Serfrosts Cemu Setup Guide - Cemu Wiki (2024)

Hey, Serfrost here. I manage the Cemu Subreddit and this Guide.
If you feel that I've helped you, please consider tipping me.:)
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  • Access to a Wii U with your personally owned Games
  • SD Card and optionally a USB Thumb Drive
  • A method to access your SD Card on your PC
  • Enough storage space for everything; one game can be between 5 to 15GB
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 X64 Redistributable
Click Here
  • Cemuhook
Click Here


Any CPU will work, technically, but non-Ryzen AMD CPUs typically lack Single-Thread processing power; non-Ryzen AMD CPUs may struggle heavily with more demanding Wii U titles.

It is suggested AMD CPU users keep better quality RAM installed (DDR4 3200Mhz recommended,) using more than 1 RAM stick, as emulators are particularly RAM intensive.

  • Generally speaking (for Breath of the Wild and almost any CPU), it's recommended to be over your base clock speed where possible for better performance (overclocking.)
  • Additionally, Dual-Core or Triple-Core Recompiler options should allow better performance in the few applicable games that support it, especially Breath of the Wild.

You can check out Darkemaster's AMD FX Compatibility Video list for Cemu 1.12.0 [Here] and for 1.15.3~1.15.8 [Here]

 Single Thread IPC and Overclocking are the most important factors for how well CEMU will perform on your PC!

This list ranks CPUs for Single Thread IPC:
I wouldn't recommend going under a score of ( 1,800 ) if you plan to play Breath of the Wild at 1080p 30FPS (Native Wii U Framerate)

Experimental Multi-Core Recompiler Info

See the Recommended Settings section for what is recommended under CPU Options / Affinity.

This experimental setting allows extra cores to be utilized for PPC CPU emulation instead of 1, however not many games actually utilize multiple PPC cores and currently causes stability issues/crashes or offers no benefit for most titles.

Dual Core Recompiler [requires] a minimum of 4 Cores + Threads available. Not recommended for Dual Core (2 cores+threads) CPUs; system instability.

Triple Core Recompiler [recommends] a minimum of 4 to 6 Cores + Threads available. Not practical to use on pre-8th generation i5 and pre-6th generation i7 Intel CPUs, and most 4-core CPUs.



We recommend at least 8GB RAM for most games, but preferably 16GB+.

If you run out of RAM and have a very slow SATA HDD, you are either likely to stutter relentlessly in-game or you may possibly have Crashes.

Solid State Drives (SSD) are a boon to users with lesser amounts of RAM, as your PC will push data to the PageFile on your SSD if you set it to do so. They are much faster than SATA drives and therefore less likely to become unstable and crash with lesser amounts of RAM.

PageFile: A pagefile (virtual memory) is essential to have in order to avoid crashing when running out of available RAM. Instead of crashing immediately when exceeding RAM limit, you may experience lower performance when a pagefile is used and may also experience additional in-game stutter when swapping. One way to see if one is using a pagefile while using Cemu is to see their "total commit size" in task manager and pay attention to if the number shown being used exceeds the amount of physical RAM installed within your PC, as pagefile usage is typically not shown under RAM usage statistics.

Your GPU vendor can also play a role in what your RAM usage will be in Cemu and will determine how essential a pagefile is, or how often it will be used, if at all.

It is recommended to have a pagefile on an SSD or the fastest drive available, and to leave pagefile size as System managed size. Altering your pagefile size may cause your PC to become unstable, resulting in crashes of your entire system.

Alternatively, some users suggest to have a custom size of .5 times your physical RAM as Initial size(MB) and 1.5 times your physical RAM as Maximum size(MB). Research is highly recommended before changing your pagefile settings.



NVIDIA GPUs are recommended; they can take some strain off of your CPU and have better performance through threaded optimization/OGL multi-threading when under heavy CPU workloads.

AMD GPUs perform great for all but the heaviest of games, their performance is HIGHLY dependent on your CPU processing capabilities. This may all change with Vulkan implementation in the future.

Intel Integrated Graphics (iGPUs) are not officially supported but have decent compatibility.

A comprehensive list of all known current GPU-vendor specific bugs and available workarounds in Cemu can be found here - GPU Compatibility List

GPU power and available VRAM is not very important unless you want to increase your game's internal resolution or reaching higher FPS limitiations. If you lose noticeable performance when playing at a higher resolution it means you are GPU/VRAM limited and your graphics card/VRAM amount is not sufficient to maintain said resolution without a performance loss. It is possible to be GPU/VRAM limited at native resolution with weaker/1GB-2GB GPUs and iGPUs, to determine if you are throttling when under these conditions, lower your game's resolution and see if performance improves.

[BotW] For 4k @ 30FPS or 1440p (2k) @ 60FPS

It is recommended to use a modern GPU with at minimum 4GB VRAM.
Reaching 60FPS is almost entirely determined by your CPU.
95% of users will not obtain stable 60FPS even with optimal settings.
A large majority of users will not obtain 60FPS no matter what.

[Any Game] Standard Gameplay at 720p / 1080p Native Wii U Resolution

We recommend anything in range of a NVIDIA GTX 600 or AMD HD 7000 series or above.



First Installation:

 Download CEMU from and extract the .ZIP to a folder in one of these locations:
 Recommended: SSD Storage
 a. ) Desktop b. ) Your C:\ Drive Root c. ) An alternative internal storage drive.
 d. ) An external storage device. Note: Not recommended unless USB 3.0 or 3.1; depending on the device, it may have slow data read/write speeds. However, even with slower read/write speeds (if you have a full ShaderCache) this should not hinder your performance!
 Do NOT put it in your Program Files or other system directories, CEMU will lack permission to write saves, shadercache, and other info!
Open the folder, right-click on Cemu.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility
If available, enable the option resembling:
Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings
If available, enable the option resembling:
Change high DPI settings
Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: Application
  • If available, enable Disable fullscreen optimizations
  • Lastly, enable Run this program as an administrator (This is to ensure you have full permissions.)
  • Apply, then click OK.


 As of Cemu 1.15.10, you can now use the [ Help > Check for Updates ] option to update Cemu. If you're on this version or newer, you can ignore the rest. Optionally, you may enable checking for updates automatically in Options > General Settings.
 You simply download the new update and extract the .zip'd files over your older Cemu version. That's all you have to do presently, to update Cemu.
 If you're upgrading from a version before 1.15.1 you will need to delete your graphicPacks. After updating CEMU, use the download button in the graphicPack window to download them fresh. Use this button to update the packs from now on.
 You should always make sure your Cemuhook is up-to-date.
Downloading Older Versions of Cemu

Archive of Cemu Releases

You can copy the download link from Cemu's download page, paste into your URL bar, and edit the version number to point to the version you wish to download.

  • Choosing of a/b/c/d+ versions not available for download while using this method.
Getting Started

This information can now be found in my other guide, here: Click Here

Online Play

Online Play

To connect online you'll require your Wii U with Homebrew support, and a way to dump files from your Wii U NAND onto your SD Card or an FTP client.
Follow our online guide here: Click Here

Online Local Co-op


Check out this thread and video to get started; decent internet connection recommended. [Click Here]

Cemuhook [Required]


Download Cemuhook by Rajkosto from:

Extract dbghelp.dll & keystone.dll from the Cemuhook ZIP into your Cemu folder, next to Cemu.exe

When opening Cemu, make sure to download your Shared Fonts.

Open Cemu > Download the Shared Fonts with the link that appears in the main window.

These are REQUIRED for various titles to function correctly, such as Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and Super Mario Maker; along with other titles!

