Why Learn Financial Modeling? (2024)

Immerse yourself in the world of financial modeling, an essential tool for summarizing an organization's earnings and expenses. Understand its wide-ranging applications in the finance industry, such as measuring stock performance, allocating capital, and business valuation as well as the practical applications for careers in investment banking, private equity, real estate development and more.

Key Insights

  • Financial modeling provides a comprehensive view of an organization’s past, present, and future financial performance, aiding in strategic decision-making.
  • It is a versatile tool with applications in various industries, particularly in finance for tasks such as measuring stock performance, budgeting, business valuation, and forecasting.
  • Key professional roles that require financial modeling skills include Investment Bankers, Private Equity Professionals, Real Estate Developers, Commercial Bankers, Equity Research Analysts, and Venture Capitalists.
  • Financial modeling serves as an organizational blueprint, assists in team growth, aids in communication with stakeholders, and helps in timing fundraising initiatives effectively.
  • Acquiring financial modeling skills can be done through various methods, including in-person classes, live online courses, and self-paced coursework.
  • Noble Desktop offers comprehensive training in financial modeling, with options for in-person, live online, and self-paced classes to suit different learning preferences and schedules.

Financial modeling is the process of summarizing an organization’s earnings and expenses using a spreadsheet. This information is then used to understand the impact of a future decision or event. A robust financial model offers a numeric snapshot of an organization’s past and current operations so that it can make forecasts for the future. Have you ever explored all of the things financial modeling can do?Financial models have a range of applications in industries such as finance, where they are used for tasks such as measuring stock performance, allocating capital, budgeting, business valuation, and forecasting.

Here, you’ll learn more about the careers that benefit from financial modeling and how it can enhance your professional life. Regardless of your overall goals, learning financial modeling is a valuable and impressive skill to add to your resume.

What is Financial Modeling?

Financial modeling is the process of evaluating a company’s past performance to predict the likelihood of various financial outcomes. Those who create financial models rely on financial forecasts to do so. The assumptions in a forecast are played out using the organization’s financial statements to predict how various statements may look in the future. Since these models are based on financial statements, they are typically generated monthly, quarterly, or yearly. It’s common for financial models to be constructed using manual data entry in an Excel spreadsheet.

Financial modeling is a valuable tool for estimating how a business or a specific project will perform based on relevant factors, as well as risk assumptions and growth, then evaluating their impact. This process helps to present a concise understanding of the variables used to make financial forecasts. Those who create financial models either build them from scratch or work with existing models, making changes based on newer data that’s become available since its creation. Because financial situations are complex and can change quickly and rapidly, financial modeling helps to create a detailed understanding of the different components.

Read more about what financial modeling is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do with Financial Modeling?

Without well-executed financial modeling, any business operation would be analogous to a ship floating aimlessly in the sea with no navigation system. Although one could use gut instinct to steer the ship in the correct direction, there would be no guarantee that this course would be accurate. The more sound a financial model is, the less unnecessary risk a business will likely encounter. And the less likely it will be to drift aimlessly.

Financial modeling has numerous applications across industries. Strong financial models are the backbone of many businesses and are a critical component to help them continue to grow and mitigate risk. Financial models provide a way to perform a detailed analysis of all possible financial outcomes of a business decision. These models seek to avoid loss as well as increase profits.

Financial modeling is a powerful tool for a range of financial analysis tasks. It can help an organization budget for the future and analyze the company’s performance against goals and targets. It also can be used for business valuation. Financial models allow individuals to compare one company’s performance against its competitors. It is often used to analyze financial statements, ratios, and capital structure, as well as to estimate financial metrics for new projects. Not only are these models imperative for solving problems, but they are used to make decisions about future outcomes. Some of the many decisions financial models can help with are estimating a company’s projected growth, organizing its budget, choosing investments, deciding between acquisition or merger, and deciding which projects should be prioritized.

