hi, Denise. What you’re describing is an aunt/uncle (avuncular) DNA test. It is always extremely useful if the baby’s mother can participate along with you, and also one or both of your brother’s parents, if they are still alive. You’re welcome to call our experts at 800-681-7162 for a free confidential consultation; they’ll be able to give you more details on what would work best for your situation.


  21. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (87)

    Mumon October 9, 2018 at 7:11 pm

    I’ve just recently found out that my mother speculates my grandfather (who has passed) ‘might be my father’. I think this is impossible but she got pregnant very young and has never fessed up to who the ‘real’ ‘father’ may be. I need to put this nonsense to rest with some (or multiple) sort of official testing.
    What are my options here?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (88)

      DDCon October 10, 2018 at 9:04 am

      Hi, Mum. Are either of the men still living?


  22. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (89)

    Julieon November 1, 2018 at 9:46 am

    To whom it may concern;
    Do I need to buy a,special DNA test from Walgreens because the father refuaes to be tested and I will be testing myself, the mother of the father.
    Thank you


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (90)

      DDCon November 1, 2018 at 9:51 am

      Hi, Julie. The kit at Walgreens is specifically for testing one alleged father + one child + the mother. Since you are a grandparent, the testing process is different. Please call us at 800-681-7162 and one of our experts can assist you in ordering the test. Please keep in mind that if the child is a minor and you do not have the legal authority to act on behalf of the minor child, it is your responsibility to get the proper consent from the legal parent or guardian.


  23. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (91)

    Paton November 21, 2018 at 8:33 pm

    If the baby and paternal grandfather were tested with a standard paternity test (not a grandparent’s test) and the result came back as 0%.
    Does this mean there is no chance the alleged father is the biological father? The mother and paternal grandmother were not tested.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (92)

      DDCon November 26, 2018 at 10:54 am

      Hi, Pat. The test answered one question and one question only: Is the man tested the biological father of the child tested? The answer is 0% probability of paternity, which is what you would expect. It does not mean there is no chance the alleged father is the biological father.


  24. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (93)

    Gayleon November 23, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    I am 53 yrs old. I was told about 6 years ago that the man that is on my birth certificate isn’t my biological father. I’ve questioned it myself. Anyway, my mother is deceased and the man i knew as my father is deceased. How can i find out if he was my biological dad or not. None of his siblings are living. My cousin from one of his sisters said she would do a dna test with me as i have no contact with my brother or sister. Would it tell me if he was my father or not doing the dna test with my cousin.
    Thank you


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (94)

      DDCon November 26, 2018 at 10:51 am

      Hi, Gayle. You and your cousin only share 12.5% of your DNA, so the chances of getting anything near conclusive results is next to none. Sorry about that!


  25. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (95)

    Jezebelon November 25, 2018 at 8:38 am

    I have a question, so i may have found my biological father, if so he passed away in 2010.
    His mother and father are still living, he has two biological brothers, and also has 8 known children.
    I moved away from the state of IL to the state of TN, i was wondering if there is anyway, i could possibly find somewhere close that would take my DNA sample, and find somewhere close to them in IL that could take his parents DNA or one of his brothers, and test it and mail a copy to each party?
    Due to the amount of travel time with two children, it would be very difficult for me to drive all the way there and back with no immediate answers.
    I also seen, if the father is not present something about needing the biological mothers DNA as well, her and i dont speak anymore.. is there a way it can be done this way, with me and either both parents or an uncle?
    How much would it cost, to do such a thing?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (96)

      DDCon November 26, 2018 at 10:48 am

      Hi, Jezebel. If both the possible father’s parents are willing to test, it is very likely that you’ll get conclusive results, even without your mother’s participation. If you call us directly, we can send testing materials to you where you live and to them where they live. The cost of the test starts at $300. Just give us a call at 800-681-7162.