Cemuhook also allows the following:
  • Extended CPU Menu options.
  • Allows you to set up a Gyro-enabled Device / Controller / Phone to use with Motion Control games.
  • Allows in-game cutscenes to play on various titles instead of crashing or a glitchy green-screen. (H264)
  • Lets you play games in fast-forward or slow-motion mode under Debug.
Cemu's Properties Settings

Cemu's Properties Settings

Open the folder, right-click on Cemu.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility
  • If available, enable the option resembling:
Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings (This ensures your next options are always used for Cemu.)
  • If available, enable the option resembling:
Change high DPI settings
Override high DPI scaling behavior.
Scaling performed by: Application (This is to prevent a blurry or blocky image that some users experience.)
  • If available, enable Disable fullscreen optimizations (Currently unknown but may prevent some issues with older OS versions.)
  • Lastly, enable Run this program as an administrator (This is to ensure you have full permissions to write save data, shaderCache, etc.)
  • Apply, then click OK.
GPU Settings
Recommended iGPU Settings

Recommended iGPU Settings

Integrated Graphics are highly advised against for emulation as they do not often meet MANY requirements.

Make sure it's running on Maximum Performance Mode.

iGPU (Intel Integrated Graphics) Users who experience problems can try this: (Keep in mind this will likely cause other games to fail to boot that would previously.)

Users should create a CEMU shortcut, edit its properties, adding -nolegacy to their Target: [ See Here ]

 Note: As of CEMU 1.15.1, -nolegacy is default. You may try using -legacy instead.

If the issue persists, it's one of the following: update your iGPU driver, the game will not work for that specific iGPU, or your iGPU is simply too old.

Recommended Nvidia Control Panel Settings

Recommended Nvidia Control Panel Settings

Recommended AMD Radeon Settings

Recommended Radeon Settings

Laptops with Dual Graphics

Laptops with Dual Graphic Cards

Ensure your laptop is using your desired GPU for Cemu, otherwise you will likely be using Intel Integrated Graphics (iGPU)

Nvidia Users: Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Set the preferred GPU for CEMU.exe

AMD Users: Open the Radeon Settings panel > System Tab > Switchable Graphics Tab > Ensure that Cemu is set to High Performance.

CEMU Settings
Options → General Settings
General Tab

General Tab

  • Recommended: User Preference
  • Translates CEMU's UI to the users' preferred language.
Remember Main Window Position:
  • When opening and closing the emulator, it will revert to the same size & position it had during the last session.
Remember Pad Window Position:
  • When opening and closing the the separate GamePad window, it will revert to the same size & position it had during the last session.
Discord Presence:
  • Enables Discord Rich Presence when users view your status; shows what Wii U game you're playing, etc.
Fullscreen Menu Bar:
  • Enables the menu bar for options while in Fullscreen.
Automatically check for updates:
  • If enabled, will check online for updates on each startup of the application, will then apply the updates.
  • If disabled, you may check for updates using the Menu Bar > Help > "Check for updates" option.
Save screenshot:
  • Instead of only going to the clipboard, screenshots will then be saved to *\Cemu Folder\Screenshots
MLC Path:
  • Optionally change where installed Game Updates, DLC, Save Files, and other Wii U NAND information is stored.
Default location is *\Cemu Folder\mlc01\
Game Paths:
  • Where your games are stored. You can have multiple paths.
Graphics Tab

Graphics Tab

Graphics API:
  • Compatibility Info:
OpenGL - Consumes 400% more RAM than Vulkan, but has better performance & less graphical issues in many games for the time being.
Vulkan - Not as optimized for speed, but recompiling shaders & building them in-game take much less time. There are still graphic bugs & various problems in different games.
OpenGL - Performance is very poor compared to Vulkan and there are many incompatibilities with different AMD architectures, but can be more stable than Vulkan.
Vulkan - Since it allows multithreading, performance is roughly 50% better than OpenGL, but there are still many quirks that need addressed.
OpenGL - Placeholder Text Test if you wish.
Vulkan - Placeholder Text Test if you wish.
Precompiled Shaders:
  • Recommended: Auto
With Auto, Cemu will detect your GPU and set the setting accordingly.
Precompiled shaderCache does not work for Nvidia GPUs at this time; it does work for AMD and Intel GPUs.
  • Recommended: Enabled
Under most circ*mstances, should always be enabled.
Full sync at GX2DrawDone:
  • Recommended: Enabled (It's okay to disable it with OpenGL, but should be left on for Vulkan. Will break BotW's Camera Rune when Disabled.)
Decreases performance when enabled due to syncing the CPU and GPU, much like the Wii U. Prevents some bugs in Breath of the Wild.
Upscale Filter:
  • Recommended: Bilinear
For pixel-art games, using Nearest Neighbor will keep the game sharp (play in fullscreen mode). Test to see which filter looks better for you though.
Downscale Filter:
  • Recommended: Bilinear
For pixel-art games, using Nearest Neighbor will keep the game sharp (play in fullscreen mode). Test to see which filter looks better for you though.
Fullscreen Scaling:
  • Recommended: Keep Aspect Ratio
"Stretch" may be good for uncommon display resolutions.
A set of options that provide statistical data as an on-screen overlay during gameplay.
A set of options that provide additional information as a temporary overlay popup.
Shader compiler: This will let users know when they are currently compiling new shaders while playing.
Friend list: If you have Online Mode and Nintendo Server access with your Wii U files, a notification will appear when any players in your Wii U Friendlist come online on Nintendo's Servers.
Audio Tab

Audio Tab

  • Recommended: XAudio2
You can test the alternative option if you desire.
  • Recommended: Default
If you notice crackling audio in games, this may be due to your audio driver and you can try increasing the latency until it stops.
  • Select which audio device you wish to use for (Main) TV Output.
  • Stereo is the only option available for now.
  • Recommended: 100%
  • Select which audio device you wish to use for Gamepad Audio.
  • Stereo is the only option available for now.
  • Recommended: 100%
Menu Settings (Options / CPU / Debug)
Options Menu

Options Menu

GX2SetGPUFence skip (HACK): This option is no longer available in recent versions.
  • Recommended: Disabled
Breath of the Wild only, this option is no longer required as FPS++ sets it automatically with an improved process.
GPU Buffer Cache Accuracy: Keeping all of these settings at Default is recommended.
Note: Will be greyed-out if a gameProfile has set this option automatically.
  • Recommended: Default
Very few games require High.
Recent Versions: You may set this by right-clicking the game in Cemu's List and opening the GameProfile.
Old Versions: You may set this by editing the GameProfile.ini text file by placing -
GPUBufferCacheAccuracy = #; 2=Low, 1=Mid, 0=High ] under [Graphics]
Experimental: There is no longer an experimental option set in recent versions.
Use RDTSC: This option is now enabled by default in recent versions and cannot be turned off.
  • Recommended: Enabled
Enables Cemu's more accurate CPU & Audio timing mode.
CPU Menu