Common Professional Uses for Financial Modeling

Financial modeling has always played an essential role in the field of finance. Now, more jobs outside of finance require financial modeling skills. Many finance professionals, such as Investment Bankers, Private Equity Professionals, and Research Analysts, use financial modeling. The following are some of the professions in which financial modeling skills are a must:

  • Investment Bankers create financial models for various tasks, such as evaluating mergers and acquisitions and the long-term impact of compounding debt.
  • Careers in private equity involve creating financial models for a leveraged buyout (LBO).
  • Individuals who work in real estate development must account for a range of variables, like financing, cash flow, and leverage. Financial modeling can help manage these variables.
  • Those who work in commercial banking use financial modeling when handling deposits or loans.
  • Equity Research Analysts create reports for bank clients pertaining to equity investing. Before creating a report, an Equity Research Analyst has to analyze publicly traded companies. Financial modeling plays a vital role in this analysis.
  • Venture capital companies provide companies at an early stage of development with the necessary capital for growth. When deciding which companies deserve funds, Venture Capitalists rely on tools like financial modeling to inform their decision-making process.
  • Another career in which financial modeling skills can play an important role is for those who work in a startup. One of the main issues facing startups is relying on an operating model with insufficient cash flow to make it from one round of funding to the next. Startup employees with a financial modeling background can ensure their organization doesn’t encounter this common obstacle.

Why Learn Financial Modeling?

Financial modeling is a useful skill for businesses across industries. Those with the training to create better financial models are critical to helping their business grow and mitigate risk.

In particular, these models have a range of applications for those working in finance. The following are just a few reasons why learning to create sound financial models can help you professionally:

Financial Modeling Can Create a Blueprint for an Organization

A strong financial model can serve as a blueprint of sorts for a business. It provides an outlet for entrepreneurs where they can record their ideas for the future of the business and flesh out a variety of considerations, such as how quickly the business may grow, how it will make money, and what expenses need to be budgeted for. A sound financial model can help provide answers to these questions. In addition, since creating a financial model can be a work in progress, it can be tweaked as those within an organization plan, prototype, and test a service or product.

Financial Models Help with Team Growth

One of the benefits of working with financial models is that they are both forward-looking and backward-looking. For a company to reach its goals, it must have sufficient people power to perform successful marketing and sales and produce a valued product or service. In addition, those within an organization must know when it’s best to execute a business plan and evaluate whether the business is growing at the rate of the plan. With the help of financial modeling, a company can avoid situations in which they suddenly realize they need to hire six new sales representatives this month. They can instead devise a more effective hiring strategy that takes place over months.

Communicating with Stakeholders

Not only are financial models used by CFOs, but they’re also an excellent tool for all organizational stakeholders to stay aware of plans. Investors, in particular, appreciate seeing a company’s vision clearly articulated and expressed. In addition, financial models with the most up-to-date numbers can deliver essential insights to other stakeholders, such as startup advisors, who can customize advice about the direction in which a business is going. Even internally, employees benefit from financial models because they are helpful for understanding where a business is headed and when to start networking for new hires.

Financial Modeling Helps Time Fundraising Initiatives

Any organization that has to raise capital knows that timing is everything. Waiting too long to fundraise can be dangerous because there’s no guarantee the initiative will be successful, whereas raising too much money can present the risk of unnecessarily diluting company shares. A financial model is vital for startups and other businesses to help them pick the right time to start raising capital. These models can identify the best time to secure an investment partner and when it’s time to stay the course and continue to grow.

How to Start Learning Financial Modeling

If you’re interested in learning more about financial modeling, a variety of in-person and live online study options are available from top educational providers. In-person financial modeling classes are an excellent option for extroverted learners who thrive in traditional classrooms. These hands-on classes provide a computer lab with the most up-to-date software. They are also a great way to network with other learners who are studying financial modeling. Courses are taught by expert instructors, who are available to answer questions as they arise and provide guidance on complex financial theories.