  26. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (97)

    Ciaraon December 1, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    Hi I’m pregnant and one of the alleged fathers wants nothing to do with this baby, I want to prove for peace of mind that he is the father, can I test his sister on the prenatal paternity test or does it have to be him specifically?
    Thanks in advance


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (98)

      DDCon December 3, 2018 at 11:52 am

      Hi, Ciara. For a prenatal DNA test, only the alleged father can contribute his sample.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (99)

        Debraon June 17, 2020 at 10:52 pm

        I have 2 girls both look very different. I know that can happen but who i thought was the father had 2 other children that look just like 1 of my girls and the other doesn’t look Anthony like them. It’s pretty much a no brainer but I want to be sure 100% before breaking the news to that child. Their father plays around saying he knows he’s not the real dad but she is his baby girl. I know not funny at all to me but i know it sticks in her head. I need to do aDNA test without either possible fathers. Somehow using just the 2 girls. Is it possible? Can i get one over the counter?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (100)

          DDCon June 18, 2020 at 9:07 am

          Hi, Debra. There is no over-the-counter kit for this type of testing, no. DDC can do a half-sibling vs. full-sibling DNA test to determine if the girls have the same biological father or not. You would need to contribute your DNA as well. For a free confidential consultation, contact our experts directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern).


  27. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (101)

    Meganon December 1, 2018 at 10:09 pm

    I am 15 weeks pregnant and do not know who the father is. It is between two different men. I don’t want either of them to know I am getting a paternity tear done is that possible or do that have to know? Thank you.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (102)

      DDCon December 3, 2018 at 11:51 am

      Hi, Megan. No, you need to test at least one of the possible fathers.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (103)

        tracyon January 4, 2021 at 9:21 pm

        can they be tested without informing its for DNA? maybe say its genetic testing or does the tester inform them its for a DNA test?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (104)

          DDCon January 5, 2021 at 9:22 am

          DNA collectors operate on the assumption that all parties understand what the test is for, and signatures are required.


  28. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (105)

    Leeon December 7, 2018 at 11:11 am

    I have a friend who mother wouldn’t tell her who her father was. What DNA test woulld she use? Her mother pass away four months ago. I want to give it to her as a gift . When she was really,she talk about it. Nothing happens but talk.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (106)

      DDCon December 7, 2018 at 11:22 am

      Hi, Lee. Does she have any idea who her father might be?


  29. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (107)

    Dawnon December 10, 2018 at 8:37 pm

    How much does it cost to do a dna test with a aunt or uncle? My father recently passed away and i wasnt told. The family isnt very helpful. Also wouldnt the morgue have a sample of his DNA or something that can be used?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (108)

      DDCon December 11, 2018 at 9:27 am

      Hi, Dawn. An aunt/uncle test is $300-500, depending on how you want to use the results (legal or peace-of-mind). The morgue may have a blood card on file. If so, we could use that for testing, yes.


  30. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (109)

    Tonion February 17, 2019 at 9:03 pm

    Hi On December 27 of 2018 My fathers side of the family reached out to me because they were always told that my father had a child and the child was me. Well we are trying to do a paternity test because we want the closure that we think we deserve. The problem arises in the fact that my alleged father has been deceased since 2011.My fathers sister is willing to take a paternity test and the maury show said that they would comtact us in regards if this was allowed on the show or not and noone has yet to return my phone call or to let me know about if my aunt can test in place of my father.She and my father had the same mother and father so I am unsure as to why this should cause any differences in the testing.I was told that I have 2 half brothers and one of the brothers were participating and his mother stepped out of Jealousy so now he is not willing to help out with the testing if someone could please help me I would really appreciate having the answers.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (110)

      DDCon February 18, 2019 at 9:33 am

      Hi, Toni. Please call our experts at 800-681-7162 and they can tell you all about avuncular (aunt/uncle) testing and what’s involved.


  31. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (111)

    Agneson February 26, 2019 at 6:30 am

    The father of my baby passed away,so i did dna with it good


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (112)

      DDCon February 26, 2019 at 9:42 am

      Hi, Agnes. Results are only valid if a grandparent test was done. The grandfather can’t “substitute” for the deceased father, since they only shared 50% of their DNA and not 100%.