CPU Menu

The CPU > Mode section in the CPU Menu is no longer used. This has been replaced with options in each game's GameProfile.
To access a game's GameProfile, right-click the game in your Cemu Game List. You may then follow the following options.
The CPU > Affinity section is still under the CPU Menu, not within GameProfiles.
The CPU > Mode option should be left at Single Core given the chance you may try to run a game that is not documented well.
Mode: Dependent on your CPU type and if the game is compatible. (See the Compatibilty Wiki link at the top of this Guide)
Note: Will be greyed-out if a gameProfile has set this option automatically.
 The Mode Menu has been removed as of Cemu 1.17.2 - these settings are now set in each game's GameProfile.
Single-Core Interpreter:
Not recommended except for debug and testing purposes. Slow.
Single-Core Recompiler:
  • Recommended for most games, the other choices will likely fail to boot or freeze the game. Testing is welcome.
Additionally, recommended for Dual Core CPU owners.
Dual-Core Recompiler:
  • On few supported games: 4-Core+ CPUs can see a performance gain.
Breath of the Wild is supported.
Triple-Core Recompiler:
  • On few supported games: Some 4-Core and most 6-Core+ CPUs can see a performance gain.
4-Core CPUs can see better FPS Stability but lesser FPS, but some will obtain better FPS; possibly increased CPU temperatures.
Breath of the Wild is supported.
Affinity (OpenGL):
Note: Affinity settings can only be changed if you have Cemuhook added to CEMU.
  • Test each option in-game to see what benefits your performance the most then stick with it for that game.
2-Core CPUs should always use "All Logical Cores"
4-Core 4-Thread CPUs that use Dual-core Recompiler should try each option and see which gives them the best performance.
4-8+Core 8+Thread CPUs that use Triple-core Recompiler should likely use "All Logical Cores"
Affinity (Vulkan):
Note: Affinity settings can only be changed if you have Cemuhook added to CEMU.
  • Test each option in-game to see what benefits your performance the most then stick with it for that game.
Dual-core CPU Owners should always use "All Logical Cores"
4-Core 4-Thread CPUs that use Dual-core Recompiler should try each Affinity option and see which gives them the best performance.
4-8+Core 8+Thread CPUs that use Triple-core Recompiler should also try each Affinity option and see which gives them the best performance.
Debug Menu

Debug Menu

(These options will only be enabled with Cemuhook added to Cemu)

  • Required: ALL DISABLED
(Logging should only be enabled if a Cemu Dev or other user asks you to provide more logging information.)
Custom Timer:
  • Recommended: Cemu Default
QPC and RDTSC options let you use the timer speed multiplier options.
This is mainly only good for collecting shaderCache quickly. Buggy & crashy.
MM Timer Accuracy:
  • No longer used.
Use Cemuhook H264:
  • Recommended: Enabled, for now.
This is used to correctly render and play pre-recorded cutscenes and other types of content within games. Otherwise, Greenscreen.
(Cemu will eventually have flawless H264 support by itself, this will then be unneeded.)
Motion Controls

Motion Controls

 Cemuhook is required for motion providers to work with CEMU.
Motion Controls with Cemuhook using DS3 (DualShock PS3) / DS4 (DualShock PS4) / Android Phone, by Rajkosto: Click Here
Motion Controls with Wiimotes, (Cemu now natively supports Wiimotes) -- For older Cemu versions: WiimoteHook, by Epigramx Click Here
Switch Pro Controller and Joycon Motion Support using BetterJoyForCemu, by Davidobot: Click Here
Motion Controls with Steam Controller: Click Here
Motion Controls with Cemu-no-gyro using your Control Stick: Click Here
Motion Controls with Windows Phones & Tablets, UWP MotionSource App: Click Here
Motion Controls with iOS devices (iPhones, iPads, etc) MotionSource App: Click Here
Motion Controls with iOS devices (iPhones, iPads, etc) No App Installation Requirement: Click Here
Windows 10 PC Optimizations

Windows 10 PC Optimizations

Windows 10 Exploit Protection:

(Introduced with Windows 10, version 1709 & newer)

Open your Start Menu, search "Exploit Protection"

Open it, do the following:

 Open "Program Settings" + Add a Program to Customize Add by Program Name Add Cemu.exe Enable the Checkmark for all Options Leave all Switches in the Off position Click [Apply]
 If you rename Cemu.exe this change will no longer apply until it is renamed again.
 I haven't gone out of the way to test the performance draw on any of these settings but I suggest you just let Cemu do what it needs to do. One or more of these Exploit Protections have been known to diminish the performance of different game titles; not specifically Cemu.
 Do not run a Cemu.exe from a source that is not or Cemu's Patreon, this will put you at immediate risk for threats when disabling Exploit Protection.
Windows 10 Background Services:
Open Msconfig ( Win Key + R > Type " msconfig.exe " > Press Enter > Navigate to " Services " )

Disable the Following:

 Xbox Accessory Management Service Xbox Live Auth Manager Xbox Live Game Save Xbox Live Networking Service
 Apply your changes. Close msconfig.
 Open Control Panel
Search Game
Open Game Bar Settings
Disable the Game Bar
Open Game Mode Settings
Disable the Game Mode
 You may want to test Game Mode on and off.
 Keep in mind you may want to re-enable these for PC games in the future.
 Restart your PC

These services are unnecessary for Cemu and you can see a rough 1~5 FPS increase. For games you want to use them with, make sure to enable the services again and reboot.

If you use any Xbox-integrated programs like Xbox Messages, Xbox Live, etc..You will be required to enable these services and restart the PC before they will work again.

Additionally, make sure all programs that are running are closed before running CEMU. Simply having Discord, Firefox, or Google Chrome open can decrease your performance.

I recommend the following:

  • Process Explorer: Click Here (A more powerful Task Manager)
Disable OSD Monitoring Programs (On-Screen Displays):
Using OSDs may cause severe FPS drops or graphical issues while using CEMU. Make sure they're disabled for the duration of play.

(This includes Nvidia's overlays, Win10 Xbox Game Bar, Steam Overlay, and other types of rendering software.)

Playing BotW on OpenGL Nvidia? Only have 8GB of RAM? Try this:
Within CEMU, right-click your game and go to its GameProfile

Under [Graphics], edit the Line:

accurateShaderMul = true changing "true" to "min"

Note: This may disable some textures, however it can save quite a bit of RAM.
( i.e. Going from 12GB free required to 8GB free required. )

This will help you avoid stuttering when you run out of available RAM,
But if you do run out of available RAM, stuttering will be unavoidable.

Precompiled Shaders should be disabled on Nvidia Systems. Ensure that
you have done this. Afterwards, delete the Precompiled Cache to restore
some harddrive space as they are unneeded for Nvidia systems.

AMD Ryzen CPU Simultaneous Multithreading - (Look into the tool Ryzen Master)

Ryzen Master is a tool that may be used, paired with a Ryzen CPU. Whether or not this will help your performance is mainly determined by which Ryzen CPU you have and your amount of RAM / quality of RAM.

When using Ryzen Master, all you need to do is create a new profile. You can call this profile "Cemu" or whatever you wish, as this setting may end up helping with some other games if you go through and test with any titles you have had issues with in the past.

With this profile active, disable SMT. (Simultaneous Multithreading) - This setting being used by default may actually reduce performance across the cores when using games or programs that exclusively want to work on a few set cores. Disabling SMT usually helps in Cemu's case, but you will want to keep an eye on your actual performance numbers.

If SMT being disabled has not done much for you, your next option is to enable the Game Mode. This is typically it's own profile, I'm not aware if you can edit it. In either case Game Mode will disable some of your CPU cores to help restrain processes to certain cores, almost like disabling SMT but not the same. If this works better for you than disabling SMT, I would suggest using it each time you plan to play.

If neither disabling SMT or Game Mode benefit your performance, I suggest just leaving everything alone. At the very least I wanted to provide this suggestion as I have gotten some great results from people in the past.

AMD GPU owners trying OpenGL, use Linux - (+20~50% Performance)

AMD GPU owners + Linux (Better Performance)

AMD's lack of performance on OpenGL is due to their deprecated Windows OpenGL support since moving their attention to the Vulkan API. Had AMD added additional compatibility extensions it would not have the problems it does, and to be fair, it's mainly Breath of the Wild that is affected. Will AMD ever improve their OpenGL driver support?--We don't know. Probably not.

In the meantime, Linux users can use MESA drivers for AMD which aren't applicable to Windows systems, seeing anywhere between a 20~50% performance increase in contrast.

