How to meditate with your eyes open — Calm Blog (2024)

Written By Calm Editorial Team

How to meditate with your eyes open — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Learn tips and techniques on how to meditate with your eyes open. Plus, the benefits and different types of open-eye meditation practices.

Meditation often brings to mind images of closed eyes and deep inward focus. However, meditating with your eyes open can offer a fresh perspective, allowing you to connect with the world around you while still enjoying the calm and focus of traditional meditation. Open-eye meditation might seem unconventional at first, but it’s a form of meditation that can transform your mindfulness experience, bridging the gap between the quiet of meditation and the energy of everyday life.

Can you meditate with your eyes open?

Open-eye meditation involves maintaining a gentle, relaxed gaze, rather than fluttering the eyes closed. This form of meditation is more than just keeping your eyes open, though. It’s designed to allow you to connect with your surroundings in a different way and can help you merge the inner peace of meditation with the outer world.

Open-eye meditation can be especially helpful if you find closing your eyes too relaxing or sleep-inducing. It can keep you stay alert and engaged, making it a practical choice for those times when you need to stay awake and aware.

Meditating with your eyes open can also be a helpful tool for bringing mindfulness into everyday activities. When you practice observing the world without getting lost in thought, you train your mind to stay present and focused, whether you're in a quiet room or a busy street. This type of meditation can help you develop a habit of mindfulness that extends beyond your meditation session, infusing your daily life with a sense of calm awareness.

6 benefits of meditating with your eyes open

Meditating with your eyes open offers unique benefits that can enrich your life in several ways.

1. Staying alert and engaged

One of the immediate benefits of open-eye meditation is that it may help you stay awake and attentive. It’s useful for those moments when you need to remain alert, such as during a busy workday or when caring for others. Unlike closed-eye meditation, which can sometimes lead to sleepiness, meditation practice with your eyes open keeps you engaged with your surroundings.

2. Enhanced concentration

This form of meditation can significantly improve your ability to concentrate. With your eyes open, you practice focusing on a single point or maintaining a soft gaze without getting distracted. This might train your brain to concentrate better, which could be beneficial not just during meditation, but in everyday tasks, too.

3. Increased awareness of surroundings

Open-eye meditation can encourage you to be more aware of the environment around you. You could learn to notice the details of the world without getting lost in them. This heightened awareness can lead to a deeper appreciation of your surroundings, potentially making everyday experiences more vibrant and fulfilling.

4. Improved clarity of thought

By regularly practicing meditation with eyes open, you can develop greater clarity of thought. This can help in reducing the constant chatter of the mind, which may allow you to think more clearly and make decisions feeling calm and focused.

5. Seamless transition to daily life

Open-eye meditation can be seamlessly integrated into your daily life. Since you're practicing with your eyes open, it can be easier to carry the calmness and mindfulness from your meditation into your everyday activities. Whether you're at work, with family, or simply walking, you might maintain a meditative state, blending tranquility with activity.

6. Versatility for all kinds of situations

Open-eye meditation can be practiced anywhere, whether you’re in a quiet room or a public space. This adaptability makes it a practical tool for maintaining mindfulness throughout the day, regardless of where you are or what you're doing.

Open-eye meditation techniques and tips

When you're ready to begin meditating with your eyes open, these simple tips will help guide you toward a more effective practice.

Choose a quiet and comfortable space

Find a place where you can sit or stand peacefully without many distractions—it’s important to feel relaxed and undisturbed during your meditation.

Maintain a relaxed posture

Sit or stand in a way that feels natural and comfortable. Keep your back straight but not stiff. This helps you stay alert and focused throughout your meditation session.

Set a timer

Decide how long you want to meditate and set a timer. If you’re new to open-eye meditation, try to practice for just a few minutes at first. Anticipating the timer and knowing there’s an end point can help you stay more relaxed and focused during the meditation.

Focus gently on a point or keep a soft gaze

Either pick a point to softly focus on or simply let your eyes be open without focusing on anything in particular. The goal is not to strain your eyes but to maintain a relaxed gaze.

Notice your breathing

Pay attention to your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your nose or mouth. This can help anchor you in the present moment and keep your mind from wandering too much.