  32. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (113)

    Miriamon March 21, 2019 at 11:38 pm

    My mother is deceased, and the person listed on my birth certificate as my father is probably deceased, also. I only have his name. There is no one I can turn to in order to find out where he was from, or when he was born. I am 76 yrs. old, and I would like to know if I have any siblings or other relatives. What can I do?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (114)

      DDCon March 22, 2019 at 8:37 am

      Hi, Miriam. You may want to try uploading your DNA to an ancestry-type DNA company that allows its users to share data. There may be relatives you don’t know about who have done the same!


  33. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (115)

    Angieon May 10, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    My daughter had a dna test with the brother of the alleged father, how can i find out how to read the results?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (116)

      DDCon May 11, 2019 at 9:52 am

      Hi, Angie. You should call the lab where you tested for assistance.


  34. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (117)

    Tuion May 20, 2019 at 1:02 am

    Kia ora my name is Tui I am 55 year old. My mother has passed away and my mum’s sister is married to my uncle whose brother claimed to be my biological father he asked me for a DNA five years ago and I ran out of time because he died last Xmas I want to find out truth so my cuz has offered to do DNA test with me but checking here looks like be better to ask his two brothers that are still alive also I don’t want to upset my mum’s sister who married his brother. What can I do. Also there is Maori land involved. He didn’t leave a will so if I can prove geaneology for my children mokos ect as he had no other children. I just want to know if he is my dad. Yours sincerely Tui


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (118)

      DDCon May 28, 2019 at 10:10 am

      Hi, Tui. You’re right that the alleged father’s two brothers are a better option for you. Please contact us to get the discussion started on your best options: [emailprotected].


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (119)

        Margareton January 5, 2021 at 8:28 pm

        I just learned I have a half sister and a half brother but they have different mothers but we share the same father . I have a full blooded brother . What is the best option to verify if the halfs really are my dads children?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (120)

          DDCon January 6, 2021 at 8:54 am

          Hi, Margaret, if the alleged half-sibs are willing to test, you can do a half-sibling vs. unrelated test with the half sister. Your full-blooded brother can do male-lineage Y chromosome testing with the half-brother to see if they share the same Y chromosome from your father. I suggest you contact our experts for a free consultation to determine what might be best for you: 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


  35. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (121)

    Stephanieon June 3, 2019 at 2:00 pm

    I had my father complete the Ancestry DNA Kit, in hopes of it helping us to figure out who his biological father is or was. He results matched him with a man, and it labels it as him as 1st – 2nd cousin. However the two other matches he has in that same category are a half brother and a half sister. Our thoughts are that this man is also a half-brother, but his father has passed away. Is there a way to find out for sure if they had the same father?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (122)

      DDCon June 4, 2019 at 8:04 am

      Hi, Stephanie. To clarify, whose father has passed away? And are you trying to figure out if the half-brother and half-sister and your father have the same biological father?


  36. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (123)

    Kimon March 5, 2020 at 12:21 am

    DDC March 4, 2020 I need further information on if DNA testing can be done with high noted results on a possible aunt/ niece pair. Please let me know as soon as possible please.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (124)

      DDCon March 5, 2020 at 9:03 am

      Hi, Kim. We do perform avuncular (aunt/uncle) relationship testing such as you describe. To optimize conclusive results, we highly recommend that the mother of the child also participate in testing. Please reach out to one of our case specialists directly for more information: 1-800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern).


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (125)

        Deeon June 13, 2020 at 10:38 am

        My son was arrested and is doing 50 years. It gas been five years and a young lady has told me her son could be my sons child. Getting a DNA test using my sons DNA is not an option right now but if this is my grandson I have missed so much time already, but if it is not I dont want to get involved emotionally.