Lutris, for automatically installing Cemu on Linux -

Alternative, courtesy of Discord user Johngalt#5368 -

It's pretty much streamline from there.
Further support for Linux related questions can all be discussed within our Official Discord in the #Linux channel.
Undervolt your CPU - (Decrease temperatures, stabilize performance)

Undervolt your CPU

I haven't delved very far into this personally, but Morph has provided information in the image below.

However, if you're interested in learning more you can (Click Here)

The main reason you'd like to do this is for Desktops & Laptops where heat becomes a problem, relating to the BDPROCHOT section below and Ryzen Master section, above.

Disable BD PROCHOT - (Stop your PC throttling from heat earlier than necessary)


It's highly recommended you research this topic before deciding to attempt it. If you fry your hardware, I take no responsibility.

An informative Reddit post can be found here: Link

BD PROCHOT - Stands for Bi-directional Processor Hot. PROCHOT is an emergency throttling system that is used when a CPU hits its maximum temperature (100 or 105C). BD PROCHOT is a system some laptops use where the CPU will be throttled when another component, such as a GPU, reaches a set temperature—even if the CPU is not hot to the point of throttling.

Some laptops trigger thermal throttling as low as 60~70c, well below the maximum safe temperature. You can look into ThrottleStop and their documentation, then see if this is what's causing your CPU Core Performance to always drop below its suggested speeds.

ThrottleStop Guide

Disable CPU Parking - (Stop your CPU from starting & stopping cores/threads)

Disable CPU Parking

It's highly recommended you research this topic before deciding to attempt it. If you fry your hardware, I take no responsibility.

By default, core parking basically makes your processors go into a sleep state known as (C6) and is supported by most new processors. This allows your computer to save power. There is a trade off for disabling parking. If you use a laptop or tablet, you may notice a slight difference in battery life once you disable core parking on your CPUs. If you disable core parking on your CPUs, your computer may have faster benchmarks. (Reported higher frame rates by gamers and power users).

How can this speed up my computer? Imagine that you have four engines and every time you stop and start you also turn some of the engines on and off. With all of your CPUs ‘on’, your engines are always ready to go. Does this work on all processors? No. Has there been reported improvements? Yes.

ParkControl Download

ParkControl Activator (Crack)

FAQ - Frequent Cemu Problems & Zelda Issues

Cemu Questions:

Where can I get games, updates, or DLC?
  • You dump all of this from your own Wii U console. You may use a friend's console as long as you own the content you are dumping. No exceptions, do not ask for alternatives.
  • Asking for links or other will result in a warning or ban in any Cemu Discussion areas. Cemu will never support illegally sharing copyrighted content.
  • Dumping the content from the Wii U is covered by: [ Getting Started Guide ]
Cemu says it needs a System Update when trying to launch a game.
  • This message means you have not applied the latest update to your game.
  • Most games will not work unless they have been given update data to use.
  • To dump your Update/DLC from your Wii U and install them on Cemu, you may follow: [ Getting Started Guide ]
  • If the message still appears after installing the update for the game, you did not apply the update correctly or the update is corrupt and needs a fresh dump from your console, then reinstalled.
  • Ensure your Update data has a complete Meta folder before installing it again.

Should I edit my PC's PageFile settings for RAM usage? Why is my RAM usage low?

PageFile Settings & Info:

  • You shouldn't limit the system PageFile size as this only serves as a cap on how large it can be. If you leave it at default ("system managed",) Windows will automatically increase and decrease the size as needed. There isn't a substantial reason to cap it yourself, particularly for any emulator.
  • If you want to change anything we only recommend to tell Windows to put your PageFile on the fastest system drive that will never be removed from your system, such as an SSD, so it reduces the time required to shuffle data around.. Much closer to RAM speeds than a standard HDD (spinning disc VS storing on NAND flash chips.)
  • If you keep a PageFile on a HDD at 5200RPM or lower, or faulty, this can cause an emulator to buckle in loading the data and may result in "random" crashes as you attempt to load in previously used assets that were shuffled over to your PageFile on that drive.. So, faster is always much better and stable.

RAM Usage is Shrinking or Small:

  • As for RAM usage shrinking, Windows automatically shuffles and compresses currently unused assets and pushes them to your PageFile until they are called once again by the program. Unsure of how long it takes to consider it not necessary for the RAM to hold it, but it will happen gradually after loading into the games.

Disabling Windows 10's Data Compression:

  • There is a way to disable Win10s data compression so it doesn't take quite as long to use those assets again (less microstutter, you can google this though it isn't explicitly necessary), but I'm unsure if there is a way to force the cache to always be loaded into the RAM and exempt from your PageFile.. I'd have to research that again. In either case you'd have to have enough RAM at all times for that to be viable.
Why is my CPU or GPU usage low? Shouldn't it be 100%? My HDD usage?

TLDR: Long story short, it's uncommon for either to be maxed out for anyone except low-end PC consumers.

CPU Usage:

  • Cemu's CPU usage is maxed with roughly 5 or 6 Cores at the very most while using Triple Core Recompiler with the **few** compatible games. While using Single Core Recompiler, Cemu may use up to 3 or 4 cores where possible, however Cemu is able to function on Dual-Core CPUs with reduced performance. Whereas Cemu will use multiple cores and threads for different things, such as x3 for CPU Emulation, x1 for Audio Emulation, x1 for GPU Emulation (or multiple if the GPU supports it in its driver,) and x1 for one or other background tasks ... Cemu will likely never use 100% of all available cores and threads. It is completely normal to hover between 30 to 80% CPU Utilization, and up to 100% during the loading procedure upon booting a game title.

GPU Usage:

  • Cemu uses very little of a GPU unless you are upscaling the game. By default, games are all 720p to 1080p; this is typically a drop in the water for most modern GPUs--this is usually reflected in how little usage the GPU shows when monitored. However, usage will go up if the FPS is increased. The issue here is most console games, especially Nintendo titles, are capped to either 30 or 60FPS ... and going above this cap will cause physic issues, glitches, or crashes within those games. Since this is generally not something you want to happen, getting high GPU usage is typically only caused by upscaling the resolution or uncapping the framerate to benchmark your performance.

HDD/Disk Usage is High:

  • If your HDD usage is high, it's likely your PC is swapping previously PageFile-cached data from your RAM, back to your RAM, or vice-versa as this is a standard for systems today. If your drive is rather slow and cannot keep up with the transfer requirements, it may frequently hit 100% usage... this will usually become apparent when your PC either freezes or the game stops responding. This may cause a crash or the game may take awhile to resume. If this is indeed the case, we either recommend increasing your available RAM (through physical upgrade,) or we recommend upgrading to using a SSD or NVME SSD drive for much faster read & write times.
How do I get games to show up in Cemu's game list?
  • Every one of your game's folders (the folder that contains Code, Content, Meta folders) must be stored in a specific folder. I personally use #Games
  • After you have every game inside of #Games, open Cemu and navigate to Options > General Settings
  • Set the Game Directory at the bottom of the window to your #Games folder. Cemu should update your list after you close the window.
  • If one or more games do not show up in your list, they have a missing, incomplete, or corrupt Meta folder. The Meta folder must be complete for the games to show.
Keys for my Keys.txt file?
  • Required for WUD and WUX games. Keys are required in Cemu's keys.txt file before the games will boot. Obtaining keys: [ Click Here ]
  • Not required for RPX format games.
What is the difference between WUD, WUX, and RPX format games?
  • WUD is packaged Wii U games, encrypted. Keys are required in Cemu's keys.txt file before the games will boot. Obtaining keys: [ Click Here ]
  • WUX is the same as WUD format but compressed to substantially reduce the file size. Keys are still required.
  • RPX is an extracted game as a single folder labeled after the game, with 3 internal folders, Code, Content, Meta. Does not require any keys. Takes the least amount of storage space or equal to WUX.
Controller Setup?
  • The Options > Input Settings menu will let you configure a controller.
  • If your controller does not show up in the respective dropdown menu, try switching between Xinput and DirectInput. Xinput is recommended.
  • Controllers with pressure-sensitive triggers will only work correctly by using Xinput. DirectInput will not let you use both triggers at the same time.
  • You must type in a name before you can save the controller profile.
  • Player 1 should almost always be set as Wii U Gamepad, as this is what Wii U games typically expect.
  • Every other player should likely be a Wii U Pro Controller.
  • It is expected you map your buttons as they would be placed on the Wii U Gamepad. If you don't remember the layout, I suggest Googling a photo of the controller.
  • And no, remapping the controller buttons differently from what's on the Gamepad will not change what they look like or are named within the games.
Can I use a Keyboard & Mouse?
  • Yes, though it's highly discouraged; cameras in games will never react 1:1 with your mouse, they are meant for joysticks.
The most up to date guide is in text by BelowDust on Discord, it includes the files as well: [ Click Here ]
  • Alternatively you may follow BSoD Gaming's Keyboard & Mouse video, though out of date: [ Click Here ]
This guide requires extra files, review this text document: [ Click Here ]
Can I use a phone or tablet as the Gamepad screen with touch support?
  • Officially? No. But can you? Yes. The setup is rather simple.
  • Download Spacedesk both for your PC and the device you want to use as a display + touchscreen.
  • As long as you have your PC and the device connected to the same Wifi Network, you should be fine.
  • Your other device will be considered a second monitor.
  • Open Cemu & navigate to Options > Separate Gamepad View -- This will open a separate window dedicated to the gamepad video output.
  • Simply drag this window and maximize it on the desktop screen dedicated to your other device.
  • You may want to disable Cemu remembering where the window is, as if you disconnect this display, the gamepad window may be stuck over there.
  • Please keep in mind this will likely hit your performance, and if your phone/tablet is set to 30FPS mode it may cap Cemu to 30FPS.
Tip: You can right-click your taskbar on Windows and set Taskbar to hide automatically. This will give you more screenspace on your other device.
Motion controls in games?
  • The default method is to click Cemu's screen and use your mouse to control motion sections, however this is a huge pain.
  • With Cemuhook added to support Motion Feedback from controllers and other devices, you may check the Motion Controllers & Cemuhook section.
  • Supports Android Devices, iPhones & iDevices, Dualshock 3 & 4 controllers, and possibly a few others.

Cemu Problems:

I cannot find Vulkan in the Graphics Menu or it crashes Cemu after selecting it in Options > General Settings > Graphics
  • Ensure your GPU actually supports Vulkan. You can find more information by searching online, especially when it comes to Intel GPUs.
  • If your GPU does support Vulkan, make sure that GPU is not being overridden by the integrated GPU while using a Laptop, usually because you're on battery usage.
  • Make sure your GPU drivers are fully up to date. If possible, get the driver from your PC's manufacturer if it was pre-built.
  • If none of this has helped, we suggest downloading the latest driver standalone installer package and DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)
After you have obtained both, restart Windows into Safe Mode. Run DDU and uninstall your driver. (Do not restart yet.) Use the standalone package to reinstall the latest driver.
Once the latest driver has successfully reinstalled, reboot your PC and check to see if Cemu can use your GPU for Vulkan.
  • The last resort is downloading the latest Vulkan Runtime and seeing if this works for you; make sure to restart your computer after installing it.
 If none of this has resolve your problem, feel welcome to come by the #Troubleshooting channel of our Discord server.
 Discord Server -
Cemu refuses to open at all.
  • This should only happen if you do not have vc_redist_x64 installed from Cemu's website. Make sure this is installed.
  • Cemuhook may cause this to happen if it's corrupt, try removing keystone.dll & dbghelp.dll - if this works, try redownloading & replacing them.
  • Make sure your PC isn't blocking the .zip and .dlls of Cemuhook; to check, right-click and check their Properties. Unblock them if this is true, replace the ones in your Cemu folder.
  • Virus scanners can affect Cemuhook causing this to happen; try disabling them before running Cemu.
  • 32bit PCs will not be able to run Cemu.
Text in games is missing or glitched.
  • Cemuhook must be added to Cemu and you must used the SharedFonts link placed at the bottom of Cemu's window when opened; this adds open-source text replacements Cemu will use.
  • Some games do not have correct text regardless, you will have to wait until newer Cemu versions resolve this.
  • AMD Vega GPUs are notorious for messing up text, I do not know of any workaround.
When loading shaders or playing a game, it crashes or freezes.
If you're testing our Vulkan build, please keep in mind bugs are very common. You may report these on Discord in our #patreon-testing channel, meant for Vulkan -
Cemu is an experimental emulator, that said a lot of games are not fully supported and may not boot.
If you're using an Intel iGPU, these GPUs are not supported and are likely to experience a variety of problems that AMD and Nvidia do not have.
  • If it freezes or crashes while playing the game, make sure to try using Single Core Recompiler in the game's GameProfile; most games do not support Dual or Triple.
  • Make sure you are not storing your Updates and DLC in your Game Directory that you set in Options > General Settings as the Update and DLC will replace the Base Game executable.
Note: If the base game is overwritten in the Game List by the Update or DLC, it will cause the game to fail to boot.Updates and DLC must be stored somewhere outside of your Game Directory.
  • Make sure the game is supported & working for others, check the [ Cemu Compatibility Page ]
  • Verify all of the settings for Cemu are set up correctly by following the Recommended Settings section of this guide to a T.
  • Absolutely make sure you have installed the latest update for the game.
Check the game for recommended settings or bugtesting submissions on it's Compatibility Page: [ Click Here ]Check the Issue Submissions on Cemu's Bug Tracker:
  • Check graphicPacks: Disable all graphicPacks made for the game except for Crash fixes. Test the game.
  • Check shaderCache: Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shaderCache folder. Test the game.
If this resolves the issue, delete Cemu\shaderCache\Driver and Precompiled. If this does not resolve it, run the game and find your Cache ID in the Window Title Bar, delete it in your shaderCache\Transferable folder. You will need to delete the Precompiled and Driver folders once again.
  • Updating GPU Driver: Try updating your GPU driver. Test the game afterwards.
If you did a clean install, you will have to set the settings for Cemu in the GPU Driver Control Panel again.
  • Fixing Corrupt GPU Driver: Download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and boot into Windows Safe Mode with Networking. Uninstall your GPU driver & install the latest after.
You will have to set the settings for Cemu in the GPU Driver Control Panel again.
  • Fixing Corrupt Game: Attempt to redump the base game, update, and DLC of the game and set them back up with Cemu.
If you continue experiencing problems you may try getting help from our Discord Community: asking for help, please provide your Log (log.txt) from within Cemu's folder, after you have booted the game.Note: Opening Cemu again will erase the log and you will have to come across the problem again. You may try sending a log after you reach the game's Title Screen.Without a log, we often cannot find the problem. We will often ask for the log, but we prefer you provide it without us having to ask.
When playing a game, I get a lot of graphical glitches.
If you're testing our Vulkan build, please keep in mind bugs are very common. You may report these on Discord in our #vulkan_testing channel, meant for Vulkan -
Cemu is an experimental emulator, that said a lot of games are not fully ready to be played without glitches.
If you're using an Intel iGPU, these GPUs are not supported and are likely to experience a variety of problems that AMD and Nvidia do not have.
  • If you are seeing glitches that you don't see in videos or screenshots from other people, you may be experiencing a unique problem.
  • Verify all of the settings for Cemu are set up correctly by following the Recommended Settings section of this guide to a T.
  • Absolutely make sure you have installed the latest update for the game.
Check the game for recommended settings or bugtesting submissions on it's Compatibility Page: [ Click Here ]Check the Issue Submissions on Cemu's Bug Tracker:
  • Check graphicPacks: Disable all graphicPacks made for the game except for Crash fixes. Test the game.
  • Check shaderCache: Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shaderCache folder. Test the game.
If this resolves the issue, delete Cemu\shaderCache\Driver and Precompiled. If this does not resolve it, run the game and find your Cache ID in the Window Title Bar, delete it in your shaderCache\Transferable folder. You will need to delete the Precompiled and Driver folders once again.
  • Updating GPU Driver: Try updating your GPU driver. Test the game afterwards.
If you did a clean install, you will have to set the settings for Cemu in the GPU Driver Control Panel again.
  • Fixing Corrupt GPU Driver: Download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and boot into Windows Safe Mode with Networking. Uninstall your GPU driver & install the latest after.
You will have to set the settings for Cemu in the GPU Driver Control Panel again.
  • Fixing Corrupt Game: Attempt to redump the base game, update, and DLC of the game and set them back up with Cemu.
If you continue experiencing problems you may try getting help from our Discord Community: asking for help, please provide your Log (log.txt) from within Cemu's folder, after you have booted the game.Note: Opening Cemu again will erase the log and you will have to come across the problem again. You may try sending a log after you read the game's Title Screen.Without a log, we often cannot find the problem. We will often ask for the log, but we prefer you provide it without asking.
Game is horribly stuttery and freezing repeatedly.
  • All games must build a shaderCache before blissfully smooth gameplay can happen. This happens automatically as you play. The stuttering will become less frequent the longer you play.
  • Cemu will load the shaderCache each time you boot the game. After a GPU Driver or Cemu update this compile time will be roughly 10~20x as long since the older copy became invalidated.
  • If Cemu begins to act as if there is no shaderCache, ensure no ghost Cemu / Wii U Emulator processes are running. To check, open Task Manager and go to the Details tab. Restart Cemu afterwards.
  • You may also try to restart your PC to make sure there are no program conflicts from background processes.