Be aware of your surroundings without getting distracted

Acknowledge the sounds and sights around you without letting them carry your attention away. This can help enhance your awareness and presence.

How to meditate with your eyes open

Meditating with your eyes open is a simple, yet profound, practice that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Meditating with your eyes open is a skill that develops over time. Be patient with yourself, and don't get discouraged if your mind wanders at first. With regular practice, you'll find it easier to maintain focus and presence, both during meditation and in your everyday activities.

Find a comfortable position

Begin by finding a comfortable place to sit or stand. Any place where you can be relaxed and alert will work. Whether you choose to sit on a chair, on the floor, or even stand, make sure your posture is upright and balanced, as this helps you stay alert throughout your meditation.

Take a few deep breaths

Before you start, take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale slowly, then exhale even more slowly. Doing this a few times helps settle your mind and body, preparing you for meditation.

💙 Breathwork helps you ground and center yourself during meditation. Try Reset with the Breath, a short practice to help calm your mind.

Soften your gaze

Let your eyes relax and your focus soften, maintaining a gentle gaze in front of you. You’re not staring intently at anything—you’re letting your eyes rest gently on a point or just keeping them open without focusing too hard. This could mean looking at the floor a few feet in front of you or letting your gaze fall on a spot that doesn't have too much visual distraction.

Choose a focal point or keep a soft focus

Some people find it helpful to choose a single point to gently rest their gaze on. This can be a small object or a specific spot in the room. Others prefer a soft focus, where the eyes are open but not fixed on anything in particular. Experiment with both methods to see what feels right for you.

Observe your thoughts

When you find your mind wandering, know that it’s normal and okay. Simply notice your thoughts and gently bring your focus back to your breath or your chosen focal point.

💙 ​​Learn how to observe and let thoughts go, and why it’s important, during the Daily Calm.

Stay present and return to the moment

The essence of open-eye meditation is returning to the present moment again and again. Each time you notice your mind drifting, gently guide it back. This act of returning is where the meditation happens. It's a practice in being present and attentive, both during meditation and in your daily life.

💙 Tune into your body with a Body Scan meditation, which can help you return to the present while remaining aware of your body and mind’s natural impulse to stray.

Close with gratitude

As you finish your meditation, take a moment to feel grateful for the time you spent in this practice. Acknowledge the effort it takes to meditate and be thankful for the opportunity to develop mindfulness and presence.

💙 Make gratitude a daily practice with Calm’s Gratitude Check-in feature, a daily reminder for you to slow down, breathe, and identify three things you’re grateful for.

Meditate with eyes open FAQs

Is it okay to meditate with my eyes open?

Meditating with your eyes open can be a valid and effective way to practice mindfulness. It's a technique that’s been used in various meditation traditions for centuries. This form of meditation can be particularly helpful for those who find it difficult to concentrate or to stay awake with their eyes closed. It's a great way to stay connected and aware of your surroundings while meditating.

What is open-eyed meditation?

Open-eyed meditation is a practice where you meditate with your eyes partially or fully open. It involves maintaining a gentle and relaxed gaze, without focusing intently on any particular object. This technique allows you to be aware of your surroundings while still being centered and mindful. It's an excellent way to integrate meditation into everyday life, helping you stay present and attentive in various situations.

Should I have my eyes closed when meditating?

Whether you meditate with your eyes closed or open is a personal choice and depends on what works best for you. Closed-eye meditation is more traditional and can be helpful for internal focus and deep relaxation. On the other hand, open-eye meditation can be great for cultivating awareness and staying connected to your environment. Both methods offer unique benefits, and you can choose based on your preferences and the goals of your meditation practice. Some people even alternate between the two to experience different aspects of mindfulness.

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What do you find difficult about sleep?

Falling asleepStaying asleepRestless sleepWaking upSomething else

`; // Replace with actual HTML content var snippetHTML2 = `

How does stress show up for you?

AnxietyOverwhelmIrritationAvoidanceAll or none of the above

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How often do you meditate?


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How to meditate with your eyes open — Calm Blog (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.