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (126)

          DDCon June 15, 2020 at 8:12 am

          Hi, Dee. Are you asking if you can do a DNA test to see if you are biologically related to the child? The answer is yes, as long as you have the mother’s consent. In fact, it’s best if she contributes her DNA to the test as well. You can learn more at the link below and/or call us directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern):


  37. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (127)

    Cathyon June 15, 2020 at 8:34 am

    I think my friend swabbed the father twice and pretend it was the child’s DNA .will she get positive results from this ? Will the results show He is the father?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (128)

      DDCon June 16, 2020 at 8:16 am

      Hi, Kathy. The lab would detect that both sets of swabs contain DNA for the same person and suspend testing without issuing results. The lab would then request fresh samples.


  38. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (129)

    Ladyon June 28, 2020 at 10:26 pm

    Hi if the possible father sister wants to get her dna tested against my son’s how would we go about doing so ?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (130)

      DDCon June 29, 2020 at 12:36 pm

      Hi, Lady! Just give one of our experts a call and they’ll be happy to arrange for an avuncular (aunt/uncle) test. That number is 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern).


  39. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (131)

    Terrion September 25, 2020 at 6:22 pm

    My father had a some at 17-18 years old. The child mother died at birth. He never knew the child but when my brother did a DNA on a family reached out. They are listed as 4th cousin. They dates and stories match of what my father told me but we want to do a more detailed analysis. Will it be possible with my brother DNA and this man who would be our nephew?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (132)

      DDCon September 29, 2020 at 1:19 pm

      Hi, Terri. Is your father still alive and would he be willing to test. That would be your best option. Otherwise, you could do an avuncular (uncle) test.


  40. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (133)

    Chelseyon October 17, 2020 at 3:54 pm

    I want to do a dna test with my possible father but I don’t want to meet with him in person. Is it possible to send samples in separately?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (134)

      DDCon October 19, 2020 at 10:22 am

      Hi, Chelsea. Yes, absolutely. Call us at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


  41. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (135)

    Kimberly W.on November 3, 2020 at 10:52 pm

    My son and I completed a DNA test with the man I thought was his father, the results can back that he is not. Can I use the results I received to upload to GEDmatch to see who his father might be?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (136)

      DDCon November 4, 2020 at 8:22 am

      Hi, Kimberly. I cannot speak for other laboratories, but our reports cannot be used in this way.


  42. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (137)

    Yours trulyon November 19, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    Is it possible to get a dna done being pregnant


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (138)

      DDCon November 20, 2020 at 10:15 am

      Yes. You can learn more about our non-invasive prenatal paternity test here:
      You’re also welcome to call us at 800-681-7162 for a free confidential consultation. We’re available M-F from 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern.


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (139)

        Anonymouson November 24, 2020 at 12:00 am

        Is there a way to find out if siblings have the same father without the father DNA?


        • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (140)

          DDCon November 24, 2020 at 8:44 am

          Hi, there. Yes, but the chances of obtaining conclusive results are greatly increased if the mother is also willing to contribute her DNA to the test.


  43. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (141)

    taneshiaon December 27, 2020 at 10:57 am

    Hey, i have a first cousin but we got word that he may also be my brother is there anyway him and I could do a test without my father to find out the truth .


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (142)

      DDCon December 28, 2020 at 8:51 am

      Hi, Taneshia. Yes, we can do a sibling test. Contact us directly at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


  44. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (143)

    Latishaon February 22, 2021 at 10:59 pm

    Hi, I wanted to if you could help me. I am 45 and I have a 8 year old daughter. I really want to find her biological father. It was a one night stand. I don’t know where he lives. Can, I test me and her with the test kit? I don’t know any of his family. I just want my daughter to know her other side. Please, help me. Thank you!


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (144)

      DDCon February 23, 2021 at 10:47 am

      Hi, Latisha. Testing yourself with your daughter wouldn’t be helpful for what you’re looking for. You may want to consider having her test with an ancestry company where tested parties share their DNA data publicly to try to find long-lost relatives. If someone from her bio father’s side also tested, you may be able to find connections that way.