ShaderCache FAQ
  • I'm running Vulkan with my old cache and I'm still stuttering? -
Vulkan does reuse the old cache if you tell it to, but this will not eliminate stuttering for anyone.
This is because Vulkan has a required Pipeline Cache it has to generate. This stutter will persist just like before.
  • Can I turn shaderCaches off for better performance? -
ShaderCaches are absolutely required for games to run. You cannot disable these and you would gain nothing if you could.
  • Where can I get a shaderCache? -
We do not distribute shaderCaches because they contain copyrighted code and it would become a legal concern for Cemu. You should build your own, otherwise you'll likely encounter problems.
  • I think my shaderCache is causing a problem -
Check shaderCache: Open your Cemu folder and temporarily rename your shaderCache folder. Test the game.
If this resolves the issue, delete Cemu\shaderCache\Driver and Precompiled. If this does not resolve it, run the game and find your Cache ID in the Window Title Bar, delete it in your shaderCache\Transferable folder. You will need to delete the Precompiled and Driver folders once again.
  • Cemu loaded the game immediately and skipped the shaderCache when I have one -
If Cemu is acting as if there is no shaderCache, ensure no ghost Cemu / Wii U Emulator processes are running. To check, open Task Manager and go to the Details tab. Close every instance & restart Cemu.
See here:
Audio is all crackly & fuzzy.
  • Try setting the GameProfile setting for Thread Quantum to the default state of 45,000 and then test; otherwise, continue.
  • If you cannot maintain a rock solid framerate that the game expects, the audio may become distorted. In this case, the only way to fix it would be to reach the FPS necessary.
  • Sometimes this can be alleviated by changing the Audio Latency in Options > General Settings > Audio in addition to trying either DirectSound or xAudio.
  • If neither of these solutions work, then it likely is not going to be fixed by you playing around with anything.
  • Some games simply have bad audio support within Cemu for now and this will not be fixed until newer Cemu versions release.

Breath of the Wild Questions:

What are the best performance settings for Breath of the Wild?
  • The Recommended Settings section covers the best settings for every game as the settings are universal.
  • The best settings for your GPU are also covered in Recommended Settings.
  • The recommended graphicPacks are covered in the GraphicPacks section.
  • Aside from this, as long as you have set them correctly, there is next to nothing else that you can do aside from overclocking your CPU.
What are the best graphicPacks to use with Breath of the Wild?

Grabbed from the Graphic Pack section for your leisure:

Recommended for Average Users -

Applicable GPU Fix Packs - Do not enable fix packs that are not labeled for your GPU.
Clouds - Fixes the heavily stretched clouds in the sky.
LWZX Crash
FPS++ - ( Make sure to extend the options by clicking the [+] )

(Cemuhook and the Latest Game Update must be installed!)
Dynamic Gamespeed - 32 or a less value if preferred.
Fence Method - Performance, if buggy try Accuracy.
Set FPS Limit - 60 or 30FPS, 30 is the Native Wii U framerate.
NPC Stutter Fix - If you disable GX2DrawDone() you can use this, but you will still need GX2 when using the Camera Rune.

No Depth of Field - Only recommended for performance stability, otherwise user preference.
Clarity - Preset: User preference, use the Reload Shaders button to preview.
Anti-Aliasing - Preset: "Nvidia FXAA" - if you get grayscale color, use "Enabled AA" preset.
Resolution - Preset: 1080p or 1440p
Shadows - Preset: Medium or High

Will my PC be able to run Cemu / Breath of the Wild? At 60FPS?
  • The Requirements section covers what type of hardware is recommended for Cemu.
  • The FPS you will obtain within games is determined primarily by your CPU, secondly your GPU, next being your RAM. A lot of Wii U titles only reach 30FPS unless patched by the community.
  • Breath of the Wild can make use of the Dual & Triple Core Recompilers, so if you have a supported CPU, you should enable this or suffer the consequence of bad performance.
  • Ensure you have followed the Recommended Settings section, readers that skim info & speed-read never win. GPU settings must be set correctly for correct performance.
Why is Breath of the Wild stuck at 20 or 30FPS?

Note: This is specifically for people who are LOCKED to 20 or 30 FPS and do not get more or less FPS.

  • Make sure your PC isn't blocking the .zip and .dlls of Cemuhook; to check, right-click and check their Properties. Unblock them if this is true, replace the ones in your Cemu folder.
  • Virus scanners can affect Cemuhook causing this to happen; try disabling them before running Cemu.
  • It's likely you didn't follow the Recommended Settings section and skipped stuff like a noob.
  • If this just started recently, ensure no ghost Cemu / Wii U Emulator processes are running. To check, open Task Manager and go to the Details tab. Close every instance.
See here:
  • Cemuhook must be updated to the latest version or a version that is supported by the version of Cemu that you are using.
  • You must ensure FPS++ is enabled by toggling it's 4 graphicPacks from within the graphicPack menu of Cemu.
  • To change the framerate cap from 30 to 60 or otherwise, highlight the Set FPS Limit graphicPack and then select which Preset you wish to use.
  • You absolutely must have the latest update for the game installed.
  • To dump your Update/DLC from your Wii U and install them on Cemu you may follow: [ Getting Started Guide ]
I'm having a problem in Breath of the Wild, please help!
  • First of all, disable all GameBanana mods if you installed any as they can cause the game to screw up if they conflict. Test the game again.
  • My FPS is low even after following all of the suggestions here - There isn't much else you can do besides overclocking your CPU, you're hardware limited. If you're on an AMD GPU, wait until Vulkan is public.