For those interested in studying financial modeling in a live environment but who don’t want to waste time or money commuting to and from campus, live online financial modeling courses are also offered. These classes provide the same quality of education as in-person study and access to an instructor in real-time but can be completed remotely from the comfort of your home or office. Participants in live online financial modeling classes complete real-world assignments and receive hands-on training from instructors with industry experience, just as they would in the classroom setting.

For individuals who need to balance their study of financial modeling with other commitments, such as full-time work or travel, self-paced coursework is for you. Unlike in-person and live online study, on-demand financial modeling classes are pre-recorded. Students can access the content at any time and from any location. Students can pause and rewind videos, which can help facilitate note-taking. Although it may be tricky to master complex financial modeling concepts like nested functions or VLOOKUP, self-paced courses are a good option for beginners looking to get started with financial modeling. In addition, self-paced material is a more affordable option. Some are even available for free from top providers.

For those who want to learn more about the stock market, Noble Desktop’s Stock Market Investing Fundamentals is a great place to start. This hour-long video is a great resource for investing fundamentals, such as what stocks and bonds are, how they are priced, and the basics of valuation. Noble also has more than 100 resources devoted exclusively to financial modeling. Noble’s provide a wealth of knowledge about stock options, capital markets, and foreign exchange. Noble’s Finance & FinTech YouTube playlist can also help you master specific financial modeling concepts and skills. You can also search for Financial Modeling classes close to home.

Read the full guide on how to learn financial marketing.

Learn Financial Modeling with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers several excellent learning options for those interested in studying financial modeling. Noble’s Financial Modeling Bootcamp covers the basics of accounting, finance, and corporate valuation. Those enrolled in this hands-on class work with Excel to create a discounted cash flow model. Students who don’t have a background in accounting or finance will be sent a short guide on terminology before class starts. All participants should have intermediate Excel proficiency as a prerequisite.

Noble’s Financial Analyst Training Program provides learners with instruction on pertinent corporate and financial concepts and how to create a full valuation model. This intensive program teaches core Excel skills, like how to work with PivotTables and shortcuts, as well as advanced Excel techniques, including cash flow projection tools and Goal Seek. All students will create an integrated, three-statement financial model based on current financial data.

Noble also offers financial modeling training courses in-person and live online. Those interested in learning more about how to use Excel for modeling can attend the Excel Bootcamp. In addition, FinTech courses such as Python for Data Science Bootcamp, Algorithmic Trading With Python, and FinTech Bootcamp are also available. Noble’s FinTech Bootcamp provides hands-on training from expert instructors in creating machine learning models, using programming languages like SQL and Python to analyze financial data, and working with various types of data, such as integers, strings, and floats. One-on-one mentoring and the option of a free course retake is included for all participants.

Key Insights

  • Financial modeling offers stakeholders a snapshot of how an organization has performed in the past and how it’s doing now. This information can then forecast what is likely to come in the future.
  • There are many internal and external benefits to creating sound financial models. They provide a blueprint for an organization and help teams grow. They also can help with the timing of fundraising initiatives.
  • Financial models can also clearly articulate a company’s vision, which is vital to investors.
  • You can receive comprehensive financial modeling training through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop.
Why Learn Financial Modeling? (2024)


Why Learn Financial Modeling? ›

Financial modeling offers stakeholders a snapshot of how an organization has performed in the past and how it's doing now. This information can then forecast what is likely to come in the future.

Why should I learn financial modeling? ›

The main goal of financial modeling is to accurately project a company's future financial performance. Modeling can be useful for valuing companies, determining whether a company should raise capital or grow the business organically or through acquisitions.

What is financial modelling and how is it useful? ›

Financial modeling is a representation in numbers of a company's operations in the past, present, and the forecasted future. Such models are intended to be used as decision-making tools. Company executives might use them to estimate the costs and project the profits of a proposed new project.