  45. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (145)

    Kaylaon February 26, 2021 at 5:44 pm

    Hi I’m wondering how I could find out for sure who my father is, he is now deceased and his living relatives cremated him so it’s not possible to test him, I have found his daughter, mother and sister, but they live in Nevada and I live in California. How would I go about this? Do I send them a test and test my self as well? Where do I get the test and how do I get them one?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (146)

      DDCon March 1, 2021 at 9:53 am

      Hi, Kayla. We can take care of setting up the best test for your situation and sending out DNA-collection materials to all tested parties, so it’s really quite simple. Just give us a call at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


  46. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (147)

    Henryon March 6, 2021 at 11:30 am

    I have a half brother. What relatives can be tested to find out, if my dad, is his dad. Can first cousin be tested? On the father side? Thank you.


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (148)

      DDCon March 8, 2021 at 10:10 am

      Hi, Henry. Because this involves a half brother, and you didn’t specify whether or not you have the same mother, I suggest you or he contact our experts directly to see what testing options might work best: 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (149)

      Laylaon July 16, 2021 at 11:01 pm

      Hi yes I just had a baby last year and I know who the father is and he did court ordered genetic paternity testing but the results came back negative. I know he is the father can I still continue to talk to his family about testing for a match?


      • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (150)

        DDCon July 19, 2021 at 8:47 am

        Hi, Layla. Since the possible father did a court-ordered test, DNA collection was witnessed and you can trust the result. If the same DNA were submitted for testing again, the result would still be 0% probability of paternity.


  47. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (151)

    Makaylaon March 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

    Hi I am wondering if it is possible to get tested with my potential father without my mother being a part of it. I am 17 years old and for the past couple years I’ve had suspicions that my father isn’t who my mother claims to be and is instead her ex before him. I reached out to him and he’s completey on board with getting tested so how would I go about getting that done?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (152)

      DDCon March 11, 2021 at 8:23 am

      Hi, Makayla. Because you are a minor child, your mother’s permission is required for you to participate in any type of DNA test. If you do not want to involve your mother, you’ll need to wait till you’re 18. At that time, give DDC a call!


  48. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (153)

    Monicaon March 15, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    Hi my name is Monica im in need of a paternity test to verify that my real dad is my dad he s not on the birth certificate and I did not meet him till iwas 19 he has always excepted me him and his wife and her 3 children he helped raise until now and they are all deceased except for a step daughter he helped raise now wants me to ” prove” he is my father. All his family is deceased or don’t want to get involved so how can I prove it in court other than pictures etc but with DNA IF there is no DNA to be tested except mine and my mother’s.?


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (154)

      DDCon March 16, 2021 at 9:34 am

      Hi, Monica. If he is deceased and he has no living close biological relatives such as a brother, sister, or other known children, then I’m afraid there’s nothing DNA can do to help you unless the funeral home or coroner’s office has kept a blood card for him collected upon his decease.


  49. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (155)

    Michelleon March 22, 2021 at 2:27 pm

    How do you find out who the absent parent is if you don’t know his or his family’s where abouts


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (156)

      DDCon March 23, 2021 at 10:21 am

      You could hire a detective or you could take a chance and submit the child in question’s DNA to an ancestry company that allows users to share data. With any luck, some of the child’s paternal relatives would have tested too and you might be able to make some connections that way. It’s a place to start.


  50. Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (157)

    Rileyon May 26, 2021 at 1:01 am

    Hi there, I kind of suspect my older brother is not my father’s son and is a son of my mother from someone else when she was young. My father is already dead. What should I do and needed for DNA testing? Thanks


    • Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (158)

      DDCon May 26, 2021 at 9:34 am

      Hi, Riley. Your brother would need to consent to any type of testing. You could do a sibling vs. half-sibling test and it would be ideal for your mother to participate too since that optimizes the chances of obtaining conclusive results. Call our experts for more info at 800-929-0847.


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Can I Do a DNA Paternity Test without the Father? | DDC (2024)
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