General Issues:

  • The map cursor will not move - Please do not enable FPS++ and Static FPS together. We suggest only using FPS++, rather than Static FPS.
  • The water is white / like milk - Try decreasing your resolution and restarting the emulator; do a search around the internet to find other solutions or you may consult the Discord Server.
  • Using a Rune freezes/crashes the game - Try enabling GX2DrawDone() or you may consult the Discord Server for more help.
  • The game freezes at some other random place - Your game files are likely corrupt and need replaced. Delete the base game & replace it; install the update & dlc again with fresh copies.
  • Something in the game does not show up at all - Such as a sheikah pedestal or a puzzle piece in a shrine/divine beast - Corrupt game files, same as above.
  • The Sheikah Slate Camera rune is glitchy - Enable Options > General Settings > Graphics > GX2DrawDone() - This will reduce performance but fixes the rune functionality.
  • I'm seeing glitchy textures after a cutscene happened - there's no definitive fix for this. Save and reload the game or restart the emulator entirely.

FPS-related Issues:

  • My cursor in menus is going too fast - Cap your FPS to 72 at the very most, not above that; recommend 60.
  • The Gerudo Desert boss flies outside of the fighting arena - Cap FPS to 30, finish the fight.
  • The game freezes during a cutscene - Cap FPS to 30, finish the cutscene.
  • Enemies don't get knocked back after being attacked - Cap FPS to 30, any FPS over that will reduce knockback by a percentage. Over 60FPS, knockback becomes negative.
  • Some objects do not float or move in the water - Cap FPS to 30, this is a physics related issue.
  • Shield surfing feels sluggish compared to the console version - Cap FPS to 30, this is a physics related issue. At 60FPS the intensity is x2, slowing you down.
  • Sailing on a raft with a Korok Leaf is extremely fast - Cap FPS to 30, wind physics are twice as powerful at 60FPS.
  • Enemies are spazzy and freaking out - If you cannot maintain good framerates, such as 20 or above, this may frequently happen.
Vulkan or OpenGL, which is better?
Should I use Vulkan or OpenGL?

This depends mainly on your GPU and the game you are trying to play. We recommend that you test a game on both renderers and then pick the one with less issues and/or better performance. In general AMD GPUs have great performance on Vulkan but may experience bugs and crashes. Nvidia GPUs currently have slightly worse performance on Vulkan but benefit from a low bug rate. One thing to keep in mind for Vulkan is that if you are running into issues, you should try disabling all the graphic packs first.

In general, these are the observations we made during testing:

AMD: Much better performance, faster shader compilation, less stuttering.
Intel: Much better performance and much less visual bugs, faster shader compilation, less stuttering.
Nvidia: Lesser or equal performance, less visual bugs, faster shader compilation, less stuttering.
Graphic Pack Compatibility?
Update: WIP v5 GraphicPacks for 1.17.0 and newer have arrived:
These will continue to be updated and will eventually be put on the main repo for automatic updates using the update button in Cemu.
After you download the new update for Cemu, you should open the graphicpack window and use the [Download community graphic packs] button to update them.
Don't forget to update your graphic packs regularly. They are still being updated for Vulkan!
Graphicpacks that do not modify shaders should already be compatible, such as FPS++ and other cheats, mods, etc.
Even though resolution scaling should work, keep in mind that they often include shader edits to adjust effects like bloom or anti-aliasing. These fixes may not work on Vulkan yet while the resolution scaling itself does.
Vulkan Known Issues
OpenGL shadercaches are compatible with Vulkan but will not eliminate stuttering entirely due to Vulkan introducing an additional type of cache, the Pipeline Cache.
Vulkan Pipeline Cache must be rebuilt every Driver Update or Downgrade, causing the same old stutter to occur again until compiled by playing. Devs are considering a way to mitigate this.
May have issues with GPUs that have less than 2GB of dedicated (not shared) VRAM, usually leading to random crashes.
Generally not 100% stable and may crash at any time.
Full Sync @ GX2DrawDone() must be enabled for Vulkan, this is default with Cemu 1.16.0d and newer - it cannot be turned off.
Other Noteworthy Mentions
Cemuhook Download & Info

Cemuhook Download & Info


Download Cemuhook by Rajkosto from:

Extract dbghelp.dll & keystone.dll from the Cemuhook ZIP into your Cemu folder, next to Cemu.exe

When opening Cemu, make sure to download your Shared Fonts.

Open Cemu > Download the Shared Fonts with the link that appears in the main window.

These are REQUIRED for various titles to function correctly, such as Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and Super Mario Maker; along with other titles!

Cemuhook also allows the following:
  • Extended CPU Menu options.
  • Allows you to set up a Gyro-enabled Device / Controller / Phone to use with Motion Control games.
  • Allows in-game cutscenes to play on various titles instead of crashing or a glitchy green-screen. (H264)
  • Lets you play games in fast-forward or slow-motion mode under Debug.
What is shaderCache?
  • Transferrable ShaderCache - This is the first cache made by CEMU. When created, we do not recommend deleting this cache or you will have to replay the game from the very start to obtain the information again. This cache is converted Wii U GPU Shader Code, readable by PCs; it can also be transferred across PCs as it is not affected by different drivers or hardware. It is created when you first encounter an effect, texture, or other environment factor in a game; while it is being cached, the game will freeze momentarily--this is normal and will happen only once per unique shader you encounter. Once you have a Transferrable shaderCache built, CEMU will use it when booting a game in order to create Precompiled shaderCache. You can find Transferrable shaderCaches online but they are likely semi-corrupt; we do not provide download links because this is considered an act of piracy, as they contain copyrighted Nintendo code, extracted directly from games.
  • Precompiled ShaderCache - [Note: Nvidia GPU users should have Precompiled Shaders disabled until further notice.] During the game's first boot, introducing the first discovery of shaders for your Transferrable ShaderCache, Precompiled ShaderCache is also generated simultaneously. This cache is converted Transferrable ShaderCache that matches your GPU Driver, Hardware, and CEMU version; each time any of these three things change, the Precompiled Cache will become invalidated & unusable. CEMU will usually detect this automatically and delete it for you, but sometimes it is necessary to delete it by hand as a precaution -- if it's corrupt, sometimes errors will cause games to crash or behave strangely as well. Deleting this cache will require you to wait a longer period of time to load a game until CEMU has fully compiled the Transferrable shaderCache back into Precompiled shaderCache & GLCache.
  • GLCache - The GLCache is essentially converted Transferrable/Precompiled ShaderCache used by the OpenGL API of your GPU. When CEMU is compiling your ShaderCache after booting a Wii U Game, you are populating the GLCache for your GPU to avoid stuttering as you attempt to play. With CEMU versions before 1.15.1, this cache gets reset on occasion -- Any games (or applications) that use OpenGL will build a cache and may cause the the size of the GLCache folder to exceed it's threshold of 256MB (Nvidia,) 64MB (AMD), causing the cleaning flag to raise & it is then wiped on the next PC Restart. GLCache will always be wiped after a GPU Driver Update.
[NVIDIA Users]
As of Cemu 1.15.1, GLCache for Nvidia will now be stored in the X:_/_/Cemu/shaderCache/driver/nvidia/ directory; in addition, the GLCache will now be preserved during system reboots and will allow Cemu to continue writing data to it after it reaches 256MB. You should clean the GLCache after each GPU Driver Update you install. Nvidia's drivers do not like Precompiled Cache, therefore games within CEMU will always stutter when using [only] Precompiled ShaderCache--this is because Precompiled ShaderCache on Nvidia does not populate the GLCache as planned; that said, Precompiled Shaders should be disabled.
Users on pre-1.15.1 versions of CEMU can try to mitigate the effect this has on their gameplay by deleting [AND] disabling their Precompiled ShaderCache and clearing their GLCache in order to repopulate the GLCache entirely.
[AMD Users]
On CEMU versions 1.12.1 and after, there was a bug where Precompiled Shaders could not be used, this has been fixed as of 1.14.0
Precompiled ShaderCache is good for AMD Systems, as GLCache is limited to 64MB.
Precompiled ShaderCache does not work on Nvidia Systems and should be disabled within Cemu's options.
Windows Users can find the GLCache on pre-1.15.1 Cemu builds with ... Run /or/ Search > %localappdata% > Nvidia /or/ AMD > GLCache
Linux Users can find the GLCache on pre-1.15.1 Cemu builds at ... ~/.nv /or/ ~/.amd /GLCache/* (must be viewing hidden files)

Download links are prohibited.