How would you describe your financial modeling skills? ›

The most effective way to describe your experience with financial modeling is to emphasize your ability to create accurate and comprehensive financial models that provide valuable insights for decision-making.

Why do you like financial modeling? ›

A practical tool to understand and evaluate a business

A well-designed model can offer beneficial insights into the functioning of a company. It helps financial analysts take a 360-degree look at the different aspects of a business. You begin to unravel trends and patterns.

What are the benefits of learning financial analysis? ›

Financial analysis is a cornerstone of making smarter, more strategic decisions based on the underlying financial data of a company. Whether corporate, investment, or technical analysis, analysts use data to explore trends, understand growth, seek areas of risk, and support decision-making.

What are the outcomes of financial modeling? ›

It involves the development of a comprehensive set of projections for future performance based on historical data and assumptions. Financial models serve as dynamic tools that help businesses make informed decisions by assessing the potential impact of various scenarios on their financial outcomes.

What is the most important part of a financial model? ›

Revenue growth rate can be one of the most important assumptions in a financial model. Small variances in top-line growth can mean big variances in earnings per share (EPS), cash flows, and therefore stock valuation. For this reason, analysts must pay a lot of attention to getting the top-line projection right.

What is the future of financial modeling? ›

The Future of Financial Modelling

In the future, financial modelling will use more data-driven methods. It will advance with the help of data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies will make financial models more accurate and efficient.

Can I learn financial modeling on my own? ›

Can I learn financial modeling myself? Yes, it is possible without taking any help, just follow the steps mentioned above and you will get sufficient knowledge and skills to develop a basic level of financial models.

How to become proficient in financial modeling? ›

Become a Financial Modeling Expert
  1. Adopt efficient learning practices. ...
  2. Focus on variables consistent across industries. ...
  3. Income Statement:
  4. Balance Sheet:
  5. Cash Flow Statement:
  6. Become proficient at building the model types described in the ASM Core Curriculum Overview. ...
  7. Focus on vocabulary. ...
  8. Practice with real data.

How do you describe financial modeling on a resume? ›

Include specific examples of financial models you've created, such as discounted cash flow (DCF) models, three-statement models, or merger and acquisition models. Highlight any advanced Excel skills you possess, such as pivot tables, macros, and complex formulae that you have used in your financial modeling projects.

Who should know financial Modelling? ›

Banks, equity firms, business organizations, and credit rating agencies, all require the services of financial modeling experts who would help them make astute decisions where their business is concerned.

What does a financial model tell you? ›

Financial Modeling Definition: A financial model is a spreadsheet-based abstraction of a real company that helps you estimate the company's future cash flows, financing requirements, valuation, and whether or not you should invest in the company; models are also used to assess the viability of acquisitions and the ...

Is learning financial modeling worth it? ›

Yes, financial modelling certification can enhance job prospects for fresh graduates by making them more competitive, showcasing practical skills, and opening doors to roles in investment banking, equity research, and corporate finance.

Why are you interested in modelling career? ›

you may have many reasons why you want to be a model, such as travel and experience opportunities or a true passion for the industry. Helping to show what makes you passionate about modeling will help you to stand out when you are at casting calls or meeting with agents.

How hard is it to learn financial modeling? ›

Learning financial modeling is challenging due to the complex formula logic and hidden assumptions involved. It requires technical and mathematical skills, as well as problem-solving and decision-making abilities. Financial modeling is more challenging to learn than accounting and investing.

Is financial modeling a hard skill? ›

You normally need to gain advanced Excel proficiency abilities, have an understanding of accounting and business, and be able to design simple models if you want to become proficient at financial Modeling. Compared to taking a course, learning financial Modeling on your own involves more work.

Why is financial modeling important in startups? ›

By building a startup financial model, new businesses have an in-depth look at their financial health, and they can use this tool to project revenues, set financial goals, and even attract investors.

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