Note: Older Transferable ShaderCaches from pre-1.8.0 will not work with newer CEMU versions.

[BotW] 11,000 Cache vs 9,600 Cache?

Game Update from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 invalidated caches. Transferrable Cache that was made collectively with both -/1.3.1 and 1.4.0/+, together, will contain duplicates that will not be detected by CEMU as pointless, effectively bloating your RAM. Non-bloated cache for Breath of the Wild should be roughly 9600 shaders. Caches far exceeding this upper limit are known to be from older versions of the game. All other known games should be fine and should not experience this problem.

There is no performance decrease with a bloated cache, however if your RAM is not sufficient to store all data on the RAM and therefore puts it on your HDD/SSD Pagefile, you may notice a sufficient decrease in overall performance for the game in question. Memory Swapping (pageFile,) is often much slower than RAM on its own, depending on the quality and speed of the storage device your pageFile is located on.

In rare cases, more specifically on very slow HDD storage, this may result in crashes of the game.

GraphicPack Menu & Download Method (Cemu 1.15.1+)

Note: If you have older packs from before using the download button, please delete them before using the button!

Breath of the Wild Graphic Packs (Recommended Packs & Explanations)

Breath of the Wild Graphic Packs

Recommended for Vulkan & OpenGL Users -

Applicable GPU Fix Packs - Do not enable packs that are not labeled for your GPU or the wrong Graphic API.
LWZX Crash - Helps mitigate random crashing.
Kakariko Torch Shadows - Fixes the square light box around torches on different GPU vendors.FPS++ - ( Make sure to extend the options by clicking the [+] )

(Cemuhook and the Latest Game Update must be installed!)
Dynamic Gamespeed - 32 or a less value if preferred.
Fence Method - Performance, if buggy try Accuracy.
Set FPS Limit - 60 or 30FPS, 30 is the Native Wii U framerate.
NPC Stutter Fix - If you disable GX2DrawDone() you can use this, but you will still need GX2 when using the Camera Rune.

No Depth of Field - Disables the blur effect in some scenarios but will help keep your FPS stable in those instances if you wish.
Clarity - Preset: User preference, use the Reload Shaders button to preview each.
Anti-Aliasing - Preset: "Nvidia FXAA" - if you get grayscale color, use "Enabled AA" preset.
Resolution - Preset: 1080p or 1440p, you are welcome to go higher but keep an eye on your performance!
Shadows - Preset: Medium or High, same as above.

Explanations - GraphicPacks for Breath of the Wild

  • FPS++ (Dynamic FPS by Xalphenos & Co)
Averages framerate then sets the current target framerate the game's engine expects after the average is calculated. Fixes arrow trajectory physics, paragliding physics, and Link movement physics when over 30FPS. It's a smooth experience overall and is recommended over a "vanilla" game experience. Disable FPS++ if you encounter an in-game permanent freeze - finish that instance with FPS++ disabled and then enable it again for the rest of the game's playthrough.
  • Static FPS (Modified by Epigramx)
A set of framerate limiters, made with a modified FPS++ -- omit calculations for Dynamic FPS, going below the target framerate will put the game in slow motion. Absolutely do not enable this in combination with FPS++
  • Monochromia (Incompatible with Clarity)
(Currently Unstable) Not recommended to be used until it has been updated to support graphicPack v3.
  • Cheats
These packs enable specific cheat codes.
  • Day Length
Allows the user to set how long the in-game 24-hour period will last, in contrast to real-life time.
  • Divine Laser Beams Customizer
Allows you to disable or change the color of the Red Beams that emit from defeated Divine Beasts.
You can click "Reload Shaders" button at the bottom to see the difference in-game.
  • Glow Lights Colors
(Outdated & not recommended.) Requires manual editing of the graphic pack. Allows changing the light source color on various Sheikah objects.
  • HUD Remover (Pro+ HUD)
Removes some user interface (UI) displays and should be used in conjunction with the in-game option for "Pro Mode" that also helps disable more UI displays. Will not completely remove all elements. For COMPLETE HUD Removal, look up the Pro Hud mod on GameBanana for Wii U; you will need to make it as a graphicPack as Cemu now allows replacing game files with a graphicPack.
  • No Depth of Field
Removes the blur effect when you focus an enemy during battles as well as when using the camera rune; can benefit performance.
  • Clarity
Allows you to select a [Color+Tonemap+Brightness+Contrast] preset from the right-hand drop-down menu.
You can click "Reload Shaders" button at the bottom to see the difference in-game.
  • LOD Bias
Changes the game's mipmap loading. Presets allow you to change for keeping higher quality models loaded at further away, or to minimize quality and slightly boost performance on strained PCs. This does NOT affect the draw distance of NPCs, Grass, etc.
  • Enhanced Reflections
Increases the ability of Shrine walls & objects to reflect light or mirror objects. May cause a performance hit.
  • AMD Crash Fix
As of Cemu 1.15.8 some changes in the backend started to cause AMD GPUs to crash while compiling some very specific shaders. This graphicPack patches those shaders to not conflict and thus prevent the crashing.
  • AMD / Intel Shadow Fix
A necessary fix for almost all AMD GPUs and Intel iGPUs. AMD GPUs on Linux should not require this. (See the AMD area of the Performance section of the guide, below.)
  • Kakariko Torch Shadows
Fixes the square lighting around torches in the village.
  • LWZX Crash
Not necessary if you use General Settings > Full sync at GX2DrawDone(); otherwise it will prevent certain crashes.
  • NVIDIA Explosion Smoke
Before, smoke effects would be rotated incorrectly and flat. This fixes that.
  • Clouds
Fixes the extremely stretched clouds in the sky. This was once handled by Cemu as a workaround but as we move towards accuracy, this has now been made a graphicPack.
  • Anti-Aliasing
Select an Anti-Aliasing mode which helps eliminate the stair-stepping effect in order to obtain smoother textures & models.
You can click "Reload Shaders" button at the bottom to see the difference in-game.
  • Resolution
The best but heaviest form of Anti-Aliasing. Allows you to select a resolution preset on the right-hand drop-down menu.
Lower = Blockier. Higher = Smoother, but harder on GPU.
  • Shadow Resolution
Allows you to select a shadow resolution preset on the right-hand drop-down menu.
Lower = Blockier. Higher = Smoother, but harder on GPU.
Native Linux Build?

Native Linux Build?

The developers have stated they would like to create a native Linux OS build of Cemu after the Vulkan backend has matured.
You can still use Cemu on Linux though you'll require Wine or another method to run Windows executables.
Assistance with this is done through Cemu's Discord in the #Linux channel.

For quick and reliable support, feel welcome to come by the Discord.

It's more than just for troubleshooting. Our main community discussion hub and development are all focused there.


Serfrosts Cemu Setup Guide - Cemu Wiki (2024)
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